Goodbye ireland!

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Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin
October 29th 2005
Published: May 22nd 2009
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Tomorrow night it is time to say goodbye to IReland Entirely!.. our bus leaves at 4 am to go to our ryan air flight to Edinburgh Scotland.

Our dilemma tonight would be that ryan air flights only allow 1 bag 30 lbs only (before leaving home we each were allowed 2 bags, 60 lb capacity so u could imagine how much luggage we already had, not too add everything we had bought in ireland already).. anything else would make us have to pay overage charges.. Well.. we didnt want that to happen so professor sands said that we had to shove all of our stuff together and fit as many bags into each others as we can. I think we spent like 5 hours doing this. Mr. Sands, then took as many bags as he could and shoved it into his rental car(he was taking a ferry over to scotland while we all flew) so... this is what were left with.. we all have 1 bag a peice, out of 25 students and 1 carry on... well see how this goes with poundage tomorrow at the airport =

The rest of the night we spent seeing the irish dancers.
irish dancersirish dancersirish dancers

they really make music with their feet

Who goes to ireland doesnt see the irish dancers!? here are some pics...


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