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July 28th 2006
Published: July 28th 2006
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It all goes so quickly. One minute you're in Mainz lolly-gagging around and the next it's 7 days later in München. We had a heck of a time in Paris. From checking in to our ghetto hostel to marching the Champs-Eyleeses to getting drunk off 5 euro bottles of wine (that were better then the 50 dollar bottles in the US) on the lawn in front of the Eiffel tower to hiking Montmartre to drinking more wine in from of the Eiffel tower, we had our hands full. Everyone in Paris was much more friendly than we expected. All in all it was a great experience.
James 'the count' and I headed back Sunday morning for 12 hours of train rides back to Innsbruck while Corissimo and Pagmina stayed late to watch the tour de france ride-in in from of the Arch de Triomphe (and therefore missed class mondaý morning ... slacker!) We finished off our classes, ate some great food monday night, enjoyed another night at the hoftgarden in Innsbruck, and then made our way up to München for the BMW and RAUG tours wednesday. The BMW tour was great but the RAUG one was pretty dull. We all had to force ourselves to stay awake, not to mention the wonderful 2 mile hike in the blistering sun we had to make due to a certain uncoordinated professor of ours .... ahem!
After the tours we ate the best dinner yet (maybe b/c the quality was superb, maybe b/c it was free, i dunno) and then headed over to the world famous Hofbrauhaus for 1 liter steins of beer. 2 or 3 liters later, Corissimo and I had congo danced and high-fived more asians than you could shake a stick at. Not to mention cheers'ed each other whilst slamming beer mugs enough times to crack more than a few steins. The next (err, this) morning we woke up late enough to miss our free breakfast and eventually made our way out shopping. At 4 we took an awesome bike tour around town that entailed swimming in the town river. I think I'm gonna start a tubing business here for this river ... they won't know what hit 'em! Afterwards we signed up for a cheap tour or fairytail castle tomorrow and headed to Austinerger keller (or something like that) beer garden for another liter of our favorite german beverage. We called it an early night and here i am chatting it up with a 12 year old computer with an annoying Deutche keyboard.
I wish i could share some more pics (as i have an abundance) but good ol' Window NT 3.5 doesn't take kindly to usb cameras that probably has more power in one chip than this entire hunk of junk.

Peace out y'all ... and remember 'Eish bien ous Texas!!!'


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