Vispera de San Juan

Published: June 24th 2008
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 Video Playlist:

1: Famous PR Trio 13 secs
Ay Dios mio! Bendito...Virgen...We arrived around 1900 hours. We had a light dinner and quiet on the boat. It was raining, we had another tropical wave come by. Seems like every few days this time of the year, the waves come by. Here they call it "aguada". Winds have been up to 35 knots. Rain comes and goes.
So as I said we arrived at the Club, Daniel was wondering where we were...He was getting ready to call us. But we know Latin parties, come late and stay late.
There were maybe 40 persons altogether. The barbecue was going, with charcoal. They had hot dogs, pork ribs, pork chops, chicken, morcilla ( blood sausages yuck!) All kinds of salads, rice dishes, pasta, etc...
Someone had brought an inflatable pool. And you know guys, they had hoses. Not to many escaped the hose. We were drenched, and then shivering. I had a beer can in my hand, and I was trembling so bad...Shake here, shake there. Poor Pete got it 3 times...
I am posting some pictures of the party last night, so you can get the idea.
Around midnight, everyone jumps in the water, bay that is. And when you come
Guess who?Guess who?Guess who?

Thankfully no sharks
out, is forward, after you have stood, and thrown yourself backward 3 times, to despojar de los malos demonios. (To take away the demons).
Puerto Rican are superstitious, and have a lot of traditions. St. John is the patron Saint of PR. It is too bad the weather did not cooperate. We saw hundred of persons come to the beach late at night, for the traditional chapuson.
All in all, we had a great time.

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8



The trioThe trio
The trio

Pichon, Emilio and Maestro doing the serenade

His new acquired....

It is going to break, ahhh, but I was a magician and it did not. Bozo is the owner of the mooring we are using.

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