last entry from napoli

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April 18th 2008
Published: April 18th 2008
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hi all,

thanks for all the messages u are all sending us, keeping us updated with how ur all doing at home, its nice to hear. this is the last night we are spending in napoli, and so thought id give u a final update of our stay.
today we got up early to go to the bus stop with arth as he headed home today, flying home from napoli airport at midday. annoyingly, for the half hour of the day that it threw it down with rain, we were walking to and from the busstop for the airport, so we said goodbye to arth in the pouring rain down by the marina. after breaky we thought we'd do something inside for the day, to get out of rain, and so got the subbway to the arch. museum, but by the time we got there the rain had stopped and the sun was out, so we looked pretty cool in our pack-a-maks! the museo was good, and is one of the best in the world, due to its stuff from hurc. and pompei, so was packed from amazing stuff, but the only guide that was available in english was 25 quid, so we didnt have as much info as we would have liked. maybe bad planning on our part, but we were planning to got to porcida, but due to rain decided we would hope for sun 2moro and do it then. the erotic section was off limits in the museum unless u made a booking, which of course was the first thing we did. it turns out that the greeks and the romans were pretty kinky, and with lots of 60 yr old hippie german couples taking pictures of the statues of men taking advantage of goats. very amusing on a rainy day. we hit the train station after that, to pick up our tickets for palermo, which we get at 10pm 2mo night and get there at 8am on sun. wandered through old town and back home for a nap. got back, and jeff, the aussie fella dads age who is staying in our room and who had kindly taken our laundry to the laudrette with his stuff this morning, asked me to go with him in the car(!) to pick the stuff up and naples in a car was an experience in itself! cooking 2night for a few drinking pals in the hostel 2nite, keep it on the cheap for the night. went out to our fav rest. last night for arths last night, and ended up chatting to the chef and a local couple next to us (in italian!!) about the local food, culture etc, and the chef even gave me his recipe for his tomato ricotta knocchi! good night all round id say!
right, thats all, guna go and wake kerry up from her afternoon nap, as the wine is starting to open around me! getting ferry to the island of procida 2mo, leaving our stuff locked up in the hostel after check out of the hostel. hopefully we can get to the net in palermo, but who knows. love to all,


ps, mum, arth says give him a ring 2night or 2mo morning to arrange when he can come round for tea and tell tales of trip and show photos. i suggested sunday dinner? let him know anyway, if not sunday, he is off work until weds, so he says he can do those days if not sun. x


24th April 2008

Long legged Italy, kicked little Sicily, into the mediterranean sea.

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