Blogs from West Flanders, Belgium, Europe - page 6


Europe » Belgium » West Flanders » Bruges May 19th 2016

Bruges, Belgium: Chocolates, the Queen, Jordan’s King and Canals This stop was totally unplanned. It seems there is a port strike in La Havre, France so we were not able to go to see the beaches of Normandy, made famous during WWII. Instead, we came to Bruges, Belgium! We got off the ship in Zeebrugge, Belgium. It is very busy industrial port. This port handles much of the freight traffic for Belgium along with Antwerp and Ghent…lots of cranes everywhere. Bruges is known in Europe as the “Venice of the North” (but we have heard this before in many cities including Shanghai (Venice of the East)-LOL. However Brugge does have lots of canals. We trekked into the medieval town over cobblestone streets that are not easy to walk on…we have to pay attention to where we ... read more
A Canal
Belgian Queen Mathilde (Internet Photo)
Queen Mathilde, Queen Rania, King Abdullah, King Philippe (Internet Photo)

Europe » Belgium » West Flanders » Ypres September 21st 2015

Belgian Battle Fields Passchendele and Polygon Wood Scene of overwhelming loss of life in the First World War – 1914 to 18. There were 3 major battles in this area. By the time the 3rd battle too place in 1917 German forces had cemented themselves into a strong defensive position. It was in this 3rd attempt to oust the German forces that the 5th Division of the Australian Army won high accolades for successfully clearing the Polygon Wood area of German forces. A tall memorial to the 5th Australian Division now stands in the Polygon Wood cemetery There are numerous memorials and cemeteries in this part of the world. In the Ypres area ( of which Passhendele/ Polygon Wood is just a part ) has over 150 military WW1 cemeteries. The largest of these is Tyne ... read more
 Australian 5th Div Passchendaele Belgium  (2)
Aust 5th Div Cemetry & Mem Passchendaele Belgium (1)
Aust 5th Div Cem & Mem Passchendaele Belgium (4)

Europe » Belgium » West Flanders » Ypres September 14th 2015

Today was set aside for the Flanders Field bus tour. I wasn't too sure what to expect. My knowledge of the First World War is pretty limited - I did Wikipedia it and gained some insight. I do feel a connection to the history as my grandpa Sanders enlisted and fought in both Belgium and France, ultimately becoming a victim of Mustard Gas and eventually succumbing and dying as a result of that after returning home. Ypres (pronounced like geepers with no g) was the epicentre of the fighting and there were several major battles fought there. This is also where Germany introduced chemical warfare which would later be used by the allies as well. It was a very somber day as we travelled through the many battle field sites and visited the endless graveyards - ... read more
Row on row..
All perfectly groomed
The Field Dressing station

Europe » Belgium » West Flanders » Bruges September 1st 2015

I was really excited about visiting Bruges having seen many photos of this medieval fairytale looking place, as well as hearing great reviews from family and friends. I can honestly say that my excitement for visiting this place did not end up with disappointment and would say that Bruges is right up there in my all-time top 5 favourites cities. Before visiting Bruges, I did not know too much about it, except that it was surrounded by meandering canals and lined with medieval buildings. I discovered that Bruges was the hub of trade in the 13th century with other European countries and learnt that the city became the world's first tourist destination in the late 19th century. Upon entering the 13th century markt, I found the Historium Brugge. This attraction is very popular with tourists as ... read more
Madonna of Canon van der Paele
Best chocolates in town

Europe » Belgium » West Flanders » Ypres August 30th 2015

I was awake early after my restless night of camping out in the storm and a good job too as my plan was to tour around the World War I battlefields so I would need plenty of time to explore. My Eyewitness Travel guide recommended to see everything within two days, but as I only had one day, I chose my key interests carefully. My guidebook recommended starting at Diksmuide and driving down towards Ypres, or Ieper to the locals! Local people that I spoke to recommended finishing my day at Ypres because of the last post, played by buglers at Menin Gate, in memory of the 55,000 missing commonwealth soldiers. The last post is played at 8pm but I decided that I didn't want to drive around Belgium when getting late and also wanted to ... read more
Inside Menin Gate
Passchendaele Museum
Tyne Cot Cemetry

Europe » Belgium » West Flanders » Diksmuide August 29th 2015

Money is a bit tight for 2015 with buying a house so plans to visit Peru have been put on hold. But a year without any travelling? Surely I couldn't possibly manage that! I had some money saved and decided that I'd like to visit Belgium. The British pound had been strong against the Euro prior to the Greek bailout so I got planning my itinerary and accommodation quickly. Also, I had discovered a site called Couchsurfing and had managed to arrange a few nights of being hosted for free. As a supermarket called Tesco says "every little helps" especially when travelling on a tight budget. With Belgium being so close to the UK, I decided that I'd be able to see more locations by taking my car. I drove my car to the port of ... read more
Yser Tower
Tent before the storm

Europe » Belgium » West Flanders » Bruges August 19th 2015

So, we had our couple of days in a field watching bands and fending off wasps. Ash danced like a mad thing to the offspring, we escaped unscathed walking through the tented German city and dealt very badly with the heat but due to a terrible forecast and some silly weather, we decided to cut our festival short and head off to get clean a day earlier than planned. So on Sunday we headed on a five hour journey to Osnabruck to a very nice hotel, literally to get clean and eat a proper meal. Cleaned up, we headed on Monday to Amsterdam. Theoretically we knew where to go having been to this hotel four times before . Sadly Europe is being dug up. Including the road our hotel is on. The nearby park and ride ... read more

Europe » Belgium » West Flanders August 2nd 2015

Sunday 2 August 2015 During this trip we have spent time at various World War One memorials and cemeteries. It seems that many other people share this need to try and appreciate the enormity of the sacrifice made by a generation of young men, their families and their countries. Always there are people walking quietly, looking at row on row of headstones, perhaps seeking a particular name. Today we will leave Belgium, but will first make a visit to Tyne Cot, a very large Commonwealth WW l cemetery near Ypres. Our other planned stop is the much smaller Trois Arbres Cemetery just over the border and into France. We have enjoyed Belgium very much and on this sunny morning it's good to drive through the productive countryside, taking smaller and smaller country roads as Polly tries ... read more
Tyne Cot
Tyne Cot

Europe » Belgium » West Flanders » Bruges July 31st 2015

Friday 31 July 2015 Bruges is a short drive from the little town where we are staying and we have heard it is an attractive place to visit, so with the sun shining again we head off to find out for ourselves. The car is safely underground, but the downside is that the wet socks drying in the car won't make much progress while we are parked there. It's hard to find the perfect park. Above ground we were immediately captivated by the sight of a tall spire looming at the end of the street. We followed our noses and quickly found the streets which seemed to be attracting people. Bruges seems to be a city built around water, and canals carry boatloads of tourists under bridges and past delightful old buildings, some used as cafés ... read more

Europe » Belgium » West Flanders July 30th 2015

Thursday 30 July 2015. It is an early start this morning, so early breakfast isn't quite ready. But we are on a tight schedule so nothing is going to get in our way. Our final check-in time at the Eurotunnel is 9:09 am. The news is full of items about Operation Stack, illegal immigrants and long delays. We don't want to be an item about disgruntled Kiwis missing their connection. From the hotel the route to the Channel Tunnel is well sign posted. All is going well. We will be an hour early for our train. Just as we are about to enter the approach road we are confronted by red cones and barricades. Deviation! Oh no! Only one thing to do, follow the yellow signs back towards London. We are one of many cars racing ... read more
De Panne
De Panne

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