Blogs from Florence, Tuscany, Italy, Europe - page 185


Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence May 30th 2004

(Entry added January 28, 2006) We headed for a day and a half trip to Florence which was several hours by car away, we made pretty good time, thanks to the Autostrada. Joining us were our neighbors Nick and Janel, and their little boy Xander, and also a friend, Ross. We probably should have made hotel arrangements ahead of time, but we found a place on the opposite side of the Arno that wasn't too far away walking from all the main 'attractions'. We found a nice little place to eat with an outside patio, and I stayed safe and went with the lasagna. Man, it was good! It was starting to get dark at this point, so we all got a feel for the bearings of everything and went back to rest up for the ... read more
In front of Santa Maria Novella

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence February 11th 2004

Chapter 10 A Taste of Medicine Hostel rooms must be vacated by 9.30am, which would not have been a problem if lack of sleep hadn’t prevented a comfortable first night at the monastery. It was 12.30 before Martin entered the room the night before. All the lights had been turned off, it was so dark he couldn’t even see his bed. So fumbling in the pitch black trying to ascertain the location of his bed, trying not too awaken the Japanese who were obviously settled, he finally managed to find what he assumed was his bed. Fortunately it was the correct one, but trying to undress is no easy task on a bottom bunk without disturbing the unfortunate chap on the top bunk. Eventually he managed it and with his head to the pillow, sleep was ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence February 10th 2004

Chapter 9 “Where’s Florence?” said Zebedee Rise and shine! Well they arose but the sun wasn’t exactly shining. They were off to Florence today. (both of them had been looking forward to seeing Florence). They caught the bus to the station and managed to catch the 10.59am direct train to Florence. However in the rush, they had both forgotten to validate their tickets, a common practice in Europe, having to validate rather than forgetting to. The guard gave them a very Italian telling off but fortunately felt enough compassion not to fine them. Martin had finally managed to reach the point where he was up to date in his journal, a task more difficult to achieve than at first thought. His brother Steve turned 35 today, making him reflect on how quick their lives were passing ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence July 9th 2003

the computer just ate my really great blog... yesterday we went to the pitti palace which has the best celings i have ever seen, carvings turn to paintings. then to the synagouge for a break from crosses, and a pretty place where i understood all the symbolism. then we saw the david, its huge. today was uffsi day... lots of old painting, more crosses, starting to learn the saints... st. sebastian is the one with all the bows sticking out of him... the paintings in france were better taken care of took the day off from gelato... outta time, sorry so short... later... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence July 7th 2003

I had a really good title in mind but I can't think of It now. Yeah we got up at 4am this morning to get to florence. We've been walking ever since. I'm very tired and my feet hurt. We met Lauren and Rob yesterday in Pisa which was good then we went to the beach which was fun too. Florence is really expensive. We went to 4 or 5 places today all of which cost 4-6€ to get in and the hostel was way more than we usually pay. On top of all that I somehow managed to lose a 50€ bill today which really hurt. That's about it because I'm too tired and hungry to write a good entry. Caren wrote a really detailed entry you can read here about our past 2 days ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence June 26th 2003

Florence. The city of light, the city of art. The city where the famous dome arches high above cobble streets, and David stands proudly in his piazza. At least his fake, because they removed the original David to a museum where you have to pay a fortune to see him. Ponte Vecchio, Santa Maria della Novela, and tons of Renaissance arts and architectures. But instead of experiencing it all, our day started in Villa Medici (c. 1671) in Fiesole. We were so antsy about having done with school work for the day and exploring Florence that was within our sights. From the Villa, we could see the terra cotta color Duomo in a distance, and like Jason described it, we felt like cats with a little fish waving in front of us. "Duomo ... duomo ... ... read more
Il Pontevecchio

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence March 18th 2003

man we wish we had more time here! but we saw the david, the tombs of galileo michelangelo dante and machiavelli (not tupac, he's alive), santa croce, the duomo, ghiberti's gates of paridise... etc etc. pictures to come. but this is where the renaissance was born so it was reallz interesting to see. good ol michelangelo grew up here so we saw some of his greatest works here too. man, that boz was talented! ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence December 30th 2002

Monday (Temp. 14deg. Cloudy but fine) Mmm warm day, 14degC. Only t-shirt and jacket. Went to train station to check timetable. Bloody streets still full of tourists. Found supermarket (stroke of good luck), stocked up on 1.5L of chianti, bread, ham & cheese (again). Stumbled on English book exchange shop, purchased books (thank the Lord). Back to fray, stopped at Angie's pub for drink. Onto Ponte Vecchio & Palazzo Pitti and markets. Returned to hotel, food, more chianti and Italian lessons with Thea.... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence December 29th 2002

Sunday (Temp. 12deg. Overcast, drizzly) Breakfast in different hotel. Simple, nice coffee, best we have had. Back to hotel to go to toilet. Hit the streets, Duomo etc, Ponte Vecchio, Michelangelo lookout (nice view). Very very busy and crowded. Florence impressive, better if crowds were less. Lunch, pasta at fast food Italian style restaurant. Stroll expensive but nice, especially the wine. Takeaway pizza (dude cut pizza with scissors) more chianti, retired to room watched MTV, only thing in English on 25 channels. ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence December 28th 2002

Saturday (Temp. 8deg. Cloudy & Raining) Walked to train station in the rain. Rob got soaked. Thea had umbrella, wouldn't share. Caught train 10am to Firenze, pleasant journey. Italians friendly. Arrived Florence, very very busy. I'll say it again, very busy. Hotel room very nice (Palozzo Ruspoli Hotel), right near Duomo. Duomo impressive. Went for short walk. Retired early. Ate remainder of travel food for dinner.... read more

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