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Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Korcula September 3rd 2006

Geo: 42.9743, 17.0393Today it's official - I am starting the second half of my trip. Strange coincidence - it happens on the day that I turn 29. Yikes!!! 30 is just around the corner ... noooooooooo!!!!!!!! But for the first time in many years, I actually feel my age and not 20 years older. Well, maybe I am exaggerating ... I feel only 10 years older than my age!Said goodbye to the girls (sniff ... sniff ... ). We made plans to meet in Dubrovnik in a few days. I went off to the ferry and grabbed a great ham/cheese/pepperoni panini on the way. Also had a sausage roll. Met a nice German couple on the boat - they drove all night to get to Split but you could not tell as they were both full ... read more

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Split September 2nd 2006

Geo: 43.4468, 16.6582Had a great sleep - cozy little house! Feels homey. I went in search of breakfast. Saw a small fish market ... nothing special. Unforgettable moment - a bird shit on me. NOT a transcendent moment, however. Nasty. Warm and gooey ... yech ... Split is very busy on Saturdays - all the people are out at the markets. Lots of beautiful women were out and about, but still not Spanish quality! Bought some apple juice , goat cheese, chocolate croissants and back to the house. I hoped that the girls would still be there. They were, so we dined together. First, I showered again to wash off the crap (the water was WAY colder this time). I didn't think it would be very appetizing for the girls to dine while bird crap was ... read more

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Split September 1st 2006

Geo: 43.4468, 16.6582Off to Split. Had a fresh ham and cheese pizza at the bus station. Goooood. It was kind of a later 2nd breakfast (after the banana and yogurt at the house). Also had a horrid cheese pastry. I should've gotten the meat one. Opened up a yogurt drink on the bus - it was bubbly and oozy and tasted strange so I tossed it out. I didn't want this entry to be entitled "Diarreah on the Dalmatian Coast". Heard the "One" remake by Mary J. Blige again on the bus. It wasn't as good as I originally thought it was. She tries to outdo the original and embellishes way too much. I think she's trying to make up for her weak and passionless vocals. Her little vocal touches seem contrived and out of place. ... read more

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Zadar August 31st 2006

Geo: 44.0584, 15.2916Waiting for my laundry to dry ... 7 Euros for laundry and no dryer! Turns out that they have one but apparently don't want to use it for guests' laundry. They air dried it all night and dried it in the machine for 15 minutes because they knew I was in a rush to leave. Then they left my laundry bag in the washroom ... had to wait a while for someone to finish showering before I could get it. Was worried that I would miss my bus but it turned out fine. Hopped the tram to the bus station. Good tram system in many ways but bad for tourists. It's crowded so you can't see where you are going and they don't announce any of the stop names. Almost walked into an open ... read more

Europe » Croatia » Central Croatia » Zagreb August 30th 2006

Geo: 45.815, 15.9785Trying to burn some Slovenian tolars today - bought some Haribo gummy bears. Haven't had these in ages. A rainy and dreary train ride to Zagreb - uneventful. I ate some orange chocolate that I had bought. Little bits of peel inside - normally I hate that but it tasted pretty good. I have lots of tolars left - I'll have to change it in Croatia. Got to Zagreb, checked into the hostel, and walked around the old town. Things are fairly expensive here, almost on par with areas in Western Europe. Walked to a mall ... very cramped. Also saw another cathedral ... the usual. Got to the market just as it was closing. Good produce but pricey. Had a jelly donut - not very good but it was nice to have something ... read more

Europe » Slovenia August 29th 2006

Geo: 46.2781, 14.8711Good hostel breakfast - cereal, cheese, cold cuts and a first for me and hostels - fruit! Bananas, plums, pears, apples ... I only had a tiny plum. It must be a local thing because they are everywhere. Took the bus to Bled. Could see para-gliders doing their thing. Cool. And who did I see at Bled? Chuck and Eileen again! It's a small world, especially when you're Rick Steves fans. While walking around the lake I ate the peach that I bought yesterday. Good, but it was bashed around in my bag a little too much. I walked the perimeter of the lake for an hour. Beautiful. Like a mix of Lake Como and the Dolomites. But I like Como more and the Dolomites less than Lake Bled. Hiked to Bled castle. Saw ... read more

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Ljubljana August 28th 2006

Geo: 46.0514, 14.506Tired - insufficient sleep last night! Off to the train station - had a bologna sandwich on the tram ride over. Nothing special, but cheap by Vienna standards. Had an amazing pastry - like a cinnamon roll with walnuts, lightly iced. Outer ring was extremely flaky but the inner ring was a moist, chewy bread .... celestial ... heavenly ... like the spiral galaxy that is the Milky Way .... dotted with stars that were walnuts ... gute!Slept on the train to Ljubljana ... a beautiful train compartment with a TV and a big sofa bed that I stretched out on. Then I woke up - all a dream! You know you're tired when you dream about sleeping. Ate the nasty licorice that I bought in Bratislava - horrible. Slovenia is beautiful - meandering ... read more

Europe » Austria August 27th 2006

Geo: 48.2092, 16.3728Up early to buy a train ticket for tomorrow. Korean girl thought I was Korean and talked to me in Korean. Turned out she spoke perfect English (she lived in California and NYC for a few years). She was looking for a hostel - I walked her to mine. Ran upstairs to use the can ... she was gone when I went back down. I saw her walking back to train station and chased her down. My hostel was full and she wanted to look for one closer to the south station where she was leaving from tomorrow. Told her that nothing is there and suggested "Wombats" hostel down the block. Luckily for her, there was room. But not for me! It was much nicer than mine. Nice leather couches and a flat screen ... read more

Europe » Austria August 26th 2006

Geo: 48.2092, 16.3728Up early for the train. The reception guy was sleeping as I dropped off my key. Another guest was using the internet and quietly buggered off as I arrived. Guess he was trying to scam it for free! At the train station - people were drinking beer at 9 AM!!! Had some crowns to blow so I had a chicken sandwich for breakfast (way too salty). Grabbed a ham sandwich for the train. Left with only 1/2 a crown! Woo hoo! But only after buying a stick of Haribo licorice. At Vienna - the hostel is near the train station. Good area - grocery shops and lots of kebab stands and other cheap restaurants. Hostel is fairly nice - clean and good bar area with a guitar and piano to play. Off to the ... read more

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava August 25th 2006

Geo: 48.1484, 17.1073The hostel owners were nowhere to be found this morning - I wanted to get my key deposit back. Got it after buzzing the front door and also calling the hostel. I gave Holly my email address in case - like I said, it was a little strange with her at times but I figure what the heck. But I doubt I will ever hear from her. Off to the train station - I tried to burn forints at the pastry shop. What an attitude on the lady! She was pissed off at me because she got me the wrong pastry. Then it got worse as I couldn't communicate that I wanted one sausage roll and one bacon pastry. Sorry lady but it's not my fault that the sausage roll has a higher IQ ... read more

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