International Food Night!

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February 20th 2008
Published: February 20th 2008
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    Oh Bryan    Oh Bryan Oh Bryan

I told him to squeeze the air out of it, but he wouldn't listen. Schade.
Tonight we had, what we now call, International food night. Everyone made something from their own country and we all ate... alot. We had American, Italian, Chinese, and French Wine. Potatoes with horseradish (Bryan found out Pferd was not in the name of the spice.. haha), Bruschetta, Sloppy Joes, Dumplings, apple pie.. and then of course the French wine. Very nice. We all had a lot of fun cooking (and eating) together and actually, they are all still out in the living room talking and drinking. I, on the other hand, am cursed with a conscience and must study for my B1 Abschlusspruefung which is on Friday. I'm really glad it is this week though, because Joe and I are going to Bremen this weekend and the last thing I want to think about is an exam. Well I'm sure there is more I'd like to say right now, but I am very tired and must put in some study time.. Bis spaeter!

Love, J

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     Failed attempt     Failed attempt
Failed attempt

He was about to throw the "apple pie" out the window, but then Peng and Yung salvaged it.
   Peng   Peng

Yay for dumplings!
    Marco    Marco

Italian fooooood
   dumplings!!   dumplings!!

they were the best EVER
    Pooootaaatooooeeeesss    Pooootaaatooooeeeesss

yum, they wouldve been better without all that horseradish.. hehehe
   Again with the camera?????   Again with the camera?????
Again with the camera?????

Joe, looking absolutely delighted to see me
     Everyone     Everyone

Food makes us happy

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