The Dirty in Paris Chronicles Pt 1 "The Way There"

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January 5th 2010
Published: January 5th 2010
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The flight to Frankfurt went ok. I was able to watch the Time Traveler's Wife and the Hangover, while I was on the plane. Once we got off the plane, the fun began. Did you know they speak a different langauge in Germany? LOL. Anyway, we (my friend Laura and I) had to find the Bahnhof (train station). Keep in mind, at this point it is equvilant to midnight our time and we still haven't slept. After a few issues figuring out the right train tickets, we then had a few hours to wait for the train.
On a side note, I packed entirely too much luggage for the amount of walking and lugging it around I would have to do. We finally get on our first train of 2. It is a short 30 min ride. We then get off the train and wait about an hour for our next train. On another side note, my luggage barely fit through the train ailes. When we get on our next train, we realize that there aren't enough seats, so, for the first 2 hours of the 3 and a half hour train ride, Laura and I stand.
While standing we run into a "lovely" Russian gentleman who only speaks German and Russian. However, that did not stop him from creepily hitting on both Laura and a single mom who was with her child. At one point, the train jerked and the man convieniently fell onto Laura with his hand cusping her chest... Let's just say we were more than delighted when he got off the train and Laura is still somewhat disturbed from the whole experience. I think she might need therapy.
Finally, we got to sit for the last hour and a half. The minute I sat down I fell asleep for about a half hour. We arrived at Gare l'Est and began to figure out the Metro system. Finally 32 hours after departing from Omaha we arrivd at our Hostel, which I will tell you about in Pt 2. And let me tell you, it only gets better...


5th January 2010

Didn't I tell you to pack lightly? Actually I don't know if I did or not, but I hope I did. Just remember: it's an adventure!

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