Leaving for Oktoberfest!

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September 19th 2007
Published: September 19th 2007
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I left Ios yesterday and am now in Athens, Greece staying with some friends. We were planning on going to Budapest before we left for Oktoberfest, but flights were way too expensive. Instead, we stayed in a really cool area in Athens called Glyfada for a day and a half.

Glafada is beautiful and I wish we had known about it before staying in shitty Pireaus. It is a beach town with little to no tourists. Our friend works at a pub and let us crash at his place. One of the best things about Glafada? THE SWEETS! They sell these amazing cookies everywhere. They also sell eclairs, cakes, and a gazillion other deserts that look a lot like Brazilian deserts.

Tomorrow we are off to Munich for Oktoberfest. We are meeting about 10 people from Ios, so it will be kind of like a little reunion. 😊 We are probably staying at the campground for the first 2 days, then we are staying with a friend.

I have some news...I dyed my hair! I went to a supermarket in Ios, bought some light brown dye, and Michelle dyed my hair. It is darker than I have had it in years and...I LOVE IT! I dont look as pale as u would expect bc we sat at the beach everyday in Ios.

I have a gazillion funny stories from Ios...but I will save them for another time. I DO want to tell you about a few people I met in Ios. They are all so great that I have to share.

I think that is enough for now! We are going out to dinner with Ian and Sam so I got to go.

I hope all is well...I am still working on uploading pictures! :S




19th September 2007

I miss you girls, please come home and rescue me!
Meesh and Tata, I miss you tons!!!! Tati, I have been keeping up with all your blogs and I love it. I wish I was there with both of you. Meesh, I got your post card, Thank you :) I'm sitting here at work wishing that I could do what you two ladies are doing, someday, oh someday. You ladies enjoy your time in Europe and keep me posted on how much more time you stay and where you'll be, maybe I'll pack my bags and join you. I love you both, Leo

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