Wunsiedel Germany

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Europe » Germany
July 9th 2011
Published: July 9th 2011
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We had a beautiful German breakfast with a full cup of coffee. That was a change. I had even more for Liz did not wanted any. We had a super stay in this very nice gasthof. At about 9´oclock we drove out of Wiesensteig this time without the Tom Tom, we tried to take the minor roads to see some more from this beautiful area. It all went well in the beginning and we were warned for this, we found lots of hold ups in the traffic. But we did not give up this easy and kept our cool, till we met this farmers tractor that was going that slowly we had the greatest difficulties not to fall asleep. We made 10 kilometres in half an hour. We had to give that away and set the Tom Tom up this time on an Eco run. This is an economy run. We could not really see the difference between that and the quick run. At the first oppertunity we had we reset the Tom Tom again. A lot of time was lost through all this and we missed out in our coffee break and had to wait till we saw a service station. That was around 12.30 p.m. In that time of the day it is very difficult to find a parking place. It seems that they all want to have lunch. Found one in the truck and bus stop. Those staions are amazing. You can buy there everything. The toilets were back as well. You have to pay at these toilets but they are absolutely clean. They are cleaned while you are there. Have to make a video of this next time. Full automatic even the paper comes out by itself. It is worth to pay the 50 euro cents to see the full works. Anyway after continuing our journey on the Autobahn the progress was a lot better. About 3.30 p.m. we made Wunsiedel and were directed exactly to the door. There Gerli and Peter were impaitiently waiting for we were expected a lot earlier. We blamed the minor roads. It was so nice to see our friends again after such a long time. We found out it had been 12 years since the last time we visited them. As always the coffee and cake are the first thing that is on the table. Lots to talk about of course. They have a beautiful place as well as the house next door that also belongs to them. We had the privelage to stay there. There is even a swimming pool in the house, heated to 21 degrees. This is the second time we had a whole house we could use. It became very late that we finaly went to bed, actually it was morning. A good sleep finished of this day. Tomorrow we will see a bit more of Wunsiedel. Till than Liz & Allan.

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