What a typical Sunday brings..

Published: June 23rd 2008
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Donnie and his fishDonnie and his fishDonnie and his fish

We are told he weight in at 47 lbs.
We were invited to Mercedes and Daniel's home today. This is the 2nd time we have been invited to their house. Mercedes cooked an asopado de Camarones, (rice and shrimp in a soup). We also had barbecued chicken and pork skewers to pick. I brought 4 plantains very ripe. She cooked them in the oven, so simple, she cut ends off, lay them in a pan with nothing, and cooked them for about 25 minutes in the oven. The skin breaks open, easily removed. Very tasty! and no grease!
After lunch we played dominoes, to the double 6, different than the Cuban which is double nine. But same rules, same slapping, same name calling...What a blast!
We came back to the club around 1600, to see what was going on...We found lot's of activities, members cooking in different areas. So help me, we think the favorite past time here is to cook and eat, after rum and beer drinking. The food is always delicious! We ate so much...
We arrived at the boat after dark. We have been invited to another party tonight, are we getting partied out yet? Turn out tomorrow is St. John the Baptist Saints day. We find out that they honor the vispera, the night before. Part of the tradition is to jump in the water after midnight, so swim suits are in order for tonight. Pete will be taking a nap, so he can last. Hope there are no sharks around...When in Rome....
We received an email from our son in law, Donnie, Debbie's husband. He went diving...Check the picture out...one picture worth a thousand words?


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