Blogs from Akureyri, North, Iceland, Europe - page 3


Europe » Iceland » North » Akureyri September 25th 2018

Cette nuit non prévue à l'hôtel KEA d'Akureyri nous a fait du bien à tous... Après un bon dîner tout à côté de l'hôtel où chacun s'offrait le plat de son choix, les amitiés se sont encore forgées un peu plus... on commence à sentir que la fin du voyage approche et on pense tout doucement à s'échanger les adresses mails.... Aujourd'hui nous commencerons tout doucement à nous diriger vers l'Est puis redescendre direction Rykjavik mais heureusement il y a encore pas mal de belles choses à faire avant d'y arriver. Nous traverserons des terres agricoles, des rivières glaciaires et un fjord scénique. Mais avant tout cela Andris nous fait visiter le jardin botanique d'Akureyri. C'est le jardin botanique situé le plus au Nord au monde ! Il est temps de parler de la deuxième plus ... read more
quittons l'hôtel et son parking voisin
art de rue

Europe » Iceland » North » Akureyri September 24th 2018

Les paysages sont intenses... il faut donc deux blogs par journée d'excursion.... Nous arrivons alors après être passés par le lac de Myvatn au col de Namaskard. Námaskarð, toponyme islandais signifiant littéralement en français « col de la mine », est un petit col d'Islande franchissant la Námafjall. Situé à l'est du Mývatn, au sud-sud-ouest de la caldeira du Krafla et juste au nord-ouest du sit... read more
magie de la terre

Europe » Iceland » North » Akureyri August 14th 2018

I’m up early again, working on the blog ahead of the alarm that we’ve set. Things aren’t looking all that good outside, and I think that we are both concerned about being able to get into the harbor for tendering today. We head up to the Lido and grab our typical “Tour Day” breakfast. After four weeks on board the Rotterdam we seem to be hitting our stride. Maybe a 2020 World Tour isn’t such a far-fetched idea after all. The fog horn blared. As we eat pool side we begin to notice some small breaks in the fog, and then some daylight above, and before we were done eating we could see Akureyri, and we had arrived. There were a ton of people waiting to go on the “Jewels of Iceland” tour. Probably many tons ... read more
John at Godafoss
Lake Myvan
Lake Myvan

Europe » Iceland » North » Akureyri August 6th 2018

This morning the ship docked in Akureyri at 7am and I needed to be ready to head off on my tour, Taste of Akureyri, at 8am so I ordered breakfast to be delivered to my room whilst I got ready. Today we disembarked onto a dock, which was something new! It was cold and raining in Akureyri but we were quickly moved onto our bus for the tour. Our guide was a local person and was very knowledgeable but also hilarious! As we drove along the Fjord he explained to us what life was like living in Iceland and in particular, this very northwestern part of the island. We stopped off at a village that was at the end of the fjord so that we could take photos looking back towards Akureyri. Stunning! We then drive ... read more
On our way to Hrisy Island
Loading us all onto the wagon that is towed by the tractor!
The church on Hrisey

Europe » Iceland » North » Akureyri July 29th 2018

Cestou pres Husavik, kde se zastavime nekdy v budoucnu, jsme prejeli do parku Jökulsárgljúfur. Cekaly nas tri zastavky. Nejdrive jsme prosli oblast Hljodaklettar, kde vzniklo zajimave skalni mestecko z skal z cedicovych sloupu. Mezi nimi vede stezka, kolem ktere je strasne moc hub. Ja sice k houbam mam pomerne rezervovany vztah, ale v Katce se probudil ceskoslovensky pud, kdy nesebrat houbu znamena ochudit rodinu. Nastesti nemela tak velkou nusi, jinak to tam sklizi jeste doted. Nejaka jeskyne (podstatne vetsi nez ty u Viku) ji nemohla tak zaujmout. Cesta jeste mela vest na lokalni kraterovy kopecek Roudholar, ale nevedla, protoze ho uz turisti moc rozslapali. Cesta na druhou zastavku byla tak klikata a rozbita, ze nejspis jeste pamatovala vikingske doby. O to vetsi prekvapeni tak bylo, kdyz najednou se na obzoru objevil bagr a za nim fungl ... read more
Poloprofil jedne skaly
Mistni potucek
Dettifoss - fakt velky vodopad

