Paris to Berlin

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July 14th 2009
Published: July 14th 2009
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So Paris with Ash and her fam was awsome! The first night we went to the eiffel tower to see it lit up. Being infront of something that famous was surreal and the view of Paris at night is unforgetable! The next day we went to Notre Dame and took pictures like huntch backs and the Arch of Triumph (insert correct french word here) where the Tomb of the unknown solider is. That night Ash, her sister Alyssa and I went to a club that was too much fun! Everywhere I go Michael Jackson is the main thing played and it is super fun! Next day we went to the Lourve were the awesome-ness was overwhelming. Saw the famous statues of Cupid, Aphrodite and so so much more. Note to Bree: that sculpture head we drew with charcoal in drawing is there and its so small! We of course saw the Mona Lisa, which is way smaller then I would have thought. Later that night we took a boat ride on the Seine River at sunset and saw all the sights from the river. I was stoke to have another opportunity to sing "I,m on a boat"! I cannot even count the amount of wine that was consumed over those three days but I definatley would have made Mom and Grandma proud! 😉 I was unsure of where to go next becasue Prauge was too far so I stayed in Paris another night. It worked out great because the Bastille Day celebrations began that night and I went out with a couple Aussie dudes I met at the hotel. There was live music and people everywhere! Goodtimes! They party at fire stations on Bastille day so we found one and raaaaaaged! Caught a 630AM train and now I am in Berlin! It seems like such a cool city and I cant wait to explore. This is the nices hostel I have stayed in yet so Im stoked! Sorry no pics but I cant upload them here so I will have to wait till Amsterdam in a few days! I am gonna try and find a theatre where I can see Harry Potter tomorrow, possible in German! I will be home far too soon, but I am excited to see ýou guys! Parents- the first thing I want to do is get a burrito because there is no Mexican food here and I am having withdrawls! PEACE!


14th July 2009

"A Burrito"
Wow, all those countries and all their exceptional foods and you want a burrito that cracks me up! Paris sounds wonderful and I am so glad you had such a amazing time. Ashley please thank your father for me for treating Lauren so wonderful... It gave me great Peace of Mind!! Lauren I love you GYRUSKISLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

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