Ron y Cerveza: En el claro - Parte Dos

Published: December 13th 2013
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Hola Amigos!

This is the 2nd Part to Rum and Beer: In the clear, bc if you read Part 1 of this blovel, then you should be as fluent in Spanish as I am. See, I know a lot of words in Spanish but I don't know how to put them into sentences. It doesn't much help when you try to talk to someone and all you can say is "Hello! How are you?" "Oh, I'm good too thanks" and then a bunch of color words or random objects.

I left you with our "we didn't get robbed" ice cream party and after re-reading everything, I realized, naturally, that I left out something. I want to remind you of the fact that you can get robbed anywhere. Granted there are places more notorious for robbings, or shootings even. Such as the city I just moved from and the city in which I currently live.

I've been warned not to go to 80% of the places I have ever been, but the key to that is.. I've been warned by people who have never been. I'll give you a minute to think on that.

My point is.. if you can, always, always... Go!

Alrighty then, straight back to Casa de "Olay". We got back in from our dinner, ice cream party, and were met with about 60 drunkards. I was all ready to test out my first drug purchase from the pharmacy. It didn't kill that guy I gave it to the night before, so what the hell. Also, I may have killed someone if I had listen to the idiots partying outside all night. I only say idiots, bc there's nothing worse than listening to drunk people when you're not one of them. Ryan and I watched a movie the night before, but we could only use one set of headphones, one ear bud each. It wasn't too bad actually, but tonight Sean was going to be watching too. I wasn't really into that idea so down the hatch went the little white pill. I brushed my teeth, laid down, and with both the boys on my right, said goodnight. They were trying to decide on a movie and the next thing I knew the sun was up. Well, hello, how'd that happen?! I wasn't even sure if Sean was still in the room. I could not believe I didn't hear a thing. I don't think I moved a muscle. Come to find out, the google machine told me it was an Ambien. If you can't tell, I'm not a drug taker/user. Yes, mother, I realize I should have looked it up before, but I thought my sign language was pretty stellar to the pharmacy girl, and it didn't kill that guy, so I wasn't too worried. Also, Ryan was getting over his infection, all bc the ear drops that Nurse MK put in every 3 or 4 hours, that dripped yellow goop down the side of his face.

Now, I'm gonna tell you about some other junk that happened bc my days are sort of running together and since I've probably messed up my "timeline of events" this seems like just the spot for randomness:

Buzz is the spider monkey that lives at Casa. She was abandoned by her mother and somehow Fred and Carla adopted her. She has a pretty large area to herself with ropes and toys and all that, but can also swing in the door for people watching/playing. She is the funniest little thing. Her balance is amazing. She'll just swing in and sit on the top of the door. It's a door that's been cut in half, so the bottom can close and the top open. We had them in my house growing up.. is that weird? I didn't think it was but now I'm thinking it might be. Hmm. Well, whatever, Buzz is on a leash though, which isn't as sad as it sounds. Like with the airport pick up sign thing.. if you've read my blovel from Thailand, then you know I'm not a fan of animals being tied up. She, however, I do believe has a good life. It may not be in the wild, but at least she's not abandoned, or dead. On a happier note, she did make me laugh in the mornings because Fred would give her a small cup of coffee, but if it was too hot she'd pour it out. If it was close to perfect, she'd sit and blow on it until it was perfect. Smart.

All along I was told that she doesn't like girls. I don't know if this is bc she is a girl and is smart or if she just really wanted

see his flashlight behind the chair?!
the male attention. Ryan would go right up to her though. One time she stole his hat, which was funny. He would say how soft she was and how awesome her hands felt. I wanted to hold her and he knew it, the little cheek! We were not allowed to feed her, but Fred did from time to time. Most nights at dinner she would get a bite of the dessert. She was just so damn cute! The expletive is necessary! Sometimes she'd stretch as far in as her leash would go, wrap her tail around a table leg or chair pulling it closer, and usually getting whatever she wanted from sed table or chair. 😊 Eventually I worked up the nerve to get close to her and she was a little punkin snuggler!

