Visit to Nicola Tesla Museum

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Europe » Croatia
June 19th 2011
Published: June 18th 2011
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On the way into Croatia we saw a photo on a placard of Nicola Tesla which pointed to a memorial type of museum of this clever man near the Autobahn. We noted that and because we came close on the way back we went there today. Not that we are in this type of Science, but we have a son that loves to play with this type of thing. Nicola Tesla was born in Smiljan 1856 and died in New York in 1943. They say he lit up the world. He worked together with Edison but they did not like each other. Who knows, was it " I am better than you"? We travelled about 50 kilometres through rolling hills-valleys and again the ever present mountains. It was a gorgeous drive, through farming back road. We found that it reminded us on the way East Germany looked just after the wall came down. The little towns we passed through looked grey and dull, nothing like the coast road. Therefore very interesting. At the museum were several buses with school children. We were in a class of 17 year olds. They were fascinated. Because when they turned on the Tesla coil, several held up neon tubes, which lit up when the coil was blasting it's lightning rays. Well, us Oldies came away duly impressed by the extreme talent Nicola Tesla had. Again we drove this lovely country road back and look forward to our dinner at the little restaurant close by with Aussies would be jealous of. Bye for now Liz & Allan.

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19th June 2011

Hi !
Hello Allan & Liz. This is Pawel and Karolina from Poland. Contact to us. Email:

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