Mainz and Rüdesheim am Rhein

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October 26th 2005
Published: October 26th 2005
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Hello Reader.

I never expected I would be updating my journal as often as I am now... but I want to take the opportunity now while I can, because there is a good chance that I won't have access to a computer for days on end in the future.

I was up at seven thirty this morning. I scared Katrin's mother half to death, and she, in turn, screamed and scared ME... so we're even. After a first breakfast at eight with Katrin's parents, I accompanied Sybille (Katrin's Mom) to the supermarket... an experience to which I was looking forward. She was very patient with me as I marveled at the little differences and tried to pronounce everything I read. (I like to think my pronounciation is getting much better.) We then went to the Butcher and the Cheese, uh, guy.

We came back, had a second breakfast with Katrin, then the three of us headed for Mainz. Mainz is famos for Johann Gutenberg - the inventor of the printing press, and a large Dom (Dome/Cathedral type contraption). All of "Alpitts" Furniture Showplace could have fit inside. We had iced coffee (which has real ice cream inside) on the square and listened to a street performer sing in an indistinguishable language.

We then headed to Rüdesheim am Rhein. (Rüdesheim on the Rhine River.) We joined the 500 Asian tourists in taking pictures of a large statue called Miss Germania (there was no pagent, I asked). She is holding up an apple and a sword (as if to say "just try to get my apple") towards France... She was built after the Franco-German War of 1870-1871. Rüdesheim is famos for her, Asian tourists, and Riesling Wine. We went to the small town and sat down at a Beirgarten to listen to some music and watch some elderly tourists dance and sway at their table. We had sweet wine (from grapes that were picked a little early) and onion cake. The Rhine is beautiful. The company was wonderful. The wine worked.

Tonight we are having a dinner at which we all make our own little skillets and put them in an oven at the center of the table... like fondue, except, uh, not.

I have also contacted some couchsurfers in Zurich and they have agreed to let me stay in their apartment next week... I am so excited to meet the new people. It is also very good because the most inexpensive hostel I found ran for 30 USD per night. Lucky luck, right?


26th October 2005

First 1 to post today.
Well Eli, I was the first to comment on your travelblog today. Did the cheese guy smell funny? Glad to hear everything is still going well and that you're alive. Asian tourists are fun to watch in any country. mention them as much as possible!
26th October 2005

Lucky luck has always been good for you.
Sounds like the couchsurfing is about to become a value for you. It's good to see you're already enjoying some interesting experiences and you've only been in Europe 3 days. A lot ahead for you. You're probably checking out Zurich information on the Internet also. A major city, lots of financial and banking companies. Great for you to get the ride to South Germany and then to Zurich. You could then travel west across it and get into France...or not (the freedom to roam is a good feeling). I hope it's not an intrusion if I mention some things about the countries occasionally. I always know that you'll travel wherever you choose. My comments are to just add a little information along with what you're also hearing from others or reading on the Internet. Going west across Switzerland can move you to Lucerne, which is nice and eventually to Lausanne, which I remember as being a beautiful town on a lake. Bern is a big city (capital). The western route from Zurich keeps you north of the Swiss Alps. They are probably getting cold now. They'll still be there for you to cross in warmer weather. I got a ride from mid-Switzerland over the Swiss alps into Italy when I crossed them. Beautiful to see. Only took about 4 hours to drive through them. But if you were wanting to get into Northern Europe before it got real cold, you still have time for it. Paris has got a lot of major greatness to see that would easily take a week or so to enjoy. The French countryside and a couple of wine regions would be along that route. Always good to read your blog. I know you'll get into time periods of days or more between updates but for now, it's enjoyable to read what's going on with you. Dad (proud father of Eli the World Traveler)
26th October 2005

asians asians everywhere. Bristol bike path...risd and now germany? =/ I think they are slowly taking over the earth. Good to hear you have people to stay with in Zurich, i figured you would stay with Katrins friend. As long as they speak english. it's all good. And the statue you discribe i can almost picture the face of AJ on
26th October 2005

they are everywhere!! goodness!! heehee, did they wear fanny packs and baseball caps?
27th October 2005

the skillet dinner is called schachlik, im so happy for u!
27th October 2005

I can not tell you how excited I am for you!!! I love living vicariously through you!!!Glad to know your are safe and having the time of your life. Can't wait to hear of your next adventure. Oh and drink lots of wine. mmm mmm. Well in moderation!!!Be safe muah!!! ( kissy sounds)
27th October 2005

My Beautiful Eli
Only you can make me laugh from millions of miles away! I'm glad you are drinking some good wine and enjoying the Asian tourists. Ha! I am helping plan a non-elictricity/running water wedding this weekend. Should be interesting. Sunday night, I'm going to see "Brooks and Dunn" in concert (MAJOR COUNTRY). Yeah I'm going back to my country roots. Let me know when you want me to make another cd for you and I can send it abroad. Love you babe! I miss your amazing hugs and the best hot cocoa from iHop!

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