Blogs from Florence, Tuscany, Italy, Europe - page 184


Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence September 13th 2004

Today we departed for Firenze (Florence). We stopped off at the Fragonard Perfumerie in Grasse this morning for a demonstration on how they produce their perfumes. Grasse is cradled by hills, with views out to sea, and surrounded by fields of lavender, mimosa, jasmine and roses. It has been the centre of the world's perfume industry since the 16th-century, when Catherine de' Médici started the fashion for perfume-scented leather gloves. As well as Grasse's perfume industry, it was also the centre for leather tanning. The perfume houses which were founded in the 18th and 19th-century, including Fragonard, are still in business today, though the perfumes are made mostly from imported flowers or chemical essences. Fragonard was given its name, after Jean-Honoré Fragonard, a famous local artist. How is perfume made? The best perfumes begin as a ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence September 13th 2004

So much happens in a few days that it is impossible for me to share everything I would like to. I have to let it all sift down to figure out what is important for me to share with you, but also what will settle are pieces of information, or images, or smells that will stick to me and reveal themselves later. I will go back a few days to tell you about last Friday. The museums and churches in Firenze are sometimes disguised in plain clothes. Right around the corner from the place where I use email, and go the market, is San Lorenzo and the Capelli Medici, both buildings disguised in plain stone, boasting very little if nothing at all...but inside the Capelli Medici were 4 of Michelangelo's great sculptures (which I stood and ... read more
The ceilings in San Lorenzo
details-San Lorenzo
San Lorenzo

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence September 9th 2004

I'm not getting so lost anymore. I can now actually leave my apartment and end up at the place that I intended on visiting, without losing myself along the way. This is the first feeling that a city is little more manageable. This morning, I met with the director of a school here in Firenze that teaches comic art. Amazing stuff these young people learn-and I had a meeting to show what little drawings I have brought with me to him. Although there are no positions now for teachers, he said there is always a chance and I also expressed interest in aiding as well...we'll see! Also, last night, I had dinner with Lorenzo, who is the man that I am renting my apartment from. He lives in the next building, a magnificently modern apartment with ... read more
sunset from my terrace
Duomo-inside looking up
Mercato Centrale-meat stand

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence September 7th 2004

More observations: * Cobble stones are tricky to walk on...and many woman seem to aim every step in their tiny heeled shoes with grace and perfect coordination. * Women and men, old and young, wearing sequined dresses, mini skirts and tiny off-the-shoulder tanktops or sports attire ALL ride bicycles or motorinos. * I went out for a some drinks last night at a hot spot that plays American music and Italian remakes. My friend and I started with Spumante, an apperitif. I noticed that along with the shelves full of liquors are also long sets of shiny metal espresso makers. * Italians swear at each other often- at least with the gesture of their hands if not with words. * Everyone smokes, inside and outside. * A cafe is an espresso. People love it, as much ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence September 6th 2004

Last night I felt in me the rise of loneliness. Yesterday I planned on walking to an area called Oltrarno, across the Arno river, to another part of Firenze more with street more quiet, calm and filled with beauty. As things have proved themselves to me so far, I happen upon the most mysterious and amazing things by chance. So a walk through the quiet streets in Oltrarno (a Sunday afternoon) let me to a modest church where inside are the famous frescoes by Massaccio. Not only did I watch a small cinema about their origin, but I was able to see the frescoes myself...smaller in life, more as abundant in color, detail and an acute observation and honesty about life. The Brancachi chapel is small-and the frescoes depict St.Peter (I hope I have the correct ... read more
admiration-internal San Miniato
Finding art
Massaccio-Capelli Brancacci

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence September 4th 2004

Today I woke up at 10am after my first good sleep...I figured out how to use the air conditioner to drown out the city might activity and to cool my room a bit. Last night I happened to walk by the church Orsan Michele and a man told me that the evening's concert was free or "gratis". Incredible!!! I wandered into one of the closest piazza's, alive with music every night-the usual band serenading the crowd, enlivening children, amusing tourists and even native Florentines. This band is energetic, enthusiastic and quite talented. They are Romanian and play upbeat, jazzy versions of old Italian tunes as well as popular jazz tunes American-style. 10 minutes later, I went to the church for the free concert and for 90 minutes was transported to a beautiful place-with a classical guitar ... read more
Boboli Gardens- statue
Uffizzi-under construction

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence September 3rd 2004

Observations: * Bra straps show regularly, under shirts translucent as white wine. * This is HIGH FASHION, people. Every big name, in a big store, with beautiful people sitting on marble and glass benches. * The bells from the duomo (the huge, main cathedral in the center of Firenze) begin ringing at 7am. A beautiful way to awaken. * Women never wear shorts. Older women wear dresses and tasteful, often large, jewelry. In general, there are many great looking people here. Beautiful skin and large features, even with no make-up. * I passed a street yesterday where I heard a woman practicing operatic pieces, somewhere  few stories up, with open windows. It sounded like she may have been having difficulty with one particular note, as she sung and resung the phrase several times. Some sharps and ... read more
Artists Studios
from my apartment

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence September 1st 2004

This is my 2nd full day in Italy, and there is no way to explain the quantity of what I've seen, how much I've been talking, or the quality of this incredible, beautiful, tiring experience. I am one lucky young woman. Ok. So Zia Chiara left 2 hours ago. My apartment in Florence is one that any Fiorentino would admire. My terrace overlooks a major street near the Piazza del Duomo, and my entrance is on Via di Calzaiouli...a street that leads directly to the Piazza, and is filled with gelaterias, pizzerias, negozi per i richi (the rich) e per i turisti (not way :) ). Zia Chiara and I already found a telefonino (cell phone) that I can rent for a cheap price at a student center, the SAME place I am writing from ... read more
the view from my terrace
it portico
a bit of street

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence July 14th 2004

Summer in Florence attracts the largest crowds. Most impressive about Florence is its Duomo, said to be the 4th largest cathedral in the world... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence June 22nd 2004

Only 6-7 hours in Florence ... man, it was a crazy whirlwind tour. More importantly, it was the worst day I've had since I started traveling. Everything that could go wrong did! The trains/station workers were on strike from 9 to 5pm, so we had to wait in line for nearly an hour to get our reservations for the train to Venice. once we finally made it out of the station, it was nearly 12pm. Making our way to the Uffizi, we wandered around the Duomo, since we couldn't go in. (Shorts guarantee that you will be turned away from any church you wish to tour ... I thought we learned out lesson from the St. Peter's incident.) So, we walked towards the Uffizi. Lo and behold, Chris couldn't get in ... it was his only must-see ... read more
Ponte Vecchio

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