We had a beer pong tourney one night. Ryan and I were the 'Southern Belles', haha thanks Matty! I only tell you this for two reasons. One, because we won our first game, then lost to Texas. I don't remember their team name, but I do remember the guy. Texas. He was one of those people that could actually be Ok, but just tries soooo hard that he's annoying. I'm only saying this bc he was American and I get embarrassed when other Americans are embarrassing. Heaven forbid I ever do anything embarrassing!! (I know I'm being a rude here, I'm well aware that I do embarrassing things) But this guy is one who talks reeeal slow, wears clothes from SE Asia just so people will know he's been there, and is just, annoying. I know he had on a necklace, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of those puka shell ones or a shark tooth or something dumb like that. He rarely wore a shirt and his beer belly poked out of his skinny frame. I can't go into much detail because I'm already planning to write about a freak show later and that's not very ladylike of me to be bashing so many people at once. 😉 I just want you to get the picture of why I was so upset about losing. It wasn't about beer pong, it was that Texas was trash talking the whole time and all I wanted to do was rub it in his face that we won. That's class, right?!? Well, didn't happen. I
surfer surfer surfer

after a hard days work
tucked my tail and met Tona at the bar (you know where her squiggle goes).

The second reason I told you that is bc Matty, one of the bar tenders, came up with our team name. It reminded me that Australians add "y" or "o" or shorten, everything. Matt=Matty Sean=Seano, Ryan=Ryano (which I love bc I call him Ryan-ocerous) Anyone who has a name all of a sudden becomes a nickname by adding y or o. It's only funny because we met Matt, not two seconds later they're callin him Matty. There are sooooo many shortened words that I can't even begin to type. I guess that's not really something I can describe, more of a "you gotta be there" kinda thing. 😊

Moving on to Lupe, the night guard at Casa, well and security in general. I've already stated my opinion on safety matters, but this is just funny to me. Lupe is the guard that walks around Casa at night making sure everything is secure. I only have one pic with him and he insisted that I act like I'm cutting off his head with his machete?? He walks around with a machete and a big
our other claimed spot at Hermosaour other claimed spot at Hermosaour other claimed spot at Hermosa

hammocks are the stuff
flashlight, actually shining it around and looking for things, and people. In the photo, the chair cuts it off but, its one of those big flashlights with the handle. It makes me laugh for no reason at all. We also had to paint our middle fingernails. This helped Lupe decipher who was and wasn't staying at Casa. Ingenious, I say. 😊 At Hermosa guards walked around with guns, but they were so old I was more afraid of the gun, then what the gun may be pointed towards.

All the kids in town walk around with these things we called "Clackers". Someone told me we used to have them in the US, but I've never seen them. Two balls connected by a cord, with a knot in the middle. The idea is to hold the knot, and "clack" the balls together above and below your hand. I watched many people try, I tried, Ryan tried, everyone tried. Nobody could do it. The one ear bud movie night, night, I heard someone going on and on! We hopped out of the room to see and it was this tiny child probably 4 years old. We were amazed! In the video, he hits the pole, but obviously he is a stud bc he can go above his head, while standing on a stool, with a bunch of Westerners watching in astonishment. Ever since we saw the kid do it, we practiced. People laughed bc one morning all 3 pairs were sitting outside our door. haha. I don't have a video of myself doing it, but Ryan got really good at it too. I put his video on here bc the look on the other guys face makes me laugh so hard!! Plus the oh so serious look Ryan has when he realizes he's going so long!! Fred said I was the best "white person" he'd ever seen, and he gave me a pair to keep! Ryan was a little jealous bc I picked my favorite pair (duh) and not his.



(the only reason they're on youtube is bc that's the only way to upload a video to travelblog now)

Somewhere through all that randomness, it was back to Sunday again. Sunday Funday, which is an actual thing. You can pay (for a tshirt basically) to go on a pool/pub crawl. We'd heard stories and seen
view from the bottom, at the top, and over SJDSview from the bottom, at the top, and over SJDSview from the bottom, at the top, and over SJDS
the aftermath, but never participated. I was ok with that, but this Sunday they weren't doing any shuttle runs to the beaches. The boys were talking with Fred and he just offered us the "ute" (SUV). This meant we could go to the beach and not have to watch the clock, or wait for a pickup. It was going to be me, Ryan, Sean, Bucks, Ohio Kyle (he was a stand in family member for the week), two other Aussie girls, some guy they said was American (I refused to believe this), and a German girl. Rhys hadn't really recovered from Sat night and was onto Sunday Funday. We start down the hill and not even half way the guy goes "so where do we buy the sunday funday tickets". Ryan stopped immediately. We all looked at the guy. We were going out all day and purposefully missing Sunday Funday to surf. Out he went with the German girl. The dummies.

