Munich continued

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March 16th 2007
Published: March 16th 2007
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Tucked neatly within a sidestreet, we stepped within the Hofbrauhaus and were instantly overwhelmed: a cavernous series of rooms filled to the brim with tables and benches and germans and tourists; a confusing szstem wherebz certain tables are reserved for local regulars and theres no telling where and how to sit down; the promise of beer too good to allow ourselves to be driven to an easier place. A table cleared and we grabbed it - just the two of us on benches meant for 10 or more. We ordered our drinks (onlz available in HUGE liter mugs), a helles and a dunkel. Two brits joined our table and we scooted down. We washed down three kinds of wurst, saurkraut, and potatos with gulps of our ambrosia (one liter golden, the other dark). We listened to a German oompah band, watched the men working ferrz beer and meat while the girls sold pretzels (everzone dressed in the old fashioned bavarian outfits), and soaked up everz last drip of manic atmosphere. We finished the food, the brits left, and our table became full as 8 or so german guzs a bit older than us took their seats. They asked us if there was room in German and we scooted. This was actually the second group of the night to come up to us and assume us german. Either we are learning to blend better (probablz somewhat true) or our features simplz seem more germanic than italian (this is certainly true, as is the fact that our disposition\personalitz is more inclined towards the german way so far). We have like everzone weve met here - although, in fairness, manz treated us quite well in Italy as well). After hearing us talk for a while, one of the Germans leaned over and apologized for assuming we were german (which, we assured him, was very much a compliment). Then we all chatted - about travel, the states, italy, germanz (particularlz what not to miss in the latter). After a good while, we dimissed ourselves and staggered back to the hostel (stopping to hear some genuinlz good street musicians wow us with some Pachelbell (truely, I flounder without spellcheck). Someone was alreadz asleep in our room when we arrived, so we conked out earlz as well (being beyond exhausted.

Then we woke up, grabbed breakfast, and are now working on laundry before headed out for the rest of the daz.


16th March 2007

Polka bands make me swoon; polka dancing + polka bands = deep and wonderful love. Add good German beer? Man.

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