Ruins of Pompeii

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May 2nd 2005
Published: May 2nd 2005
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Alright people, i got to see the ruins of pompeii which was really interesting. There were 4 casts and were pretty eerie because their arms were covering their faces and you could almost feel bad for them. Then we went to the Herculaneum which is further from Mt. Vesuvius so it was much more intacts and had tons of actual artifcats from 2000 years ago...really awesome. I took a bunch of pics so dont worry.

Hmm...what else... we got some pizza and more gelato

Ischia yesterday was really nice and i needed just a day to relax on the beach and not walking all over and seeing sights. The two girls Im traveling with are leaving tomorrow so I intend to head back up to Rome. 3 other people I met today at Pompeii are heading up to Rome tomorrow also and asked if I wanted to go but I havent seen them since so I may jsut make the trip solo.

Im pretty worn out but just wanted to check in and let you know what im up to.


3rd May 2005

Having fun!!
Yo kid whats happening? I can see that your having a great time over there traveling the world so to speak. I figured that Italy would be a great place to go, actually is on my list of trips to take. But anyways, bring back so awesome pictures for all of us to see. Alright man just wanted to make contact, Peace out playa--Diddy - Diddy

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