The journey begins...

Published: February 17th 2007
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Our trip to Central America began as we flew in to Liberia, Costa Rica on Jan 31st. The airport is actually more like an open-air barn and it is only big enough to handle one flight at a time. James' Aunt Diane picked us up from the airport and drove us to her and John's home at Playa Hermosa on the Pacific Coast, about 20 minute's drive from Liberia.

The house was amazing, 3 BR, 2 baths, hot shower, and a patio with a hammock and a view looking down the hillside to the Pacific Ocean. Although not part of the Villas Sol resort, it is on the same property and all the facilities were available to us. We took advantage of the shuttle to and from the beach which was about a 15min walk from the villa. I know that sounds lazy, but hey, we felt like being lazy and this was the place to do it.

We spent the first three days here relaxing and adjusting to the 35 C weather. Because of the heat (and maybe more than partially due to Sandra's nagging) James shaved off his winter beard. We slept in everyday,
Playa HermosaPlaya HermosaPlaya Hermosa

One of 3 beaches with this name in CR,and we were just a few minutes walk away
sat on the beach, went snorkeling, and watched some great sunsets. The beaches here are great because they are used just as much, probably more, by the local Tico families as the tourists. None of this exclusive, get-off-the-beach-even-though-this-is-your-country, BS. The locals always have a warm smile for you.

James' Spanish was put to the test for the first time when we visited the Friday Farmers' Market in Liberia. We did well and communicated most of our points using a flurried combination of words and charades. It was fun, but James claims that the over 40 C weather inhibited his Spanish-thinking ability.

Prices of products purchased at the market:
Pineapples: $0.50
Bananas: $0.50/kg
Gigantic Papaya (about 4 kg): $1.00
Cantelope: $0.50

The fruit is so fresh here, as is any other food you might want. Any meal in a resteraunt (aka. a Soda) is searved with rice and beans. They are good but I´m sure we will get tired of them soon enough.

Please feel free to post comments, questions, or travel advice here, or e mail us personally. Also let us know if there are any problems with the site.
Cheers, Salud

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Sunset on the playaSunset on the playa
Sunset on the playa

Can you believe we have to go through this every night, sheesh, could it be any more orange.
Us Us

Still looking pasty after only a couple of days out of the snow
Typical mealTypical meal
Typical meal

A plate like this with fish, rice, beans, salad, drink, fried plantain, and sometimes more feeds us both for about $3.00

20th February 2007

I still say the beard looks better but I bet your a lot cooler there without it. I love this blog. Sounds like your having a great time. Havn't sold the car yet. mom
21st February 2007

dig the shades. hope all is going well. say hello to Sandra for me. HAVE FUN!!!!
27th February 2007

Wish I was there!
Man that is an awesome sunset. The blog thing is pretty cool. Keep it up!

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