Hermosa was really good that day. Andy, one of the Aussie girls, surfed with us. She can actually surf, I was still coach dependent although my coach was wishing I wasn't. ha. I warned him ahead of time
I'll give you one guess..I'll give you one guess..I'll give you one guess..

just plopped outside my room door bc we're such BFFs
of this. "paddle MK" "come this way (arms motioning)" "this one is yours" "turn around" "paddle, paddle" "stop" "paddle" "slowly" "now paddle!" I mean I was help-able, not totally helpless. I just took a lot away from my teachers day. They called him the "wave whisperer", in a joking, yet all serious way. He could catch any and everything. I think it was hard for his brain to accept that my brain didn't know how to tell my body what to do. I tried not to be frustrating to him, but that only ended up frustrating me. I'd float around until he waved me over, always holding out his hand like a little shadow puppet, I'd paddle right to him and "dock" until he told me what to do next. It was pretty simple. Paddle, paddle, paddle, really paddle, feel it take you, push up, ride the wave. We came in one day and he was telling somebody I rode the "green water". I wasn't sure if this was good or bad so I just smiled and nodded. The next day I put it together that the green water was the part of the wave that wasn't white yet. I
menu at Nacho Libremenu at Nacho Libremenu at Nacho Libre

amazing burgers
was happy to discover I had done something right! So, he'd hold the tip of my board until paddling started and move to the back, giving me an extra boost in order for me to catch the wave. I needed a little motor that just flipped on, then cut itself off once you got the wave. Once I was up, I was pretty good about staying on and riding a fair way in. Ryan told me once that I was better than Sean, but I'm still not sure if he said that bc he meant it or bc he thought I needed the confidence boost. Either way, I liked it.

There wasn't anything in the water to be afraid of, that we knew of, except little baby stingrays. To say they were the size of a dinner plate is stretching it, more salad plate-ish. I only saw them in the shallows and never where we were floating around. We did see a few people who'd been stung, even one little boy who let me inspect his injury. It was just a little puncture, and not some gaping wound, so we just kept with the shuffling and knew we'd be
massage spotmassage spotmassage spot
alright. Although one time we were shuffling out, Ryan saw one, jumped on his board, and tried to take off. I screamed. His cord was somehow wrapped around my leg and when he jumped out, I went down. No idea what happened to that stingray, but I'm certain I scared him way more than he scared us. The other thing was that we weren't in very deep water. Rarely was I in water that I couldn't stand in. So, when you finished the wave, you were in the shallow stingray land. I felt them wriggle across my feet about 4 or 5 times and it just gives you the heeby jeebies. Rule one: shuffle instead of walk Rule two: touch the ground with the tip of your big toe before going flat footed. No one in our group was stung. 😊

After lunch, chicken burger of course, a couple hours later, trip to town, and we were back to Casa. All the people from Sunday Funday started appearing and they were a wreck! The boys weren't getting too into party mode bc the next day they were meant to go with their man crush, Jimmy, for the the day.
the spider before death, and the polish the spider before death, and the polish the spider before death, and the polish
They paid 60 bucks each to go on an all day surf trip to two other beaches. The surf was meant to be really good for this reason and that, and they were pumped. Ryan was like a little kid. He was playing Dad to the other boys, even feeding Rhys water saying "you don't wanna miss this, man". It was cute and Rhys was hilarious. The bartender was trying to shut down the bar and get everyone to go downtown, but just our group wanted to stay. The bartender put Ryan and Kyle in charge. There were maybe a few stragglers here and there, but we were going to be good, as promised.

The next day, the boys were up at 4 or 5 something in the morning. It worked out really well bc Andy and Tania, the Aussie girls (who of course live in Canada) were sticking around for their last day. I invited myself to go with them to see Jesus. Chili gave us a free lift, to the bottom. It's a massive statue that I can't really tell you about because all the plaques were in Spanish. But I'm hoping you get the jist from
the pics, otherwise, just forget it ya ding ding. We all thought we might die on the way up, which was not a good sign for our fitness level, but as suspected, the views were beautiful. Pretty neat to see over SJDS and all the gorgeous homes on the hillside. It was hot and we left, back down to town across "shit river", where all the drainage runs into the ocean and people who don't know are swimming and playing, not knowing they're catching who knows what from that water. (that might not all be true, but I steer clear from places where those kinds of stories evolve) They stayed around town to meet up with a friend and I headed back. The shuttle runs every 2 hours and I didn't want to stay that long, so I went and got a chicken burrito, while waiting on Chili. I'm still not sure why I got that, because I never ate it, which was weird. We got them a few times, and they were delicious.

