Last days in Costa Rica

Published: December 23rd 2008
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Well people, this is it for the blog. I'm back at home freezing in Colorado. I went to the Arenal Volcano before I left and I also did a zip line over the rainforest, it was really fun. So attached are some more pictures and I also took some videos from Manuel Antonio from last weekend, so I will try to attach those.

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and I'm sure I will see/talk to many of you soon.

Additional photos below
Photos: 44, Displayed: 22


La FortunaLa Fortuna
La Fortuna

Arenal Volcano from the town of La Fortuna
La FortunaLa Fortuna
La Fortuna

Rest of church
La FortunaLa Fortuna
La Fortuna

Which sandwich do you want? I want the one with a broomstick and a pointy hat! Does it come with mayo?
La FortunaLa Fortuna
La Fortuna

My hotel
La FortunaLa Fortuna
La Fortuna


Volcano at night, if it wasn't couldy we could have seen it erupt, but no such luck for me

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