Made It Alive

Published: July 9th 2008
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Hola Friends! Well I made it to La Prusa and Granada without too much trouble. The flights were short (two 3 hour flights). Customs was easy. But the first snag was trying to find my ride. Hugo was suposed to pick me up and drive me right to where I was staying. However, there was no Hugo to be found when I exited customs. I started asking people "hay Hugo?" No Hugo. So I walk up and down the taxi strip trying to find my ride. Finally a woman comes up to me and says, "Pete"? and holds up a sign scribbled with my name. It was Angelica who was the spotter to come get me and then Hugo would come by and get me. So it all worked out but I think I gave myself and Angelica both a scare.

My first impression of Nicaragua is that this is quite seriously a third-world country. Standard of living is pretty disimal. However, everyone Ive met so far has been a very happy individual. We got caught walking to Granada in a downpour of rain. And along the road there are happy old ladies walking the other way saying we should fetch our boats. Of course when I was first dropped off in La Prusa, I was all alone. No volunteers were there, so it was a little bit of a cold welcome. But slowly the volunteers started pouring back. Everyone has a very outgoing personality and very friendly. In my house, everyone is from Spain except for one Englishman. They know enough enlglish to help me along so I think it will be a good enviroment to learn spanish in.

Right now Im with one of them and we are getting some things out of the way. Got some cash and going to sign up for spanish lessons. Supposedly they are very helpful so it will be a good way to jumpstart my spanish (although I am already learning a lot). No pictures yet but Ill get on that soon. Hasta Luego!


9th July 2008

Glad to hear you made it safely to Prusa. Keep us posted. I followed your flight on the Continental website and I assumed you were on the plane. Good luck with the Spanish. Love, Mom
9th July 2008

Happy to see you made it safely -- can't wait to hear more about your adventure!
13th July 2008

Good luck.
I just got back from Guatemala. I am considering spending time in Nicaragua or Honduras next summer to go to Spanish school and to volunteer so I will be reading your blog with interest. Good luck.

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