I got back to Casa and took a shower or a nap or read or something and when I came out of my room later,
out of control pharmacyout of control pharmacyout of control pharmacy
Irish was sitting there talking to Texas' friend whose name I can't remember for the life of me so I'm going to call him, Carl. (Ok, it was really irritating me so I googled 'C' boy names) Got it, it was Chad. (Chad who wears a fluorescent hat and sunglasses at night) For my original point... Killian is the Irish bartender (aka Irish), that was actually fired the night before by Fred for no reason, but Fred is a man of his word (no matter if it's wrong) and gave him the boot. I couldnt believe it. So I sat there, right on my doorstep, by the pool, chatting about the drama from the previous night with Irish and Chad. How convenient is that?! Walk out, get the goss. 😉

Earlier in the week Chad told me that his friend MJ would be at Casa. He thought this was important bc MK and MJ rhyme. I actually liked him though, he was nice and chatty. We'd hung out the few days before when the boys were stuck at the beach. Anyway, we're sitting there talking and here comes MJ.

I've always said that you can tell if you're
absolutely amazing absolutely amazing absolutely amazing
going to get along with a person in the first 2 minutes, if even that long, of meeting them. It took about 10 seconds and a couple words. Wasn't happening. She sits down in her red bikini with white polka dots (not to be confused with a red polka dot bikini), her backwards "Nica what!?" hat, and starts ordering Chad to get her another drink, in her "chalice". Her "chalice" was a plastic wanna be goblet. She had a weird hairdo, the kind where its not short enough to be short and not long enough to be long, and sits oddly on her head bc it has that one side is longer than the other thing happening. It may have had a few colors in it, can't remember. She's English, so I liked her accent, I just didn't like the words coming out of her mouth. She lives in Nica and works at a hostel near Ometepe, thus how she knew Chad. When he returns with her freshly filled "chalice" she starts going on about how she knew we'd be friends. This was news to me, so I listened. She told me about her new system of making friends. She'd
the ice cream man!!! the ice cream man!!! the ice cream man!!!

50 cents
go up to someone and if they let her put fingernail polish on their nose, they'd be fast friends. "You look like we'd be friends, I bet you'd let me do that" insert awkward laughter "No, I wouldn't though. Why would I want fingernail polish on my nose? Like you've marked me?" Awkward laugh. She stared at me. I think she thought she was going to stare into my soul and change my mind. Well, you're not gonna win a staring contest with me, sister. Especially if you're giving me an evil eye. I've got that part down. We just stared at each other in silence until she stopped, squinting our eyes ever so slightly.

She continued to tell about how drunk she was last week/month/year and how she did this and that, all shocking stories, but I wasn't getting into that. I don't care. However, I sat and listened to her BS. She was right outside my door, the boys weren't back, Tania and Andy weren't back yet, I was stuck. At least Chad was there, and Tona. I'm fine with weird people, but people who go out of their way to be weird annoy me. It made
5 in the back! 5 in the back! 5 in the back!

family time ;)
me a little sad for her. Putting on all these shows, delighting in peoples disgust. Eventually, she got bored of me, bc I wasn't responding to her stories appropriately, and left. Praise the Lord. I think Chad had even left us at this point.

As always, time went on and I found myself back sitting at the bar talking to Irish. Jimmy and the boys still had a few hours before returning, but all day Jimmy had a hog roasting. We were going to have a "feast" for dinner. It smelled delicious from the time I woke up, to the time it was in my belly. Dinner was nearly ready, but they still weren't back. We saved them some seats and just as we were filling up our plates, in came the boys. They had a really great day! Chris, Jimmy's business partner, took a bunch of photos of them surfing (the main reason for the trip). He had a big camera and got a lot of really good shots. The boys were loving it. I also liked Chris bc when we first met, he was so excited to spell Mississippi to me. That will never get old!!
boat tour to the isletsboat tour to the isletsboat tour to the islets

(I love the word islets)

Dinner was soooo tasty, which was setting up for a great night ahead. Tania and Andy were on their last night and leaving at something absurd o'clock, maybe 3 or 4 AM. They were debating on partying or sleeping. We all knew the answer to this. Tania and I parked ourselves at the bar, while poor Andy was having stomach issues. I always laugh when traveling bc girls usually end up talking about poop. Everybody poops. It really shouldn't be as big a deal as we make it to be in our heads. I was with 4 boys for goodness sakes. They talk about poop like they talk about what they're going to eat for breakfast. No one cares, except when you're the person who's pooping. Why is this, people? I mean, I get it, obviously, I was with 4 boys. How do you think that works out. Girls always have to do the sneaky poo. I can't just say "oh, ok guys, I gotta go take a dump, be right back". The boys would've probably shit themselves right there! (insert that emoji face with the big googly eyes and the one with tears laughing so hard!) Ryan and I
help mehelp mehelp me
once had the stomach bug, in a one room, room. This room had a bathroom, yet the door was on rollers and might as well just not have been there. HORRENDOUS! Annnnyway, that night Andy was ill, but the worst part was that everyone in the hostel knew.

