Goodbye, Copenhagen

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October 12th 2007
Published: October 12th 2007
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October 12, 2007

Trains, Ferries and AutomobilesTrains, Ferries and AutomobilesTrains, Ferries and Automobiles

Here is our train on the ferry, crossing over the Baltic Sea from Germany to Denmark.
Two things to mention before I get started. 1) If you like reading this you should subscribe to it. That way you will get an email whenever we publish a new entry. 2) We have been informed that you don't have to use Sabrina's email when you log onto the pictures from the wedding. You can use your own! Silly us. The wedding pics are at and the password is reece.


This morning we leave Copenhagen for Germany - it's a shame we don't have just one more night here as tonight is "Culture Night" here and there will be a lot of cool free things to do. But alas, the ferry that carries our train across the Baltic is waiting for us.

A BIG thank you (TAK!) to Julia and Andreas for hosting us while we were here. And thanks also to Julia's brother Phillip for driving us around and for not falling asleep in history class like Julia did! He was a wealth of information about Copenhagen. For example, did you know that thanks to the windmills, on windy days everyone in Copenhagen sees a 10% reduction on their electric bill? The royal family's
Chris and JuliaChris and JuliaChris and Julia

Julia made us dinner the first night we were here. It was great to have a home-cooked meal!
last name is Rex, and the firstborn son is always a Christian or a Fredrick.

We also learned during this trip that the Vikings called Denmark home, even though most of their time was spent traveling around this part of the world raping and pillaging.

One of my favorite places we happened through in Copenhagen is Christiania. It is a "free city" set up by a bunch of flower children, and while the government is trying to crack down a bit, the 1000 or so residents still maintain that they are not a part of any country. In fact, the archway above the main entrance welcomes you to Christiania as you enter, and as you leave states that you are now entering the EU. It is clearly full of hippies and druggies, and I wouldn't walk through it at night, but it was cool none the less.

We went to the Royal Gardens, which were really beautiful. The road leading to it is older than America or Australia which is pretty amazing. We also saw the Round Tower, which is exactly what it sounds like it is but there are no stairs. In fact the inside is
The MermanThe MermanThe Merman

I know this is hard to see, but this is a sculpture underwater in one of the canals. It is called "The Merman and his Seven Sons," and it depicts just that. Pretty cool.
a ramp that spirals around to the top so that the king could ride his chariot all the way up.

There is a cool amusement park right in the middle of Copenhagen called the Tivoli. Unfortunately it is closed so they can prepare for their big Halloween celebration, but it is a 19th century amusement park that has new rides as well.

Well, we could go on like this for hours, but we have to pack and catch a train. Until next time, love and kisses from wherever we are.

Additional photos below
Photos: 13, Displayed: 13



A big Danish thing is a Danish hotdog. They are yum yum good and this is Chris' first.
You Have Churches in Denmark?You Have Churches in Denmark?
You Have Churches in Denmark?

If you've been to Europe you know that there are museums and churches EVERYWHERE. I think Copenhagen has the market cornered.
Ice Cream!Ice Cream!
Ice Cream!

Just because a girl is overseas doesnøt mean she should go without ice cream.
Peacock on a Table.Peacock on a Table.
Peacock on a Table.

Of course it is.

Another thing Europe has a lot of are palaces. This building, which is inside the Royal Gardens, isnøt used for that purpose anymore. We are with Julia and her wonderful brother Philip.

I just thought this old guy with the pigeons was sweet.
Binky TreeBinky Tree
Binky Tree

In the Royal Gardens is this tree, on which kids place their binkys (often with a note thanking them for years of service and dedication). It was kind of cute, but also a little bit creepy, like a Stephen King movie.
The Little MermaidThe Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid

Of course, Denmark is the home of Hans Christian Andersen, and in the harbor stands this sculpture of the Little Mermaid.

The old-style just aren't as effective as the new ones.
A Night OutA Night Out
A Night Out

We went out to dinner with Julia and her fiance' Andreas.

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