World Cup

Published: June 12th 2006
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US vs. Czech RepublicUS vs. Czech RepublicUS vs. Czech Republic

At the first, and hopefully not the last World Cup game of my life :)
After a great night sleep, we decided that we would get a train up to Gelsenkirchen even without tickets around 11 am. As soon as we stepped into the train station in Dusseldorf, we could tell it was going to be an amazing day, and one that we could NOT miss.

From one station to another, we met more and more American fans who broke into random chants and cheers. We met three cool kids from Wisconsin who were going to the game, then an awesome 27 year old couple from the US (but who lived in London) - Ryan and Brooke. Once we arrived in Gelsenkirchen, the athmosphere exploded as thousands of Czech and US fans poored into the streets.

I was real confident of the game, and thought there was no way Czech Mix could beat us... even though I knew they were # 2 in the world and most likely would. Heather and I had a conference and decided we needed to get tickets. For the sake of my reputation, I will just say that we exchanged some monetary values and obtained tickets to the game. This gave us peice of mind, and we could go
USA crewUSA crewUSA crew

Heather, Me, Ryan, Brooke, and the 3 Wisconsin Kids supporting the greatest country in the World
about enjoying the rest of the day.

Once we had tickets, we joined the random chants and screaming of the national anthem all over the city. I must admit, I was very impressed with the number, but mostly the passion of the American soccer fans that were there. The USA was well represented, and I was proud to see it. There was only one thing wrong... I was wearing no American colors, in fact I had on a green polo short (SURPRISE). This needed to change... and fast. First Me, Heather, Ryan, and Brooke got USA flag tattoos on our faces. The we obtained a few American flags, and I finally added a 3 dollar World Cup t-shirt to complete the outfit and become officially Americanized.

With my new outfit, I felt the need to join in with all the yelling and antics. We got pictures with the Harlem Globetrotters, Captain American, and the German National Police Force before getting a tram towards the stadium. That tram involved cramming 900 people onto a 500 person tram, and the smell and heat were not a memory Id like to keep. We took it all the way to the stadium,
Harlem GlobetrottersHarlem GlobetrottersHarlem Globetrotters

These guys were hilarious. Luckily I got a team photo with them. They had balls and the boombox playing the music... so American (and hilarious).
then realized we were 3 hours early and there was nothing to do around the stadium. So we decided to walk the 30 minutes back to the fan fest to watch the Australia v. Japan game on the big screen and get some food and more booze. It was a beautiful day, and the four of us had a great time at the fan fest. We even got to see a South American kid do the introduction song to the Fresh Prince of Belair (which was classic, and if youd like to see the video, just ask). After hanging out for a little, we headed back up to the stadium to get in to see warmups, etc.

I was still nervous after obtaining our tickets, but once we cleared secuity, my mind was at ease, and we were good to go. We waited in the ridiculous lines for Coke and booze... and it was everything I thought it would be. I was actually at the World Cup, and the Czech vs. USA was starting in less than an hour.

The next three hours were a blur, but we watched warmups, and just took it all in. Its something you can only do once in a lifetime, and although the Czechs owned us 3-0, it was SO worth it to go to the game. I have re-fallen in love with futbol (soccer) since my trip started, and going to a game was one of the best memories of my life.

After the loss, all the angry and dejected Americans walked and rode back into town. We got some drinks, then crammed onto another hot and crowded train back to Dusseldorf. Our trip was just about over, but what a trip it was. Heather did spent a few hours with some old guys at the hotel bar while I packed, but by 2, we were in bed, and ready to go to the airport around 11 am to head back to the USA.


6th July 2006

2010... South Africa... meet me there! GO USA

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