Now, after I've done the whole poop saga, I'll tell ya what makes me happy. Just when we're all worried about when we're gonna poop next, somebody gets sick and the only thing people want to do.. is help. She came out every once in a while, but I knew she felt like shit (pun intended). Tania and I did well for her though, staking our claim front and center with Tona and Flor de Cana. I got up once to go to the toilet (just #1, don't worry), and MJ called me over. I don't think my eyes could have rolled further into the back of my head. She wanted to show me her new pet. I thought certain Chad was gonna be down on all fours quacking like a duck with his nose painted or something. But no, that's what most people would expect. Earlier that day Fred killed
heading to town heading to town heading to town
a tarantula, and like a normal human being, threw it out. Well, weirdy mcweirderston goes and gets it. She doesn't tell anyone this until she's swinging it around the bar.

She tied a string around its middle, just after she painted it with fingernail polish, and doused it in glitter. WHAT. THE. F! I could not believe her. Thankfully, I'm not afraid of spiders, especially if they're dead. She dangled it right in my face, explaining its makeover wanting me to either be absolutely horrified or totally grossed out. I saw the disappointment when I was neither. Although I did tell her it was "beautiful". She then proceeded to kiss it and wanted me to as well. Sorry honey, but I saw you gag when you kissed it. She would hold the string up high with one hand and swing it into peoples faces, or rest it on their shoulders. Naturally, screaming ensued. Her face lit up and I wanted to slap her. It was well dark at this point, she could've at least covered that bikini.

It was such a good night hanging out with everyone, minus that do-do and her dead pet. I saw her at
typical stall in the square typical stall in the square typical stall in the square
breakfast the next morning and was delighted to never see her again. Tania and Andy did as planned and were gone super early. We were also leaving that day to go back to Hermosa for our final surfing days. We said our goodbyes to all the Casa staff, it really was a bit sad. We checked in to the other hostel, but didn't have the private room upstairs (#7, our fav), so we were in a 5 bed dorm just below. I always like being in a room with just your people bc you don't have to worry as much abt you stuff. We headed to get boards and were soon in the water. My bruise from the first day, was just now fading. Never failed, every day I surfed, I was bruised and most of the time, I don't even know what from. They had zinc in every color, Ryan chose green and looked like a witch, or the Hulk. Bucks had a nude color and we all looked like we had on awful makeup. 😊

I was getting better and better at surfing, I thought. I still wanted Ryan to tell me what to do, but it
my favorite my favorite my favorite
was better. I miss sitting out there, staring over the ocean pretending to know what I was looking for. We had a good time, our sole purpose was fulfilled.

The beds in this room didn't allow for much of a viewing spot for a movie. We laid on our beds, on our phones, or laptops, or reading, just chatting every once in a while. I loved this place. All except the bathroom issue. I know, here we go again about poop. The rooms, obviously had four walls, but nothing was above those walls. The thatched roof was built way up and the walls didn't reach, creating a big gap. So if you went to the toilet, it wasn't very private. I was lying there, minding my own business and felt a little rumble. No, not now! I turned on my side and was in major pain. There was a guest toilet just outside our room. I waited as long as I could, got up, and just walked out. When I came out, there was Ryan. I didn't tell him, but I wanted to. I knew it wasn't over. I think whatever Andy had, I got. Luckily, there was the
Tona selfie Tona selfie Tona selfie
spare toilet, and it was over fairly quickly. Every once in a while, I'd just get up and leave. I'm sure they thought I was weird, if they even noticed.

