Around Wunsedel

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Europe » Germany
July 11th 2011
Published: July 11th 2011
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We had a good night sleep and walked over to next door where Gerli and Peter were waiting for us with breakfast. It was a long breakfast for the talks continued where we left of yesterday. We tried again to connect with my netbook on the net but it would not work so I used Gerli´s computer. In the afternoon we left for a drive around the place. Whenever they go away the dogs are coming. They driving a Volksie Touran and that can take us as well as the dogs, they sit right in the back. The plan was to go just over the border to Checho not that far away. A few things were bought on the way and of we went. Just 30 kilometres away is the border with free tax shopping. It is for a lot of people the shopping place, a lot of things are indeed cheaper. It is a pleasure to drive through this area, the green pastures, that go over with fields of yellow wheat ready to be reaped. At the border is also a market that sells all sorts. Clothes, leather bags, watches, drinks, you name it. We walked for a little while to take it all in. Liz did buy a few little things there. Not far from there is a Kur Ort, named Franzen bad. People go there mostly for Artheritic problems. They stay there for a few weeks and bath there in those healing waters. They say it does them a world of good. Not enough time for us to try that although it could have been very benificial. Must say Liz her leg looks a lot better. Late afternoon Peter went to a place, where the dogs were able to stretch their legs, they had been very good to be there that long in the back of the car. We were home at 5 p.m. That was coffee and cake time. Next to the coffee, you had a plate with schwarzwald cake, a piece of 10 centimetres high with jam and cream in between than topped with heaps of cream. Boy that will put on the weight. That is not all. At 8 o´ clock is the table set again. This time it is grillen, or what we call barbeque. Porkchops and Bratwurst with a salad and that all is worked away with an enormous glass of cold beer. You certainly know you had a meal. There was a wiskey before we turned in that evening. There were more plans for the next day. Starting of with a breakfast, that was just behind us, there was already talk about lunch and not just lunch, it is like by us tea. It is a hot meal. Liz and I looked at each other, not quite sure how we can tackle all this food. Somehow we did. We went later for a very long walk through the forrest, that did us a lot of good. There is lots of forrests here, you can walk for kilkometres. We also took the two dogs for a swim. Those two dogs are like their children. It is all they have. If I ever would come back as an animal in this world, I want to stay in their home. The coffee and cake were on the table again that night, it never stops. We had a very nice time with our friends, we met years ago in Greece. We thank them very much for having us and looking after us. We hope that they would visit us one day Down Under. We will be on the move again, hopefully with better connection on the net. Bye for now Liz & Allan

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