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April 15th 2006
Published: April 15th 2006
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Well today is our last day in Berlin for the time being. Im glad we are coming back here in a months time to catch our flight becuase i would like to see more of it. John and I have used Berlin as a sort of rest period, which was very much needed but i havnt gotten as involved in this city as i would have liked. We did a free tour yesturday which was really fantastic, guided by a very enthusiastic american girl which really helped get us involved and brave the cold and rain. We saw the wall, the site of the book burning, stood above hitlers bunker and saw the underground hideout of the SS and gestapo.

Due to the weather we invested in a couple of umbrellas. By the end of the tour all that we had left of the both of them was a sock the housed the stupid things and the bottom half of the shaft with handle of the other. 7 euro each they where, meh. I came up with a fantasic idea about how to make them rain proof but at the same time wont catch the wind forcing them inside out. I've got a team in the lab working on it now.

Anyway just wanted to say g'day. Be excellent to each other.



16th April 2006

Hey guys, happy Easter from every one back home. It's good to know that u are coming home the day before my B'day, cos it means all my pressies will be coming from other countries, Cheers. If ur not sure on what to get just bring me back a swiss chick. Pudd, you and i both got a letter the other day with a fine of $52.40 for not voting during the Mornington Peninsula Shire Counsil Election. But do not concern urself my brother for i have taken the necessary precautions to ensure that thay will never bother us again. I threw both of those letters in the bin. I am just going to assume that everything will work it's self out. If it doesn't, those bastards will probably send out a second notice. A very clever tactic indeed. It is then that they shall indure the wrath of a flaming red nut, and that is someting no man wants to mess with. Or no woman for that matter. Well enough of that crap, u boys keep having fun doing what u are doing and we look foward to ur next update. Boofa.

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