Later, Bucks got up. Sean, being Sean, called him out "why'd you go out there to take a crap man, now I have to leave the room when I go". It's only common courtesy to not stink up the room where 4 other people are, but that makes no matter. It's also common courtesy to not blow smoke in peoples faces, or to at least turn your head in attempt, but this didn't occur to him either, or maybe it was just to irritate me. I think at this point we were wearing on each others nerves. Don't get me wrong, he is a great guy, but it was a lot of time together. I'm fairly certain he thinks I'm a biotch, and after reading this blovel, it'd be fair to say he's right. 😊 We were still a group though and that's all that mattered. Keep the peace! I have no doubt we'd be good friends, so long as we didn't see each other everyday. haha Sean if

go, go, go!
you ever in a million years read this, you know I love ya. 😊

Surfing, surfing, more surfing. We moved rooms the next night for some unknown reason, but it was great bc we were back in #7 and the boys had a pretty good spot for a night time movie. It was so quiet in the hostel and when we got up to our room, remember it doesn't have walls that go all the way up, I could see the flicker of lights from the room next to us. He was watching a movie, but I couldn't tell bc we were getting ready for bed. Ryan was brushing his teeth and as soon as I put my head on the pillow, I heard a chainsaw full blast. I freaked. I was SO worried I was going to have to listen to a scary movie! I DO NOT do scary movies! I guess he heard us walking around and put in head phones or something, but that first sound of a chainsaw and screams did me in. I woke up in the middle of the night and jumped bc I thought somebody was beside the bed, but no. It
I will send you 1000 bucks if you can tell me what this isI will send you 1000 bucks if you can tell me what this isI will send you 1000 bucks if you can tell me what this is

-its not a shoe or a rabbit -I have no idea
was just the neighbor walking around. I would have bet money he was standing beside my head, chainsaw ready.

Breakfast, "checking the surf", lazily getting ready, picking our boards, sunscreening up, claiming our table and hammocks, sitting around, "checking the surf", picking a spot, and we were ready. To the water. Surfing, surfing, surfing. In for lunch, presumably a chicken burger. Sunscreening up, checking the surf. To the water. Shuffle out, hop on, I always walked my board out as far as I could. Ryan was positive it was faster to paddle, but walking was easier. I'd eventually get out there. Surf, surf, surf and too much paddling to type. I have to give quick a shout out to my Crossfit community though, bc I wasn't sore at all this whole trip.

Surfing really was so fun and I like fun. I was about ready to head in and Ryan was being his amazing coach self, waiting patiently with me to get a wave. Paddle, paddle, paddle, push up, and just as my feet hit the board to stand (complete with surfer stance, be impressed) SMACK!! I was rocked in the back of the head. I went straight
pre movie nightpre movie nightpre movie night

off the board. Honestly, all I could think of was that I hit a rock.. or a rock hit me.. on the back of my head, in the rockless water we'd been in all day. It couldn't have been my board, I was standing on it.

I did the go to fetal position, clutching the back of my head, knees as high as they would go. I came up from the water realizing it was his board, but how? After days and days of this, I'd never even seen his board once I had the wave. He didn't know I had been hit, but Sean saw it and was asking if I was OK. I wasn't really sure to be honest. I thought I might've been bleeding. I assured them I was fine, but wanted to go in. I think I may have even teared up. I rode my momma board like a boogie board and floated all the way until it was scraping the sand. I checked for stingrays, and stood up. I felt light headed so I sat down, I swear I saw little stars circling my head like in cartoons. I got back, and laid down,
still holding my head that had now swollen a bit. That's good right, something about if you hit your head and it doesn't swell is bad, right? That's what I was going with. I wasn't bleeding, but it hurt, bad.

I had some awful chicken pasta (should've stuck w the usual), but my stomach was back on track. We pushed the beds together and watched a movie. I was worn out. I was trying not to be a baby, but my head still really hurt and I couldn't put any pressure on it. I didn't want that side to touch my pillow even. I woke up a few times in the night having to turn back over. ha, also, at this hostel there was an idiot rooster. He started cock-a-doodle-dooing around 3. Sometimes Ryan and I thought he sounded like he was talking to us. His cock-a-doodle-do sounded more like "its morning, wake up". I swear and Tona wasn't even around.

