Lovin Italy

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May 1st 2005
Published: May 1st 2005
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Sorry guys ive been busy lately and havent really had a chance to get on here. For the record Italy is the greatest country on earth. I spent 2 full days in Rome and decided to head down to Naples with a couple people that I met and I think im gonna head back to rome in a couple days for another 2 days since theyre leaving to go back to london on tuesday. Its been cool having people to travel with for a few days. The hostel in rome was awesome, there was a bar downstairs and happy hour from 7-8 so everyone was down there and talkin to each other, exactly what ive been looking for. Im hoping there'll be room there in a couple days when i get back there.

I saw quite a bit in the two days I was there, St.Peters Basilica which was amazing and the Sistine Chapel was really impressive. probably the first time I really appreciated a piece of art to be honest. It helped that I had areally good tour guide who explained everything to us. I did a tour of the Colisseum, Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum and walked all over the place. Ive eaten quite a bit gelato, definitely the best ice cream ever. the first 2 times i got it from places in touristy areas and wasnt that impressed but then found out places that are kinda known for it and where they make it all there and its amazing. We actually went searching for one place in Rome Giolitti and got really lost and spent 3 hours trying to find the place. The maps dont have all the streets nor are there names on them all so its pretty difficult. My feet were killing me by the time we got back. Ive been going to sleep pretty late and wakin up early so its been catching up to me a bit.

Today we're about to get on a ferry to Ischia which is near Capri but supposedly is better for beaches and such so thats where we're going. Im actually really liking Naples, from what i ehard i was expecting the worst but its actually a really fun and exciting city and the people are so friendly. 5 people yesterday came up to us and although no one here in naples speaks english they tried to help us anyway. And its given me a chance to try my hand at speaking italian. We went to the top of some hill yesterday and got a beer and watched the sunset which was awesome. This is what ive been waiting for on this trip... alright we gotta go get the ferry so ill try posting again in a day or so.

Id try to call home but the PIN still isnt working and its like 2 euro a minute to call the States so i guess ill look into getting a phone card...

I love and miss you all...glad uve all been reading my posts

this is only a little bit of whats been going on and ill try to post more later or just fill you all in on everything when i get back

Talk to you soon



2nd May 2005

I knew Italy would be awesome. I hope you are taking a fewpictures at least, that is the one place in the world I would choose to go. Glad to hear you are having such a good time. Maybe before you travel again you can work on you map skills!! Later bro, have a great time. Your posts always make me laugh. - Chris
14th November 2005

where should I stay in rome?
heyy, your story encouraged me:)I was just planning a trip to Italy early of January. Well I was wondering the hostel in rome which u mentioned above..and any other useful advice for my italy trip would make me appreciated to you:) Gozde gozde@calipsoreklam.com

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