Day 8 Dublin to Tralee

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Europe » Ireland » County Dublin
September 20th 2006
Published: September 26th 2006
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We are going to divide and conquer today. We have 6 people and 2 ½ hours in Dublin before we catch the train to meet the McGinty’s in Tralee. Of course Mike and I are in charge of the Guiness Brewrey. One amazing place . The land the huge facility is on was leased in the 1700's for the sum of 45 pounds a year for 9000 years. Quite a good business move. The end of the tour is the very best. At the top of the 7th floor is a 360 degree glassed in lounge. What a beautiful view of Dublin. We met a gentleman from Australia, a young lady from Washington, and I spent about ½ hour just taking photos. We left Dublin at 1:00 and arrived in Tralee to the greeting s of the Mc Gintys at the train station . They led us through the winding streets to our little B&B. We went to dinner down the street before we went to the little pub downstairs from the B & B and listened to some traditional Irish music. A woman on guitar, and a young man of 16 on a squeeze box, and wow We were definitely enjoying the people and the culture . Our B&B was not our favorite, but we still had a great time. The rooms were really small, but the beds did fit.( Just barely) Well we are ready for tomorrow and our first road trip in Ireland.


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