Blogs from Paris, Île-de-France, France, Europe - page 384


Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris May 29th 2005

So we have pretty much covered all of our bases in Paris. We went to Versailles yesterday and spent the day in awe of Louis XIV and his expensive taste....the boys liked the gardens a lot, which seemed to stretch on for miles. We took it slow today being that it is Sunday and most things are closed, except for the museums, so we went to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. But I realized soon that art for the boys weakens their attention spans, so we raced through the Louvre as their appetites got the best of them. We had a picnic at the Jardins des Tuileries. The boys amused themselves while they threw bread at the pigeons that flocked the grounds. Tomorrow we are going to Caen, about ... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris May 28th 2005

Today is errand day: Groceries, shopping and laundry. This part of the culture is just as important to me as everything else. Cara wanted to explore a Parisian shopping mall called "Gallerie Lafayette." A French mall (at least this one) is not like what we are used to. By far, it's the most ornate mall, I've ever been seen. Cara touched a Ferragamo. That may not be significant to everyone but it's the handbag version of sitting in Lamborgini.... read more
Live Cow Fresh Killed
French Public Toilet
Paris At Night

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris May 28th 2005

Hi So yesterday morning, at about 5 am, we left our hot hotel room with the broken shower in Milan and walked to the station, it was very beautiful, and unlike the hotel, less humid. We got a crossant with jam and hopped on our 8 hour train ride, which was very scenic, it went through the alps to Paris. Its very hot here, about 30 degrees. We walked, taking a long way, our lonely planet map was awful, to St Germain des Pres which was built in 1055, has Descartes tomb and a monument to the first bishop of New France. We then walked to Ile St Denis to try ice cream, from Bethillion, a famous and incredibly good ice cream shop. We ate it in the park behind Notre Dame and since the crowds ... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris May 27th 2005

Cara and I went back to the Notre Dame to visit the archaelogical crypt underneath. The crypt fleshes out the history and growth of Paris since it was settled by the Parisii tribe 300 years before the birth of Christ. We spent the afternoon visting the Musée Rodin. I find smaller museums to be more interesting, less over-whelming and more manageable. In the evening, I've seen this French show called "Sans Aucun Doute." If someone is familiar with this show and would like to explain it to me, please add a comment below. Until nest time, check out the photos.... read more
Gates of Hell
Place De La Resistance
Parisian Real Estate

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris May 26th 2005

Eiffel Tower Day! Some people don't think that the 900 ft. view over Paris from Eiffel Tower is worth the crowds, hassle, and time and I understand their reasoning. We arrived early and fought our way to the top and then spent the afternoon relaxing and exploring French markets on the nearby Rue Cler. ... read more
They Look Like Ants!
Looking Up The Corner

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris May 25th 2005

Versaille is huge, ornate, and exhausting. Ultimately, it was meant to be a physical manisfestation of the wealth and power of Louis XVI, the sun king...but then came the French Revolution. Relaxing in the garden afterwards on bench, bike, or boat is a good offset to the experience. I set off the metal detectors entering security but much like at the airport, this really doesn't mean anything. ... read more
Versaille Opera
Versaille Interior

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris May 24th 2005

Why did we visit the Museé D'Orsay on a Tuesday? The Louvre is closed so everyone is here. Inside the museum, it's all about Impressionism buffered by the Realism, Classism and Naturalism that preceeded it and the Pointilism, Primitivism, and Post-Impressionism that well, proceeded it. It's interesting and pleasing but betwen Seurat print umbrellas and Van Gogh calenders I'm at the point where I think Impressionism is hurting art as now as much as it helped it 90 years ago. We were saved fromthe crowds by some excellent sculpture by Rodin and his muse/pupil/lover Camille Claudet. Looking forward to visiting the Museé Rodin later this week. Between the bread, wine, and cheese alone, the gastro-tourism part of the trip has been fantastic. Today we ate these Egyptian oranges (oooo, ahhhhh... fascinating) that were amazing. We've also ... read more
Smart Car Parking

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris May 23rd 2005

Cara and I spent the morning visiting the Notre Dame Cathedral. We spent the afternoon walking around the left bank and the Ile de Cite. Since we're here for 2 weeks, we decided to take our time. There's no need to go rushing around from on end of the city to the other. After all, this trip is only partly about being in Paris, it's mostly about being with eachother away from "all the rushing around." Paris has so many truly spectacular attractions. So spectacular that it's worth it to deal with all the crowd and noise. Even so, it's liberating to "get these out of the way" so one can really start enjoying Paris in a different way. There's another side to the city that "hitting the sights" leaves you too tired and busy to ... read more
Notre Dame
View from the Cathedral
Cara By The Notre Dame

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris May 23rd 2005

Well, all is going well, and I'm enjoying myself. But I got off to a rather shaky start here. I arrived in Paris around 2000 hours on Friday and didn't really know where to start. But since I had all my luggage (a very heavy backpack, and a small bag), it definitely seemed best to get a room for the night asap. Common sense prevails. However, this seemingly simple process ran me into a wall, for some reason every single room was filled in every hotel I went into. This got me a little worried, and after 2 hours I was getting sore and tired, and It was getting dark. Luckily around that time (2200) I checked a hotel called the Hotel California, and they had a room available, and by this time price had ceased ... read more
The Arch of Triumph
A view from the top

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris May 22nd 2005

We visited the Pompidou Center for Modern Art in the morning and walked to Montmatre and the Sacre Coeur in the afternoon. Cara calls this the "Parisian Death March 2" (apparently, Part 1 was yesterday). At the Pompidou, I learned about Matthieu, "The Rebate King Of France." He has lived for 9 years saving 2000 Euros a month by only purchasing items that have a "Satisfaction Guaranteed" return policy. This includes food, clothes, mattreses, and even electronics! I tease my workmate, Jamie, because he wanted to start a rebate stand. Jamie, if you are reading this, I have found your Jedi Master! You have be asking yourself, "What's on French Television?" Well, at the moment, the Monaco Grand Prix and Cannes Film Festival are receiving a lot of attention. I've also seen French MTV, NYPD Blue, ... read more
Centre Pompidou
Sacre Coeur

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