Preparing for the big move

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Europe » France
December 8th 2011
Published: December 8th 2011
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Nope, I am not leaving France or moving to anywhere else in France as the blog title might suggest - the Fau family is in fact preparing to move house to somewhere about a ten minute drive away. Our new apartment is part of a small Christian centre called 'Rimlishof' which accommodates refugee families and also Christian groups who go there for conferences and retreats. When I first learnt we would be moving there I was very excited but since visiting the place my excitement has diminished rather a lot. Firstly, it is situated about 5 minutes drive from Guebwiller which means a 20-25 minute cycle ride - not something I am looking forward to, especially as winter is here and I have just witnessed two days of non-stop rain and wind - I almost thought I was back home in Wales. Secondly, the apartment that we're moving to is much smaller than this one - there are enough bedrooms for everyone but only one small bathroom and a small kitchen. I've always lived in a small house but after living here for the past three months, it's going to seem weird and uncomfortable, especially with four small kids running about the place.

The centre is in a very isolated place up closer to the mountains which will mean no more walking into town if I need anything or just popping to the local supermarket. I will have to cycle everywhere! And after my falling off incident I'm not looking forward to this. But when it snows (as undoubtedly it will) I will be forced to walk - I'd rather not have to rely on Cedric and Laetitia to take me everywhere.

But perhaps I am being too negative and should try to look on the bright side. When it's sunny it's actually quite a nice place with lots of wide open space and forest to explore - great for the kids but not so exciting for an 18-year-old girl who moved from a rural part of North Wales to come here. The best thing about living there will be having another English girl to talk to - Rachel is one of the volunteers who works with the refugee families at the centre - she lives in a studio apartment in the same building as us. So whenever I'm bored or in need of a chat there'll be someone I can talk to which I know is a true blessing for both of us. Laetitia reminded me a short while ago of how we'd prayed that I would find good friends who would help me - I'd forgotten that we'd prayed that but once reminded I realized that Rachel is the answer to that prayer - she's a Christian and we get on well together.

There has been a lot to do in preparation for the move - a few rooms in the new house, including my bedroom have needed a lot of work doing and it still isn't finished yet. And we're going to start moving our stuff over this Saturday! Today I spent the afternoon packing the kitchen stuff into cardboard boxes - back breaking work. I was also busy this morning trying to help Laetitia by doing the laundry, amusing Gabriel and doing other housework because she hasn't been feeling great with the pregnancy. I can see I will have to help a lot but also learn to say no a lot too because there's only so much I can do. Cedric seems very wary that they don't give me too much to do and always double-checks if I am willing to do something whilst Laetitia I suspect, just asks, expecting I will say yes. I know I am here to bless this family but when it starts to feel like hard work and like I'm giving out of a heart that is forced to give, then it is no longer a blessing for me or for them.

Fingers crossed everything will go ok on Saturday - as well as helping to move stuff over I also have a small Christmas party to look forward to with the other English assistants - it's just a small do we're having round at one of their houses but it will be a good fun and a way of saying goodbye before they all depart for the holidays. I of course am staying for the festive period and whilst before I wasn't so sure if this was a good choice or not, I am becoming more and more certain that is a good choice and I will have a great time here. For one thing, I won't have to work on Christmas day! And it looks like it's going to be quite a sociable Christmas by my usual standards. Tout est bien.


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