Le Pre france to Holland

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Europe » France
May 22nd 2011
Published: May 21st 2011
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We had a good rest at our bed & breakfast, the bed was very good and we were to tired to mis the TV. After having an English Breakfast that tasted wonderful we went on the way to the Normandy beaches. We used the Garmin again for that was the easy way out. We went first to the Utah beach. There were a few things to see but later towards the Omaha beach was far more interesting. Just at the start of the Omaha beach we stopped at a restaurant. It was far passed lunchtime so we could do with something. We had a beer and after a long wait I had the worst pizza I ever tasted. Liz talked me into it. It was something wi5th potatoes and meat and Brie. I should have woken up but I did not. Liz did a bit better but when we left I saw there was a fair bit left on her plate as well. Next stop was further down where the Museum was. This was very interesting, Your memories fly right back to the war years, for you remember all the uniforms that the soldiers were wearing. We spent a lot of time at the museum but it does not really matter it is that long light at the moment, you do not notice it is that late already. We had a long way to drive back and had another stop in Pontoson. There we had a much better meal. We had again dessert. ice cream, Liz ordered a nice one but was very big so I had to give a hand with it, I was finished with my two scoops well before her. We have to stop now for it is bedtime. We hope to send a new one from. Etten leur in Holland. Bye for now Liz & Allan


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