Schokofest und Fußballspiel!

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October 4th 2008
Published: October 4th 2008
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Herzlich Willkommen beim SchokofestHerzlich Willkommen beim SchokofestHerzlich Willkommen beim Schokofest

A heartfelt welcome to the Chocolate Festival

It's only about 3 o'clock here right now, and I'm inbetween the two major events of the day, so thought I'd give a little update. Today I woke up to head out to the Schokofest, a part of Graz's celebration of Steirischer Herbst. It was fantastic! After meeting up with Libor and heading to the Franziskanerplatz, we met up with Elizabeth, Meghan, and Dietlinde. Franziskanerplatz is a small little square that connects into the Hauptplatz. It's right next to a Franciscan Monastery that is actually still active. There were even some monks roaming around. The place was packed, though, everyone ready to celebrate and sample some awesome Austrian chocolate.

There was a designed route that took you in a circle around the square. You had to first purchase a Löffel, or spoon, which then allowed you samples of everything. The people working would place a sample in your spoon, that way you wouldn't be dipping it into things and whatnot. It unfortunately cost 4euro for us whereas it should've cost 1, but we weren't aware that we could've gotten a discount. Oh well, so ist das Leben. It was worth it either way.

Chocolate ToolsChocolate ToolsChocolate Tools

A lady standing there didn't believe these were real, and the woman assured her, "Diese sind pure Schoko!"
was great, though! There were some artistic representations of chocolate, such as carving it into tools, and also lots of odd combinations. My personal favorite that I'd had was banana and chocolate. We went down a long line of compressors that allowed you to smash up a candybar and take little bits. It ended with two fountains of chocolate, one brown and one white, where you could have little shots of chocolate to drink. We stayed around that area for a little bit!

From there, we moved onto the cookie-making station. You got to choose your cookie cut-out and then decorate it. After 20 minutes, it was gebäckt (baked), and voila! A true Austrian cookie. I chose to make a Christmas tree, and Libor made an angel--we were all teasing him about it. Dietlinde made a bell, and so the three of us together had a little Christmas thing going on. We're geeks, what can I say.

After that, we continued on to the hot chocolate station. We were given four different types of hot chocolates to try, all of which were awesome. They kept getting better as we went farther and farther along. We were done after

Lots of Leute [people].
that, and considered going back through all the stations for another round. Instead, we just took a seat at one of the cafes in the Platz and hung out for a little.

When it finally got too cold to sit outside anymore, we parted ways. The girls had bought tickets from Die Lange Nacht der Museen, so they wanted to go get ready for that. Libor and I are most likely going to meet up with them later, but we had other things to take care of. We went to Giga Sport and there we bought a soccer ball , which was not a bad deal at all 'cause we found a really good one. We're going to try to get a bunch of people tomorrow to play, or at least play Fußbodenball.

I have to head out in a few minutes, since I'm meeting up with Libor and Borja in the Hauptplatz to head to the stadium to see the Sturm! I'm pretty excited, it's going to be awesome to see a real European soccer team in action, and see it with Europeans no less.

Hope you all aren't too jealous of
Mein LoeffelMein LoeffelMein Loeffel

My spoon. It has a wacky design on it, but you can't really tell since it's blurry.
the chocolate--though I know Hillary's fuming right now!

Additional photos below
Photos: 14, Displayed: 14


Chocolate BarsChocolate Bars
Chocolate Bars

You could buy these bars, but they were also giving a lot out for free.

This guy was filling these chocolate balls with what I believe was caramel.

You pulled down the lever and it broke the bar apart, so you could taste bits of it.
Chocolate FountainsChocolate Fountains
Chocolate Fountains

So good! Both of them! Dietlinde didn't want to leave.
Eating ChocolateEating Chocolate
Eating Chocolate

This picture was totally staged.

We were all pretty happy to be eating tons of chocolate at 11 in the morning, especially Dietlinde.

They were gingerbread.
Cookie CuttingCookie Cutting
Cookie Cutting

Elizabeth cutting out her star.
Barista's SignBarista's Sign
Barista's Sign

It's the fashionable thing to have stuff in English here. We think/hope they meant to say "Alcoholic Beverages," not Alcoholics.

Dietlinde pulled her bell away right as I took the picture, so it's only my Christmas tree and Libor's angel.

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