hostel and crazy rain

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Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence
June 17th 2010
Published: June 17th 2010
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well, I'm just hanging around waiting for the pool at my hostel to open... thats right I said pool and hostel in the same sentence! So nice, just wish it opened earlier!

Went out today, was sunny and nice! Walked though the city center and ponte veccio again! Suddenly it was like bombs going off. Big booms. Then I realized it was thunder! It started to sprinkle, and i thought, not really enough to get my umbrella out... and as soon as I finished that thought it started to down pour, then hail, then the wind picked up like crazy and I had to duck into a little tratoria for a coffee and wait it out! The thunder was so loud! I was soaked in the 1 minute it took me to get cover!!!

But it settled down and I made it back to the hostel where I am waiting to use the pool, steam and jacuzzi!!!! Crazy huh! and it's not all that expensive here!

Anyway! hugs everyone!

(oh and by the way I can you actually believe I try cow's tongue!!! YUCK!)


19th June 2010

Hi there, finally made my way to your blog. Your Dad is in Alaska again on the "great treasure hunt". Everything is normal here, and always fun to read what you are doing. Love, Cathy

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