Feliz Cumpleanos a Mi!

Published: June 29th 2008
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Yay! Its my favorite holiday of the year - my birthday! I´m back in Granada after spending yet another week in San Juan del Sur, and still contemplating going back again before I have to be in Honduras.

So after my near death experience, I just indulged in my self prescribed hammock and cerveza therapy, which was just as well because the weather on Ometepe was awful - it just poured down rain, and since there is nothing to do there if you are not playing outside, I took off. Its just one more of many reasons why I am going to have to come back to Nicaragua =)

I was so disappointed that I had left San Juan del Sur without giving surfing a shot, I decided to go back. Somehow, I yet again ended rolling into town with a whole crew of people - there were a bunch of people on the lancha back to San Jorge from the Hacienda Merida who all had the same idea that I did - get off of Ometepe. So I went back with 3 heavily pierced and tattooed Brits, a 6´6 Dutchman, an Israeli and a Canadian...we were quite the group.

We ended up at Hotel Estrella again, which despite an owner that may be the least happy person in all of Nicaragua, is a pretty sweet place with $5 per person rooms and balconies overlooking the bay. I loved being back in town - I like any place that I have been for 5 days and I know half of the people - it makes me feel so popular =) I kept running into the folks from Spanish school, plus a few other people that I have met along the way. The boys were quite a fun group and we went out to one of the 3 bars in town pretty much every night, closing them pretty much every night (at the very late time of 1 am).

I found the one dive shop in town and found out that they offer surfing lessons as well, and got myself out to the beach on Wednesday to learn how to surfiar. We went to this little beach south of town, where the only people there were me, my oh so very cute instructor, Larry and my friend Jess (and Larry´s dog Stoli). We played around in the waves and as I would have predicted, I suck at surfing, but it was so much fun anyway. After a loooong time, I was able to stand up but super wobbly, and just not a pretty sight.

It was awesome to have met the two guys at the dive shop because they hooked me up in a big way - any time I popped in, Larry pretty much forced a surf board on me to get me to practice (it didn´t help with the lack of skill) for free and they got me under water for a few dives. I can see why this area is not heavily dove, because there is not much there, but anytime under water is a good time.

We all went out on Friday night to celebrate the beginning of my birthday and it was a blast...we started at happy hour at a chi-chi hotel on top of the hill and then made our way to the one bar/club in town, where I made sure to let EVERYONE know it was my birthday, which of course meant lots and lots of free drinks =)

I managed to get my very very tired butt out of bed this morning and bused it up to Granada, and I plan to stay here for a few days...unless I get the urge to go to San Juan for the 3rd time!


29th June 2008

Happy birthday Dirty Lil Hooker! I had a jello shot in your honor! Oh and I'm now dissapointed that my dog is not named after alchol...heeere Bacardi!!
1st July 2008

Happy happy happy happy birthday!!!!
This is the best trip ever!!! You sound so happy! Watch out for the mudslides, maphera, and of course, those British boys...they will intoxicate you with their acccents! Declan is giving you a great big giggle for a continued great trip!
1st July 2008

Sounds like you had a fantastic birthday! :)
1st July 2008

Happy Birthday Tina
I got connected to your blog thanks to your mom, and am enjoying your travels, be careful (always the mother) and have fun - Love, Ann
2nd July 2008

Happy B-day!
Happy B-Day!!! Sounds like you had a great one! I'm totally jealous and expect to see a wealth of photos from this incredible adventure!

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