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September 26th 2006
Published: September 26th 2006
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Oh my god I didn't realize how long it has been since a wrote before!!!!!!
Ok straight to it. I have 1 week today left on my tour, and I have a mean Contiki cough. The air con on the bus is evil!!! My tour manager suggested I see a doctor, but you don't need prescriptions in Europe so I have some Croatian atibiotics!?

VENICE: wow a long time ago. The bar at the campsite was a highlight many a funny story thanks to a certain drink called the ATTITUDE ADJUSTER. Yes they free pour 4 spirits into a half litre cup 2/3 full and then flavour it with Breezers!! Very messy. Venice is beautiful. The water ways reek and the streets are mazes but the whole place is stunning and it was very surreal. Luckily we visited on a low tide day so the drains didn't overflow the street. We went on a gondola which was actually a bit of an eye opener. The water is only 1.5 M deep and all the doors on the houses are rotten away from the water and gondola drivers can be very sleazy. But when in Italy what can you expect.
Italian food is good but not really as perfect as everyone says. I prefere pizzas the way we have them in OZ, the pizzas here are minimal. For example if you want pinapple you get 1 ring of pineapple smack bang in the middle of the pizza!? The bases are paper thin and the cheese is just a light sprinkling?? They're still food though but I think my expectations were a little too high.

PISA: the leaning tower is much smaller than you'd expect and there are a lot of fake handbags on sale. There is also 2 churches in the area and they've sunk a bit too, you can see that they added extra rocks while building it to fix the problem. I think it's just bad soil.

FLORENCE: Everybody speaks English here, on the streets all you can hear is English. Weird. I bought a special ring here called a puzzle ring. It is 4 bands all twisted together but if you take it off they all unravel and it is really hard to put it all together again. The streets are huge and the arcitecture is amazing. The Medici family set up their palace to connect with every other major building so they could move around without getting murdered, it's very interesting. Best lunch so far. Didn't get to see DAVID however saw the exact copy in the place he originally stood so you know!? We had the best nightlife with the Red Garter kareoke club and Space Electronic the dance club. It was very fun.

ROME: rome floored me, the history and original buildings are unbelievable. There is still a pile of burnt ash where Ceasar was cremated, the Trevi fountain was an absolute highlight it is soooooooooo beautiful, my favourite of the whole trip. You all have to see my photos!!! The Vatican was insane, the sistine chapel silenced me, the detail and all, even the halls leading to it had us all walking with our chins on the floor. I cannot discribe it any other way. The line for the Vatican went around an entire block!!!! We cut in line, opps:-) Dress up party!!! Anything beginning with P. I had no inspiration tht night so I was a party goer, pathetic I know.

POMPEII: The weirdest thing I have seen this trip. teh city is huge, and the entire thing was buried!!! They dug it up and where the bodies had been there were holes so they filled the holes with plaster and you can see hte people, their clothes and the expressions on their faces!!!! It is a life must to see this place. the Mafia runs that town though so be careful that you keep to one families businesses!!

ATHENS: Overnight ferry from Italy, best sleep yet. long, long drive accross Greece. I saw the Parthenon, it is so cool. The views and the arcitecture, its perfect. You can imagine the gods and kings just strolling through it it's very cool. Athens is a very cool and cheap city. Only 1 night there though.
No time left on Internet. More to come soon. Love you all
Love Rox


29th September 2006

sound like fun hope your not too hangover next day best wishes keery e

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