Blogs from El Salvador, Central America Caribbean - page 5


On our arrival to San Salvador we as usual had no idea where we were in the city and had a few pictures of maps showing where our planned hostel was. Getting off the intercity bus we were faced again with taxis willing to take us where ever we wanted to go, but we persisted in finding public transport. Just outside Terminal de Oriente where we disembarked is a major thoroughfare where Avenida Peralta/Bulevar del Ejercito Nacional meet. Here we found a very fancy transit stop with big, modern city buses and turn-styles for access. While we were waiting politely for assistance at the window to buy tickets someone from beyond the turn-style was calling to us. It was a younger lady travelling with her mother. She was extremely kind and helpful giving us bus directions ... read more
Joya de Ceren

Our time in Nicaragua was quickly coming to an end. Next stop: El Salvador. Leaving Nicaragua was rather simple. We got up at 0430hrs to catch the 0500hrs bus the 10km to the border for NOI10 each. There were plenty of locals on the way as well; but whether they were on the way to work, or their fields that were only accessible from the Honduras side, we're not sure. At the border we spent USD2 each to leave Nicaragua at the El Espino border. We took longer than the locals and got left in their dust. We sauntered across the border and had no troubles on the Honduras side... until we went to catch the bus. We thought the border town would be a little bigger so we walked a little farther to a bus ... read more
Play That Music
Made it to El Salvador

We only had the privilege of spending 9 days, in what is perhaps Ashley's favourite country in Central America, because of time constraints. There is so much to El Salvador that we didn't get to experience like the beaches, the surfing and the hiking but our time here was incredible nonetheless. First off, let us just say that El Salvador seems like a daunting country to visit because we hear that it's dangerous and you don't hear of many people travelling there on holidays. However, it was fairly easy to take local buses everywhere including in the big city of San Salvador which has a comprehensive transit system. Before going, locals warned us that the crime rate is at an all time high and to be very careful. We encountered nothing but warm helpful people who ... read more
Laguna de Alegria
Wall Art in Alegria

Another great Habitat build done and I am now back in Canada at the cottage for the summer.Thirteen people this time and it was an excellent group. In spite of the fact we only had 8 days, we were able to quickly function as a team throughout the trip and everyone had a great time. Some of us (10 which turned into 9) arrived the evening before at the main airport in San Salvador. One member of the group who shall remain nameless fell asleep in the Toronto airport and missed her connection. After gathering everyone up, we were transported to the Morrison Hotel by van( about a 45 minute drive) On the way downtown, we learned that the people of the city were in a major state of anticipation for the Oscar Romero beatification ceremony ... read more
A model of the type of home we are building
Road to the resort
Alicantes Resort

Central America Caribbean » El Salvador » Western » Juayúa February 17th 2015

It was time to leave Guatemala and head over to El Salvador. Many travellers skip over El Salvador and Honduras and jump straight to Nicaragua, however there is a lot of beauty and kindness in El Salvador. I didn't want to take a chicken bus so I booked a minibus to Guatemala City and then a proper pimped out bus to San Salvador the capital. I had no intention of going to San Salvador as I'm not a fan of cities and you don't get to see the beauty of a place staying in capital cities ... however it was easier to take this route and hop off early than to try getting across on multiple local buses and be stranded somewhere random (which would be a great adventure, yet I was unfortunately running out of ... read more

We decided to take a 3 hour private shuttle from Copan, Honduras to Santa Ana in El Salvador as there are no direct buses and otherwise the trip requires about 5 different buses and takes 9 hours. The shuttle was great as we had loads of space and the borders were super easy as we didn't arrive with loads of other people. We stayed at an amazing hostel, La Casa Verde. Carlos the owner has set it up really well and thought of pretty much everything from power sockets in the lockers and no bunks in the dorm to having a pool and a well equipped kitchen with sharp knives and a working oven. It was so nice cooking, baking and relaxing that we hardly left the hostel for three days. One of the exceptions was ... read more

As I sit riding awake in a van that left our hostel at 3 am (it's now 430) listening to old pine by Ben Howard I can't help but reflect a little bit. As the continued to go on and hit it's last third I've been finding myself spending more time writing in a journal than writing a blog. I've always seen people do it, but every time I've started a journal I find myself writing a couple entries and it getting lost somewhere. To me, it's hard to write about specific memorable experiences like volcano boarding. Words don't do it justice, and the memory feels stronger than what's written on paper. I've found rather than putting down the specific memory, I've written on some people, certain experiences have opened up a little different thinking. As ... read more

Estes outros três dias em El Salvador foi bem proveitoso também. Sábado fomos almoçar num lugar bem gostoso, rústico e comi o prato típico de El Salvador (com queijo branco e purê de feijão preto), eu curti. Depois fomos a uma fazenda de café, fizemos um tour lá e no final experimentamos o café (aguado) deles. Andamos a cavalo e quadriciclo. Paramos num mirante onde dava para ver El Salvador e Guatemala (uma vista bem bonita). Domingo fomos a praia de surfista de manhã, tomamos café da manhã lá. Eu pedi um café da manhã típico também com ovos e purê de feijão preto. Fomos no mercado de peixe e a noite fomos para um show de balé do Frozen que as meninas queriam ir. Elas foram vestidas de princesa, lindinhas! Elas estavam tão felizes que ... read more
Lindinhas de princesa...

Paradinha de 14 horas no Panamá, pude ir ao Canal e um shopping perto do aeroporto... Foi bem bacana. Chegue a noite em El Salvador e só deu tempo de tomar banho e dormir. No dia seguinte fui acordada pelas meninas lindinhas. Fomos a Furesa, que é tipo um parque com zoológico e Canopy (tirolesa). Foi bem divertido. Chegamos, andamos de patinete, assistimos um pouco de filme e fomos jantar no Olive Garden. Estava bem gostoso e o dia foi bem proveitoso. Estou exaustar e bem feliz!... read more
Olive Garden

Up early, and came out to watch the lake in the morning as our hotel sits on the cliff, get caught up on my blogging and listen to a parrot repeat Ola over and over and over and over and over again. Ah, welcome to El Salvador:-) Had a great breakfast, and then we all piled into the vehicle to head to the Indigo Farm owned and operated by Dona Rina. It was only about 20 minutes away from Soshitito and typical roads. Arrived and went for a tour around her farm; really is quite majestic. She is a small run business, creating indigo (which in itself would take forever to explain on a blog - let’s just say it is an incredible tedious, long arduous process.), and grows cashew fruits, has turmeric flowers (which are ... read more
Dona Rita
Indigo Painting
Cashew Fruit

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