The next day we were back in the water just after lunch maybe, I cant remember. Anyway, the waves were supposed to pick up. We headed out and guess what people.. I had NO coach this day!!
heading home heading home heading home
Technically he was there, but he didn't touch my board one single time. I had been catching a couple here and there the previous days, but always went back to him for assistance. Two weeks ago I'd never even touched a surfboard, now I was catching them by myself. After being all excited, the waves kept getting bigger. I caught one in and couldn't get back out. I got to the spot where they crash, yet big momma was carrying back in each time. It was a pain, but most painful were the jellyfish. We hadn't seen any this whole time and there they be on our last day. They were different from jellyfish I'd seen before, they stung of course, but they were stringy. It was like pulling spaghetti off your forearms. Ryan told me to just stay back a little bit until the waves died off, bc I truly couldn't get out there. They were too big and rough, but I also didn't fancy standing around being stung a billion times. I went in. I was sad bc I was having, what I thought was, such a good day. Although I probably would've died on those big waves, but still.

I settled in the hammock and continued with my book. Sean came in not much later, then Ryan, then Rhys and Bucks. Everyone was covered in red from the jellyfish, but after 20 minutes or so everyone was back to normal but Rhys. We assumed he was allergic, but there wasn't much we could do. Bathing or washing probably would have helped, but he was more into "the ocean is my shower" kinda thing.

I thought we would be going back out later that day, but coach's shoulder was hurting and I had already caught my own waves. It was a great way to end the surfing part of this trip. Later we had a massage. Mine was amazing! Ryans was "the worst (he's) ever had". I felt sorry for him bc his shoulder was hurting, but I didn't know his wasn't good. My girl was awesome! It was right at sunset, which was beautiful of course. I was watching the sun fade away and looked over to Ryan to see if he was watching. Picturing it in my head makes me laugh. There was one of those folding screens in the front of the tent and when I looked over all you could see was the line of light coming through the crack shining in a skinny line down his face. He said "yeah, I see it through the gap" hahaha the poor thing. Bad massage and couldn't even get a good view!

The next day we went back to town and got a burger from Nacho Libre. We'd eaten here once before, and couldn't wait to go back. Great burgers/fries. Sean and I even split some fried pickles! Mmmm. Rhys, with his Spanish skills, arranged for a taxi to take us to Granada. He came back asking if everyone was ok to pay 2 bucks extra for a nicer taxi. Of course. It pulls up and is a brand new shuttle van. We felt like Kings (and Queen). 😊

Just as we were leaving, Bucks realized he left a few things at Casa and wanted to swing by to see if they were still there. It was like a little homecoming. Fred and Carla were so happy to see us, like real parents. It was so cute!

We got on the road and after about 15 minutes, we were all asleep. I did see the big volcano though, but ya know the saying. Seen a volcano once, ya seen 'em all. I made that up, but really it's exactly like you imagine. We made it to Granada and only circled the block twice before finding our next home, which had AC, hot showers, and even a TV in every room. Same ole, drop the bags and go for a wander. A few blocks down was the town square. A few stalls selling knick knacks and tourist stuff. The big cathedral sat on one side and all the others were surrounded by shops or restaurants and a lot of children begging for money.

The first night we went to dinner at a Thai place, recommended by some guy on the street. It was the spiciest food I've ever eaten. The boys were sweating. We had curries, but it lacked a main ingredient; coconut milk. Well the only way we knew how to handle the situation was to order Tonas and rum. We think the owners felt so bad for us that they started saying it was happy hour. We were dying, but it was pretty funny. Who knows how much rum there was, but we ended up only having to pay for one. I think then the owner just thought we were entertaining. We thought abt going out, but the food was too much. We went home. (talk abt poop stories the next day - my gosh the boys were in bad shape! TMI?)

I mentioned there were TVs in each room, but did I mention they were about the size of an iPad? old, small, TVs. Ryan got home that night and said he could only watch if he closed one eye to focus. hahaha, it could've been the rum, but I'm pretty sure it was the tiny TV. The next few days were pretty relaxed. We didn't do much but walk around, eat ice cream, or nap.

We did like this bar on the corner of the square though and went most everyday. Bucks sits down one time and orders a round "tone-uhs", haha. We could not stop laughing. Rhys started giving him Spanish lessons at the Thai place the night before and everytime he'd try to pronounce something he'd do his hand up in the air like he was announcing some moviestar or something. Hand in motion "por fah voor"! You have no idea how hilarious this was in real life. He could not pronounce anything. Rhys: say Managua (the city we flew into, "man-aw-gwah") Bucks: "man-ah-gew-uh" We would repeat the word over and over until he got it, 3 seconds later, it was gone. Unbelievable, and hysterical!

