The Dirty in Paris Chronicles Pt 2 "3 Ducks Hostel"

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January 5th 2010
Published: January 5th 2010
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Oh, how well I remember the 3 Ducks Hostel. Well, I guess it was only a week ago. As we walked in, the Hostel appeared to be a bar. The guy behind the counter was Brititsh. YAY! He gave us our room number and we left to go see Greg, who had already arrived. As we walked through the back door of the bar, we noticed we were in a courtyard, where it was raining. We walked up the narrow stairs and into our tiny four person room. Luckily, a fourth person never showed up. We had a leaky sink, a pillow and a blanket. Needless to say, after grabbing some grub, we all went to bed, in our clothes even. The first nights sleep wasn't good for me. Although, it did ultimately last 16 hours. I was up a lot. The bathroom didn't have a, everytime I had to go in there it was in the dark. We don't talk about why we don't use the bathroom with the light. Anyway, as I said, we slept for 16 hours, which was past our check out time. We had to hurry, pack our things, and get out of the room.
Climb that?Climb that?Climb that?

When we officially decided NOT to wait in line to climb the Eiffel Tower.
Needless to say, we had to leave without showers and without a change of clothes. AGAIN, same clothes....50 some hours... no shower....Thus, really begins the DIRTY IN PARIS Chronicles.
First, we headed to lunch. Pizza.
American Faux Pas #1
Demonstrated By: Greg Spangler
American Faux Pas #2
Demonstrated By: Greg Spangler
Then, to the Eiffel Tower. It's pretty but don't let the lawn fool you. There isn't a lawn...there is dirt. There are many men walking around selling mini Eiffel towers. We were going to go up but saw the line and changed are minds. Instead we bought a mini Eiffel tower and took a picture with it. After that, we headed to Notre Dome. It is truly beautiful and my favorite part of the entire trip. We waited in a long line to get in but it was worth it. I even got to light a candle for a good friend of mine that passed away. I bought a couple souvenirs at a shop on the way back to the glorious 3 ducks.
That night, at the three ducks, we stayed in a 6 person room. We stayed with a Russian, Brazillian, and someone who came in after I was in bed. It was a rough night but at least the downstairs shower is cleaner. It was around this time that the emphamis search for the alarm clock began. I like to call it The Alarm Clock Voyage . Bright an early in the morning, we headed to Hotel Lorraine and on to DPC Pt 3.

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


Inside Notre DomeInside Notre Dome
Inside Notre Dome

The photo doesn't do the place justice.

8th January 2010

Mini-tip for taking pictures in cathedrals, discovered after many, many crappy pictures: don't use your flash. I can't tell if you did or not, but trust me, they look much better without.
9th January 2010

Good to know. I will have to remember that for next time!

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