A Race in Frankfurt

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Europe » Germany » Hesse » Frankfurt
September 24th 2006
Published: September 27th 2006
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I was up early Sunday morning to catch the 07:28 train to Frankfurt. Here, myself and five other girls were joining up with Team Bank of America in the Susan G. Komen “Race for the Cure.” Our team had about 45 or 50 people from all over Germany, but during the event, we were spread out through a crowd of thousands. There were four thousand eight hundred participants in the breast cancer benefit, 500 of whom were survivors. Even though I couldn’t tell quite how many people participated when I was in the midst of the crowd, walking across one bridge during the race and seeing mobs of people on another bridge downriver, I could tell I was one of a great many. Most of my coworkers (along with myself) opted for the 2 km walk as opposed to the 5 km run. It was a really nice day: sunny with a cool breeze.

It was a good thing too, because the Race walk was only a part of the walking we did all day, including our search for the Römerplatz (our team’s meeting point where we got our t-shirts and numbers and we practiced the high school technique of changing shirts in a crowded public place without revealing anything) and the walk to the starting line across the river. After the race, after the free pretzel and a canvas goody bag with Ocean Spray Cranberry juice, candy, fruit bars and a Tubberware catalog, we walked a great distance to get some lunch.

Our team had reservations at “Young’s,” an Australian bar where we all had a buffet brunch. There was quite a variety of food, some things seeming very American to me and some things very German. I was particularly happy about a dessert which appeared to be apple strudel, but turned out to contain peaches and cream cheese.

Unfortunately, since it was Sunday, all of the stores were closed. But we were all tired anyway, so we hopped on the U-Bahn (the Underground) and went back to Frankfurt’s Hauptbahnhof to catch the 14:07 train to Heidelberg. This train ride happened to be a little longer than our morning train ride, with terribly uncomfortable seats. But overall I enjoyed the day and Frankfurt as well, from what I saw. I’m still a bit confused, though, as to why much of the city smelled as though it was actually a cow pasture. Either way, I did see quite a bit of beautiful architecture and it was nice to be a part of something that supports such a great cause.

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


The Mighty EuroThe Mighty Euro
The Mighty Euro

Apparently this monument was erected when Germany changed from the Deutsche Mark to the Euro.
"Your's" Australian Bar"Your's" Australian Bar
"Your's" Australian Bar

This is where we ate lunch. The tables kind of overtook the corridor of the indoor mall the restaurant was attatched to, but it was Sunday, so all the stores were closed anyway.

28th September 2006

Thats so neat that you got to Walk for the Cure.... I wanted to do that here in the US, but couldn't get the donations. Thats great they have tht in Europe as well. You look cute with your fanny pack!!! Looks like you're having a good time! Beautiful Pix! Miss you!!! <3 Elizabeth xoxoxoxoxoxo

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