Blogs from Gibraltar, Europe - page 3


Europe » Gibraltar May 3rd 2016

This morning we went to Pileta Caves just a 30 minute drive outside of Ronda, it was a road with lots of curves and beautiful scenery. The first tour was suppose to leave at 10:00 and we arrived right at 10:00 to be informed that we had to wait for at least 25 people to arrive or 11:30 whichever came first. 11:30 it was and we had a group of 16 that went on the tour. We had a very knowledgeable guide and went in with 1 small LED latern for every 2 people. The caves were very impressive with huge stalactites and stalagmites, but the big attraction was the cave paintings which were tens of thousands of years old from the Neolithic period and are some of the oldest cave paintings that have been discovered. ... read more
Gibraltar monkey
Gibraltar monkey

Europe » Gibraltar May 3rd 2016

Hello from Gibraltar. During the night we caught up with the storm that had driven us up to Lisbon. After midnight the seas started getting bumpy and you could hear the wind whistling past our balcony door. In the morning the captain announced that we had gusts of up to 60 knots and that all the outdoor decks were closed to the passengers. This is more or less what would have been the weather in Cadiz if we had gone there yesterday, except probably also with rain. As a preventative measure, Janet wears “the patch” to avoid seasickness. Today was a pretty good test but it seems to have worked. She felt a little queasy right after breakfast, but never really sick. That soon passed and she felt fine the rest of the day. So this ... read more

Europe » Gibraltar April 26th 2016

Tuesday 26thand the day after ANZAC Day, a day in our calendar that has become very important to us as we remember those who gave their lives in wars on the other side of the world to keep the world free for us and our fellow New Zealanders and Australian’s to be able to live and amongst other things, travel.We had commemorated ANZAC Day when we got home from dinner last night and watched a short video we had made of the ANZAC dawn service at the Mount last year. This year, yesterday, our daughter Erin was attending with husband Brent and she was wearing the medals her late grandfather never claimed when his service in the armed forces came to an end. And today we going to visit a little piece of Blighty, then enclave ... read more
Africa from Europe
The Rock
Crossing the runway

Europe » Gibraltar April 13th 2016

Dateline: Gibraltar, United Kingdom April 12, 2016 This morning at 5am we passed through the Pillars of Hercules. There is only about 7 miles between Africa and Europe as we head from the Atlantic, into the Mediterranean and our dock at the Rock of Gibraltar. Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory on the southern end of the Iberian Peninsula. It shares its northern border with the Province of Cadiz in Andalusia, Spain and Morocco can be seen just across the Straits of Gibraltar. Someone said this is the only place in the world where one can see Africa (Morocco), Spain and England all at the same time. Some of you blog readers may remember the last time we were through here we were in total fog, literally. We made our way up to the “top of ... read more
Gibraltar Dock
Main Street Gibraltar
Barbary Macaques

Europe » Gibraltar January 14th 2016

Cette vidéo déchire!!! Mais n'essayez surtout pas ce qu'ils sont en train de faire!!! ... read more

Europe » Gibraltar November 16th 2015

Gibraltar, zamorskie terytorium Wielkiej Brytanii, ma dosyc zawila i skomplikowana historie: W 711 roku wyladowal tutaj berberyjski wodz Tarik ktory rozpoczal arabski podboj Hiszpanii. Stad pochodzi nazwa Gibraltar - w jezyku arabskim "Dżabal al-Tarik" co oznacza Gora Tarika. W 1462 roku Gibraltar zostaje odbity Maurom przez wojska chrzescijanskie. W 1704 roku polwysep zdobywaja Brytyjczycy w trakcie wojny o sukcesje hiszpanska. W 1713 roku Gibraltar zostaje przyznany Brytyjczykom jako wieczysta kolonia na mocy traktatu z Ultrechtu. Niescislosci w traktacie powoduja konflikt miedzy Hiszpania a Wielka Brytania do dnia dzisiejszego. W 1727 roku Hiszpania podjela probe odzyskania tego kawalka ziemi, doznała porazki i na mocy traktatu z Sewilli Gibraltar pozostal pod panowaniem brytyjskim. Na mocy tego traktatu, miedzy Hiszpania a Gibraltarem ustanowiono strefe neutraln... read more

