The Speck


The Speck

North America » United States » Illinois » Chicago June 11th 2017

I woke up early and knocked out the last couple of days worth of travelogues before the sun came up. About 7:30 Abcde awoke and the 2 of us headed to breakfast. Caroline continued her imitation of sleeping beauty but would have been more convincing if she had not had one eye open and her phone lit up in her hand. We had pancakes, grabbed some milk (which she carried) and headed back to the room. Caroline got up soon after we returned (no choice, "get up mommy") and went for breakfast while Abs watched Elena of Avalor. I showered and then wife was back and she ran through the other shower. We Ubered to Navy Pier and mission number one was getting Abcde's bunny stitched back up. Its seams had split. That done, we wandered ... read more

North America » United States » Illinois » Chicago June 10th 2017

Second morning in Chicago and I am hoping that Abcde is over her withdrawal. Breakfast is pancakes and Abcde makes a reasonable effort and Caroline even joins us. Ready for the day we hail an Uber and hit the road. Today we are delaying our arrival at the festival and first going to the Lincoln Park Zoo. Its a short ride and soon we enter the Zoo. We saw a rhino, zebra, giraffes, golden lion monkey, a snake with legs, caimens, penguins, a lion, sea lions and the sea lions show, rode the little train 3 times and had a generally great time. Just before we left we got Abs some milk, Caroline a Chicago dog, and me some chili cheese fries and a beer. This hit the spot well enough that we ended up not ... read more

North America » United States » Illinois » Chicago June 9th 2017

I was up earlyish and took Abcde for breakfast shortly after they opened at 6am on the Executive Level. (Side note, if you like to travel and stay at Hilton properties, pay for the Hilton Credit Card to get automatic gold status,it is totally worth it for the free light breakfast, evening snacks and Wifi) Scrambled eggs and oatmeal and lots of fresh fruit. The woman working the lounge was quite taken with Abcde and would remember her name all weekend. Back to the room we got Maitu moving. Our room has 2 double beds and 2 full bathrooms. One for me to fart in and one for Caroline to make smell like roses. Ha. Like the undying, Caroline rose and made her way upstairs for breakfast while I showered and Abcde enjoyed the truest perk ... read more

North America » United States » Illinois » Chicago June 8th 2017

Short night at work, went in, knocked out the rooms audit and cut out just after 3am. Filled the van with gas on the way home and in bed by 4. Slept till 7:30ish and then showered and got moving, just after 10 we were on the road to Cincinnati. We were picking up the Megabus from the UC Campus so we drove there first and then with some time to kill and empty bellies we went looking for food. Wife was indecisive and we drove far away before turning around and going back to where we began. Caroline was worried about how much time we had so I went for food while she stayed in the car with Abcde. I got a trio combo from Alabama BBQ and while they were fixing it, went 3 ... read more

North America » United States » Kentucky » Florence May 20th 2017

We awoke for the last time in California. I took Abcde down to breakfast but decided not to eat downstairs after I noticed that the furniture was leaving paint on my hands. The breakfast area had been roped off when we checked in yesterday but I didn't know why until I found paint on my hands. It looked nice with a fresh coat of paint, wish they had given it enough time to dry before putting it back in service. I reloaded the car and at about 11:15 we were off to return it. We dropped it off and were in the Enterprise shuttle to the terminal by noon. Our boarding passes said terminal 2 but when I went to check our bag and car seat, I was directed to terminal 3. No biggie just a ... read more

I am up a bit after 6am local time. Check my email, play some games, quick edit or two on yesterdays journal. Today we head back to LA and tomorrow will be spent mostly getting to the airport and flying to Cincinnati and then driving home. Everyone is moving by 8am and be breakfast for the last time in Verde, the hotels' restaurant. In the room we fill our bags and try to have things organized so that tonight/tomorrow nothing will have to go into or come out of the big green suitcase. All out traveling possessions fit neatly in the trunk of the Elantra and we walk over to Old Town to grab some souvenirs for Caroline's co-workers and to see the blacksmith work. We also toured the saddlery and saw the burros. At noon ... read more

I woke at 5, tried to sleep until 5:30, and then went to the only other room available to me, the bathroom. It wasn't too bad though, I had dragged the office chair in there the night before and had a comfortable place to read, type yesterdays journal entry and play my games on my phone. Up and moving we had finished breakfast by 9 and were out the door by 10:30am. Again we stopped at Subway for lunch supplies and were through the gates just about 11am. Abcde and I raced to the dolphin stadium and saw 90% of the same show we had seen twice the day before. What can I say, we love watching dolphins perform. We then went to the penguin exhibit followed by the arctic circle where we saw beluga whales, ... read more

We three slept well in this beautiful Hilton Garden Inn. Up shortly after dawn we breakfasted in the restaurant courtesy of my Hilton Honors Gold status. Fed and caffinated, wife started getting the monstruo ready while I logged into the hotel computer and bought 2-day passes for us to Sea World. I know it is not that big of a park, and can likely be seen in 1 day but we are towing a two year old and she will need a slower pace and some down time. Leaving the hotel, I earned a dirty look from wife when I rode up on a flowerbed curb while leaving the parking lot. No permanent damage but I was a bit chagrined. We stopped at a Subway and grabbed something to eat later, park food is expensive and ... read more

It is time to leave Los Angeles, if only for a few days. Karina and Joel have been wonderful hosts but they do need to go to work and I would like to see Orcas before the state of California forces Sea World to release them to the wild or put them down or something. So we are going to San Diego, its only 2 hours away and justifies having rented a car. We arise at a reasonable hour and while Abcde and I make it to the breakfast area first, Wife is seated before us. I think it was because I went and re-installed the carseat before Abs and I joined the line for omlets. Abcde nibbled random bits, I had a delicious omlet and Caroline ate anything she could find without eggs in it. ... read more

Abcde and I were up early (no surprise there) and while I typed up the previous days activities she played and wife slept. Wearing the same shirt she had stained with strawberries the day before, Abcde joined me for breakfast and again survived on fresas and decaf coffee. Wife eventually joined us and after cycling through the shower we settled on the zoo as our best choice for things to do. At about 11 am Karina and Joel rolled up and we were on our way. Used Joel's AAA card for a small discount on the tickets which offset the price of the carousel, $84 all in for 4 adults and one free child. We first met Reggie the alligator, who was rescued from a local lake where his previous owner had dumped him to terrify ... read more

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