Blogs from Grand Case, Saint Martin, Central America Caribbean


Hello one and all! So, I'm currently sitting in the most exotic bar on the St Maarten Island. Firstly, the realization that I am sitting here is still pure madness for me! We set sail on Saturday to a massive sailing away party that Disney do. Fortunetly, we were lucky enough to see at as the official "newbies" of the crew. So The whole purpose of this week is so that we can gain the experience as to what the ship has to offer. So far I have seen shows, dined, trained, slept and socialized like it was the end of the world! But then comes the training! The training on this ship is intense, with a series of lectures and exams afterwards. They really do stress absolute safety on board this ship and no issue ... read more

Bonjour à vous tous, Plus que deux jours à l’eau! Et oui les vacances tirent à leur fin. Grand Style doit sortir de l’eau lundi pour son repos de huit mois. Carole et moi avons déjà commencé à le préparer pour ses vacances à lui... Pas de nouvelles de ma sœur qui est malade pour l’instant, mais nous pensons toujours à elle. Bon courage Louise. Notre retour de St-Martin n’a pas été comme nous l’espérions. Après le départ de notre fille Isabelle nous nous préparons pour notre remontée sur les BVI. Fait rare dans nos voyages nous n’aurons pas à combattre le vent mais plutôt à s’en servir. Donc, nous attendons pour une bonne fenêtre de vent (15 à 20 nœuds minimum) et nous avons été servis, un peu trop même... Les prévisions n’ont pas été ... read more
Coucher de soleil pour les amateurs

20 mars, 2012 Bonjour de Saint-Martin, Selon les nouvelles que nous avons du Québec, votre hiver est presque aussi beau qu’ici, enfin presque… Premièrement des nouvelles de ma grande sœur. Son cancer a malheureusement progressé de plus de 12 % et elle doit recommencer des traitements de chimio. Ses os, à cause des métastases, sont très fragilisés et elle doit recevoir un médicament quelques fois par semaine afin de corriger cette situation. Elle est très affaiblie contrairement aux premiers traitements qu’elle avait reçus l’an passé. Comme je vous disais dans le blogue précédent le gros problème semble être ces maudites métastases que la chimio et la radio n’arrivent pas à tuer. Son moral est quand même bon mais des nouvelles encourageantes aideraient beaucoup la situation. Louise, nous pensons à toi tous les jours et ne désespère ... read more
Baie de Marigot

Exploring the Island of St Martin over the months of January- March 2011 Is amazing. I love this island, from the luscious green rolling mountains on the horizon to the white sandy beaches always accomponied by a rustic, grass hutted bar with the famous rum punches flowing freely amongst the sun kissed locals. The planes flying low over head as you sip your punch at the sunset beach bar and standing in the jet stream of a 747 about to take off was a highlight. After work we would go to the beach across the road and the boys would play touch rugby while us girls watched them all hot and sweaty in the last reflection of light that the caribbean gives off at sunset.. Beautiful island rugid and natural. Taking a secret abandoned path to ... read more
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After the Dolomites, we took a 12 hour journey (1 bus & 4 train rides) to Monte Carlo. We went to visit our friends Erika (high school friend of Sabrina's) & Stephan who live in the tiny principality. Monaco is a rather surreal place. The tiny country on the Mediterranean (second smallest in size next to the Vatican) covers only 2 square kilometers and has a very wealthy population as a tax haven. Monaco is really lovely, although we weren't very lucky with the weather and had rain during two of the three days we visited. The wet weather didn't bother us at all since the main purpose of our stop here was to visit with our friends, and we really had a fantastic time together. Upon our arrival in the evening, Erika and her little ... read more
Erika, Sabrina & Fuji
Monaco's Jail
Sabrina's Office

St Martin Beach Resort During a 3 day stay on the St Martin island we stayed at a nice resort called Grand Case Beach Club. It’s one of those resorts thats fenced off, so people can’t just walk into the resort. It was really nice with first class accommodations all around. We did have a hard time finding a place to eat. Some of the restaurants there would make us vegan dishes, while at other times we would have to hit the fresh market and pick up some stuff. Our room was equipped with a full kitchen so we were able to whip up our own vegan meals. ... read more

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