Better Spirits In Copan

Published: February 10th 2008
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So yesterdays blog i would imagine would have left you thinking i was down in the dumps and that much was true. I did not sleep to well during the night and then i got woken up at 6am as i had not cancelled my alarm form the day before and then again at 7am by some noisey Americans chatting in the courtyard outside my room, so i showered and got my gear together and decided to head out and try and get a bus to Copan Ruinas.

I flagged a taxi and he quoted me 60 Lempiarhs and so i barted him down to 50 Lempiarhs, as it turned out the main bus station is further out than the Rey Expresso station and so the taxi driver last night had either charged double because of the time of night or ripped me off as it was only 5 blocks last night.

Last night the taxi driver took me to the first hotel recommened by the Lonely Planet and it was full and so i ended up at the Hotel Real it was 16 dollars for the night but i was knackered and could not be bothered to go elsewhere and they had a secuirty guard with a shotgun, with todays journey i have now been through 8 police road blocks, so how safe does that make you feel?

So i like Nica, it was poor and had local folk pulling carts with bulls or horses and cowboys but it gave it charm and the people seemed nice, first impressions of Honduras were people did not care about there country and spat and thre rubbish everywhere and the police road blocks and the capital made me feel un easy.

I got to the terminal and the bus touts tried to get me on to a bus to La Entrada and then to get a bus from there to Copan Ruinas, i did not want loads of busses as i had a nightmare yesterday, so i knew from the Lonely Planet the were direct buses, Rey Expresso did not go until 2pm and i found Cassoles did a direct bus at 10.30am, i got a ticket and went to western union to change more money, as per usual the bus was late and then waited for foever to get full, i then met Flo a german guy and we chatted and slept some of the journey as it was a chicken bus and stop and start all the way. I had some estellis at one stop which is rice stuffed into batter shells.

Eventually at 3.30pm we got to Copan town which is one kilometer from the ruins and me and Flo got a room together in Hotel Marry Jen and we have a hot shower seprate beds of and cable tv and air con and we paid 5 dollars each so it made sense to share, he is a cool guy and we will go se the ruins together tomorrow as we were too tired to go anywhere much this afternoon, we watche heros on tv and then decided to come to the internet cafe and check emails etc and get a bite to eat. on the way down to the central square we met martin another german who flo met in gutemala and so we will meet martin after the internet session and we also swapped email addresses. Flo is going elsewhere in Gutemala and we both found out we can get direct busses over the border from copan which makes life a lot easier.

I was going to go to Coban and go to the local Semuc Champeny water pools but it looks like id have to get loads of local buses and so i think i only need two buses to get to flores and see the Tikal ruins and while i am there it is close to Planeque ruins in mexico and so i think i will do that instead of Semuc Champey.

So now i have met someone to hang out with and im now in this pretty village my spirits have raised, i had a dogey stomach agian this morning but im getting use to that.....i sppose traveling is taking the rough with the smooth and hopefully my sniffles will clear up

Im off to get some food to eat now, buenos noches


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