Europe » Iceland » North » Akureyri July 11th 2018

After a good night sleep at the Hotel Jokull we enjoyed a good selection for our free breakfast before hitting the road again towards Egilsstaðir. Our first stop was after just a few kilometres in the town of Höfn. While Chris and Adrienne picked up a few supplies in the Bonus grocery store, I walked by the shore for some photography. Back on the road we continued to follow Hwy 1 along the tops of the cliffs by the ocean. We dropped down to the beach after a while and walked around on the volcanic black rocks, pebbles and sand. Nearest the parking lot, the stones were 2 to 4 inches across, smooth and flat with rounded edges; much like the ones used for hot stone massages. As we walked towards the water the stones became ... read more
Fossardalur Blue Waterfall
Icelandic horse
Hengifoss waterfall

Europe » Iceland » North » Akureyri July 2nd 2018

One of the highlights of the trip for me was whale watching from Husavik, Iceland's whale watching capital. We saw at least a dozen whales, and many essentially swam right past the boat, which I haven't seen on prior trips. Grettislaug was also a highlight - a farm, campsite and set of hot pools at the end of a long bumpy road - it was really peaceful, and I had the hot pools to myself for a few hours in the morning.... read more
Our whale watching boat - Husavik is considered the whale watching center of Iceland
Whales (also, blue sky appeared :)

Europe » Iceland » North » Akureyri October 23rd 2017

Having had the day off driving yesterday I took the first shift of the long drive today. We left the house before it got light but after a bowl of porridge and stopped off at Kirkjufellfoss which was pretty but it was still too dark for photos. We then stopped briefly in Grundarfjörđur to get petrol before heading along the gravel route 54 through the impressive Bersekjahraun larva field. This got poor Sigi (hire car) rather dirty! As the driving got more boring I handed over to Chavaunne who drove us to Kolugirljufur falls. We had lunch in the car before braving the wind to admire the falls. We deviated on route 1 to take the 744 around Tindastoll (where we failed to see any trolls, giants or monsters as promised by the book!) then the ... read more
Heeding the warning signs!
Kolugirljufur falls
Troll under Kolugirljufur bridge

Europe » Iceland » North » Akureyri June 12th 2017

Heute morgen habe ich noch ein Missgeschick bemerkt: Ich habe die Ladestation meiner elektrischen Zahnbürste in Reykjavik vergessen. Das hat mich wirklich geärgert. Diese Zahnbürste war nicht besonders teuer und ich habe sie 2013 gekauft und war damit schon in vielen Hotels. Aber trotzdem hat mir das überhaupt nicht gefallen. Während des Tages habe ich mir für die verbleibenden Tage noch eine normale Zahnbürste gekauft, auch wenn man die elektrische auch als manuelle benutzen kann. Wir sind dann also um etwa 08:30 losgefahren und haben nach einiger Zeit an einem erloschenen Vulkankrater Halt gemacht. Dort sind wir auch hinaufgestiegen. Danach sind wir ein ganzes Stück weiter gefahren und haben dann die Mittagspause gemacht. Ich habe mir ein Hotdog, diese Zahnbürste und wie gestern auch schon dieses isländische Milchprodukt namens Skyr gekauft. Und zwar in der trinkbaren ... read more
Spaziergang am Strand.
Entlang der Küste.
Der Eyjafjördur ist der längste Fjord Islands.

Europe » Iceland » North » Akureyri July 7th 2016

Geo: 65.6839, -18.1105This morning we are to meet Mary, our tour leader from Cruise Critic, at 9:45am in the Ocean Bar where our group of 8 will assemble and leave the ship for a day long excursion. We gained another hour of sleep back last night which is nice. We have our breakfast in the Lido and head to the the Ocean Bar, stopping by the room to drop off my milk for later tonight. Milk is difficult to get any other time but breakfast and I like to have cookies and milk in the evenings before bed. I try to get an extra milk when I remember and keep a few extras in our room refrigerator for later. I digress. At the bar by 9:30, we are the first to arrive and it's not until ... read more
Mom is Ready to Go. Let's Do This!
Mom at Godafoss Falls
Our Tour Van for Akureyri, Iceland

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