Europe » Gibraltar November 16th 2015

Miejscem, ktore bezapelacyjnie trzeba zobaczyc jest najpopularniejsza na Gibraltarze jaskinia sw Michala. Jest to siec wapiennych jaskin z pieknymi stalaktytami, stalagnitami oraz roznymi formacjami skalnymi. Na Gibraltarze podobno jest 150 jaskin! Jaskinia sw Michala miesci sie terenie rezerwatu na wysokosci ok 300 mnpm. Podczas II wojny swiatowej jaskinia miala pelnic role szpitala. Nie udalo sie zrealizowac tego projektu gdyz brakowalo drugiego wyjscia ewakuacyjnego. W trakcie szukania/przebijania wyjsc ewakuacyjnych i przysposabiania jaskini na szpital polowy, odkryto nastepna jaskinie z wieloma tunelami. Na koncu odkryto jeziorko z krystalicznie czysta woda. Niestety, ta czesc nie jest udostępniona zwiedzajacym. Dawno temu wierzono, ze jaskinia ciągnie się pod ciesnina gibraltarska i umozliwia przejscie na kontynent afrykanski. Jeden z mitow glosil, ze magoty przedos... read more
St Michael's Cave, Gibraltar
St Michael's Cave, Gibraltar
St Michael's Cave, Gibraltar

Europe » Gibraltar November 16th 2015

Ostatnia atrakcja Gibraltaru, ktora mialam okazje zobaczyc jest The Alameda Gibraltar Botanic Gardens, ktory powstal w 1816 roku. Zalozycielem byl general sir George Don. W ogrodzie zobaczymy: Pomnik Eliotta, ktory stoi na marmurowej kolumnie otoczony 3 armatami z 1783 roku i jedna z 1778 roku. Pomnik Mery Bloom. Moly zostala wychowana przez ojca w atmosferze wojskowej. Nigdy nie znala matki. Pomnik Wellingtona, ktory jest postawiony na marmurowej kolumnie, ktora pochodzi z rzymskich ruin w Libii. Otoczony armata i pistoletem z 1758 roku. Inne Ciekawostki: Mozna tutaj zobaczyc roznej wielkosci dziala artyleryjskie W ogrodzie znajdziemy 130 roznych rodzajow aloesow. Na swiecie znanych jest 500 W ogrodzie znajduje sie jedyny na Gibraltarze amfiteatr. Krolowa Elzbieta II odwiedzila ogrod The Alameda w 1... read more
The Alameda Gibraltar Botanic Garden
The Alameda Gibraltar Botanic Garden
The Alameda Gibraltar Botanic Garden

Europe » Gibraltar November 2nd 2015

We were awoken abruptly that morning by a dog constantly barking on the streets. We later discovered that the dog belonged to the hotel and was warding off Moroccans from entering the coach during the night. Apparently, many Moroccans want to illegally cross the border into Spain. I sadly had my last cup of mint tea before heading onto the bus. A sudden stop by our bus driver, Mario, had us all startled for a moment. I first thought that Mario hit something but actually he had to stop because a kid was holding onto the back of the bus. Wow! Crazy Moroccans! When we reached the ferry, we said our goodbyes to our Morocco tour guide, Mohammed. Then it was off to Spain. The ferry ride was a lot bumpier than the ferry ride from ... read more
Gibralter 2
Gibralter 3
Gibralter 4

Europe » Gibraltar April 2nd 2015

THURSDAY 2ND APRIL 2015 - Update from Tom: "Trip so far - Well, we had problems. Sure, it was going to happen. Chris had problems with Landrover Monday. Tuesday got it fixed in the end but then he got involved in a small crash pm Tuesday. Then Ed and Chris had their cars broken into last nite. Tom & Geoff at hotel near ferry crossing to morocco tomorrow. We are hoping the other two teams join us soon if they get windows fixed today, cos if they don't get to our hotel soon I will have drunk all the beer! We are missing our other two teams" STOP PRESS : "They made it to the hotel but had to start fixing windows. Mr Fixer and Ed with a little help from Tom and Geoff" Update from ... read more
Windows broken
Windows broken1
Windows broken2

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