One of our favorite things in Granada was the t-shirts. I guess unused t-shirts get shipped there. They have English words written on them, but they don't know what it says. A few of the highlights were: old hunched over woman "I <3 boys" - lady sitting in the square "Life is like a bowl of Cherries" complete with cherries all over! - random man: "I <3 Stallions" - bum on street: LSU (that's not a joke!) - guy selling stuff: "War Damn Eagle" - and the boys' ultimate favorite.. big man walking down the street: "St. Nick's World Tour 2011" with Santa and his sleigh!!! Rhys and I had a game to spot the t-shirts!

The next night we decided to be all fancy and go to a steak place. It was nice, and packed with tourists. Before the nice man, who spoke English, got to our table to take drink orders, we already decided to double down. 10 Tonas and 5 flor de canas, please. He counted 5 of us correctly, looked, nodded, and soon appeared with the order. It was an outstanding meal, had salads and bread to start even!! The start to a great night. We went to a "pub" on the street, Rhys disappeared, then was back with a bottle of rum. We ordered the beers at the pub, but the rum was passed around on the street. Sitting, talking, drinking, people watching. Next thing, this guy comes up with two pieces of cardboard covered in thread bracelets. That was normal, but all he did was laugh. It was the strangest sound. At first we thought he had a really weird Spanish accent, but then realized he wasn't actually speaking, just laughing. It was a high pitched cackle almost, like he was on helium, and a constant rolling laughter. We were all laughing, but no one wanted a bracelet. He left us be.

Shortly after Rhys and Bucks are sitting at a table with these 2 girls. Soon, we all joined. They had the same idea. Beer from the bar, rum in the bag. The boys were into them. They came with us to another bar, and that's where we saw them kissing. The boys were crushed, but it was a little funny. We napped a lot the next day. 😊

There was another volcano nearby and some number of thousands of years ago it erupted, creating 365 islets. There may be more, but I think I remember that number bc I thought "you could go to one a day for a year". We took a boat tour, which was good. I wouldn't say you'd miss a lot if you didn't go, but it was good. Plus, I like the word 'islets'. To get there, all 5 of us crammed into the back of a taxi! To get home, we rode a horse carriage. I thought Rhys and Bucks were going to kill the horses, and I thought we were all going to die bc the back wheel was extremely wonked. No animal, nor human was harmed. We did get to see some monkeys though, who doesn't love that? We also saw howler monkeys on our horse trek. I think I left that out. We had an after the boat Tona and the laugher guy spotted us! He just waved, laughed, and rode off on his bike. That night we went to dinner at a Nicaraguan version of KFC. Our order got messed up and we had to wait forever. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good.

We also went to lunch one day near the lake and wait foooorever onour food. I was the only one who actually got what they thought they'd ordered. After we ordered breakfast one morning we saw the little lady run out and then back with a handful of eggs. They had cereal at our "home" but the milk was warm and I couldn't bring myself to finish it. Our last meal in Granada, the boys wanted something "traditional", yet we ended up at a Mexican place. After that we went to play pool and watch football. As we're sitting there, we hear the laughing guy outside the door! He spots us, comes in, and we all bought a bracelet. He was so funny. He was playing his own version of the laughing game!!

I was so sad for our trip to be winding down. The next day we took a similar bus back to Managua. Bucks was still hammered on the way and would not stop talking. We almost had to leave Rhys bc he was in such a state. He got to the van door and said "Anybody, please, anyone, just help me. I'll do whatever." haha those boys. We made it to Managua and booked the nicest place around. We looked like the biggest tramps walking in this place. We were scraggly and out of place, making it all the better. We walked to the mall next door and for our final meal together the boys made "gangbangers". You take a McDonalds cheeseburger and a McDonalds chicken sandwich, flip them over, take off the bottom buns, then smack them together. Boy heaven. Gang bang burger. Needless to say I went to Quiznos. That night was finished off with a movie and popcorn, at an actual theatre. 😊

Up early and at 'em the next day and to the airport. I teared up when I hugged them all goodbye. 😞 We had such a great time!!! I am so happy you made it to the end of my blovel! I left out more things than you could ever imagine, but I hope you enjoyed your little insight into my trip. I know I miss it like crazy. Like I said in the beginning.. if you can, go!

Gracias mi amigos!!

Until next time,


ps- same thing with some photos on this one, click the next page... shout out to Sean the photographer! 😊


16th December 2013

good reads!
First of all, WAR DAMN EAGLE. Even though its a little embarassing in the context of this story. Second, where can I get a Tona with the squiggle? Love you, MK! Michelle
28th December 2013

Enjoyed the blogs
I enjoyed reading both SJDS blogs. Thanks for the literary ride.

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