Saturday at the Sea

Published: July 20th 2008
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1: Spiderwoman 78 secs
Beach UmbrellasBeach UmbrellasBeach Umbrellas

Such a fun picture with all the beautiful beach umbrellas
Saturday was a day filled with sun, sea and fun at the fair - a nice change from the constant work at the polo club. Of course we still attended to the horses as usual - fed, cleaned and rode morning and evening, and even managed to get in a polo game (we watched - didn't play) but during the few hours in between we had a chance to relax and enjoy the local festivities.

The weather was perfect for the beach, beautiful and sunny - if not on the slight cooler side. But Virginie and I still managed a pleasant sea in the sea. The water here is such a brilliant blue - that changes shades of color depending on the depth of the floor below. The waves are gentle but perfect for swimming in because they add a bit of bounce to the body.

The four of us - Caroline, Virginie, Rochelle and I walked down to the beach a little after 11am. The walk was pleasant and I enjoyed showing them how to cross under the road via the pedestrian tunnel. It surprised me that it was only my first time and already I knew a
Lunch at the Blue PenguinLunch at the Blue PenguinLunch at the Blue Penguin

(Left to right) Caroline, Virginie & Rochelle
bit more about my local surroundings (having shown Caroline a few of my favorite restaurants and places to get bread). Before we hit up the sand, we had lunch at the Blue Penguin - the same beach cafe that I had visited before and met Eryn - the girl from Toronto, Canada. The food here is always fresh, the prices are decent for being a tourist area, and the people are extremely friendly (even with me - a non-French-speaking tourist). We all got salads for lunch and then had dessert, except Rochelle who always drinks coffee instead. After lunch we headed to the other side of the beach, laid our towels on the sand and enjoyed the sun. Virginie and I swam out to the break line and talked for a bit before heading back in and resting on our towels.

After the beach we changed and drove down to the polo club where we rode the horses, then I fed and cleaned while Caroline, Virginie and Rochelle headed over to watch the games. Caroline wanted to see how a couple of horses were playing - she's currently looking for another horse for Geoff.

When the second game
Lunch at the Blue PenguinLunch at the Blue PenguinLunch at the Blue Penguin

Waiting for our meal
ended - around 8pm, we left the club and drove to the Fair. Despite what I thought was a late enough hour - the fair was barely open. The food courts were bustling, but few of the rides were open - with the exception of some kiddie rides. I looked later and realized that the main part of the fair doesn't really operate until 10pm! Later on I was surprised by how many families with small children I saw there given the late time - although honestly I was probably more exhausted then the kids.

We ate dinner at a large food stand - featuring hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, fries, etc . . . Rochelle and I ordered pizzas and Virginie and Caro got a hamburger and a hot dog with fries. Unlike in the States, hot dogs and hamburgers here are served on fresh baguettes, not the crummy, squishy white buns that we are used to seeing.

For the rest of the night we walked around the fair, rode a few of the rides, people-watched, bought some candy and just enjoyed the sights. The rides were similar to things we've seen at other carnivals and fairs in
The Beach GirlsThe Beach GirlsThe Beach Girls

Soaking up the sun
the States and included a log ride (which we went on) a ferris wheel (did not go on) lots of spinning around rides, and a roller coaster (went on - way to rickety for enjoyment purposes - most similar to Ghostrider at Knott's Berry Farm. It was a very late night, but an extremely fun day.

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


Virginie & MeVirginie & Me
Virginie & Me

She's a "muscle" woman
Azur ParkAzur Park
Azur Park

rides at the fair
Azur Fair PhotoAzur Fair Photo
Azur Fair Photo

hanging in the stocks

Hanging in the stocks with a stuffed zebra on my head

21st July 2008

Hi honey I am at kims and thought we wouldsay hello so hello We are having fun with Brooks and Kim It rainede here yesterday that was rather fun went for a swim in the rain Brooks was scared very funny got to love him Had a nice dinner at the Clifhouse and then took a walk (humid) Brooks and Kayla and I stayed up and talked very interesting but as Kayla said scary !!!!! It sounds like you had a good time at the fair I am glad want you to have some fun , Ill write more later Love u soooo Cant wait to see you and give you a hug! Kisses Mom
21st July 2008

Beach Bunnies!
Oh my Goodness, I loved this blog. I read it with your mom and we laughed and it made us feel like you were there on the beach with us. I can picture Caro and Virginie not even knowing the places you do. You are a seeker though and believe me, as you know, working with the horses is all consuming. Not much energy left to explore. That's how it was for me traveling all those years. If there was a tournament, I didn't get much chance to just hang which I am so glad you are doing. Brooks is here for another week. Kayla and your mom drive home this morning. Then I go back to work! Hugs to everyone. Aunt Kim
21st July 2008

your day at the beach
Loved the pictures and narrative. I'm so glad you are making the most of your time there, and itn't it wonderful you have some women to enjoy it with? You look wonderful - the hard work doesn' t seem to dim your smile. How beautiful the Mediterrean is and how exciting to actually swim in it! Sounds like American food at the fair with a little French flair. I'm going to make my mushroom and barley soup this morning. Have mushrooms and want some good soup. I'll get to your trip info this afternoon or in the morning. I love you, Grandma

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