Page 9 of martinandcharlie Travel Blog Posts

North America October 20th 2008

The day that never was! Due to the instigation of the International Dateline we travelled from the 5th to the 7th without a pause! ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver October 20th 2008

It was a sad day as we departed sunny Vancouver! We caught a taxi (courtesy of my folks) from the hostel to the airport arriving with plenty of time. Found out a couple of weeks too late that you clear US immigration in Vancouver! Which meant that I didn't need to change our flight to the earlier one to LA! However this worked to our advantage as we got another taxi to the Marina Del Ray to enjoy the late afternoon /early evening. We dined at "Le Marmiton" restuarant. Charlie had a Roast Veg Rissotto and I had a Burger (yep Meat for the first time on the trip!). Charlie soon tried to follow this up with a Chocolate Souffle, it looked better than it tasted Salty due to a kitchen error, somehow it looks like ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver October 14th 2008

It felt weird waking up on my Birthday in a foreign land! Though due to the time difference it meant I picked up all the well wishes first thing. Cheers all! It was especially poignant as I got to open my first card from my neice Maddie (6 months old today)! Today was pretty much like three of the others, Charlie ran (10 miles) and I slept in (well it is my Birthday & "I can do no wrong" (Thanks Patsy)! The rest of the daylight (rainy) hours were spent shopping, first in Tiffany's for an £800 ring (No Mum it's not what your thinking)! Which Charlie decided wasn't required for 78 days travelling! Then for Sun Glasses as I thought a sixth pair is always a good shout, though even I saw sense in the ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver October 5th 2008

Today we did a whole set of "Events" in North Vancouver, Grouse Mountain, Capolina Suspension bridge and Fish Hatchery! Unfortunately the morning was a marred by rain and fog. To get to the top of Grouse Mountain we took North America's highest cable car ride, which given the conditions still gave pretty spectacular views, in fact the rain just added more atmosphere! At the top we were treated (?) to a Lumberjack show which wasn't as bad as it sounds! We also got to see a couple of seven year old (350-400 lb) Grizzly bears at about twenty feet and two Deer within 3 feet (bears behind fence, deer walking free)! Had lunch overlooking (a sad rainy) Vancouver! We also got to see 3 wolves at pretty close range (again fortunately behind a fence)! In the ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver October 4th 2008

Initially awoke to cloudy weather so decided to sleep in another 45 minutes until Charlie finished her third run when she reported rain! Unfortunately the rain followed us from Victoria back to Vancouver! Spent an hour (and $100) in a doctors waiting room (pesky lungs, I'm still blaming Mum for smoking during pregnancy) - Bronchitis as per usual so nothing to worry about. Pity I can't claim sick (GKN HR)! Spent later part of the afternoon back on Granville Island shopping for items we can't take with us or send back to Blighty! Decided to go to visit another restaurant (The Sequoia) in Stanley Park so started off in the early evening light only to enter (after a mile or so) the park in the rapidly fading light, it was only after another 10 minutes of ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver October 4th 2008

Charlie started off the day with her second run (4 miles) of the trip, whilst I made sure we got our monies worth out of the bed! We did our first "Event" of the trip today, a 3 hour Whale Watching trip in a Zodiac rib from Victoria with Ocean Explorations (10:00 - Jeff). We were told we had about an 85% chance of seeing anything as the high season has just finished. Awesome (and then some), we managed to spot all three Resident Orca (Killer) whale pods with our boat concentrating on a family of three. We were also fortunate enough to see 2 Humpback Whales with one of them "Fluking" (going for a deep dive and displaying it's tail). All this viewed from about 250 - 1000m. We were also escorted for 5 minutes ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver October 4th 2008

Travelled to Victoria on Vancouver Island (by Skytrain, Coach & Ferry - 3.5 hours). The coast lines of the various islands were very serene (you have to like your pine trees if you live in Canada (yep Nova Scotia again!)). Decided to go slightly more up market on the accommodation front (not overly difficult) though still on the budget level. I've got to say I think I like spending more money on my food than on the roof above my head! Upon arrival we found Tourist Information and booked the first one within the £60 - £70 budget we gave ourselves, not the best looking building I will admit and imagine our surprise when we went in the room and found a suite with king size bed. Spent afternoon and evening strolling around the downtown shopping ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver October 4th 2008

Another fairly hot day with the temperature staying around 23C. Spent today touring Stanley Park on hire bikes, what a beautiful place, a 6 mile sea wall / path surrounding the headland with separate sides for pedestrations and cyclists. Stopped and visited the Aquarium for a couple of hours, highlight being the Dolphin display, but we both thought that the Beluga whales (one only 3 months) were too confined in their tank! Spent the early evening in Gastown again after finishing off the trolley route. Eat in a good Italian, though the waiting staff really let the kitchen down! We both had excellent risottos, Beet for Charlie and Seafood for myself! Still going to bed early due to either jetlag or just fitting a lot in to the day! We've been walking to most destinations trying ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver October 2nd 2008

Below is a hyperlink to the photos for Day 2 ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » Stanley Park October 2nd 2008

DAY 2 Well it seems like I'm not the only one who can get lost, Charlies 6 miler turned into 9 after getting lost in Stanley Park and stumbling upon 4 raccoons, luckily she realised they could be dangerous when they got within a foot or so. Once we were finally reunited we jumped on the Vancouver Trolley tours bus and headed for Granville Island which included a 2 minute ferry (10 people max)! Granville Island had the most amazing set of markets, with the food Market being an eye opener, grabbed some Candied Salmon & Salmon Jerky! Lunched there and had Salmon (yes, more Salmon) sushi in Teriyaki batter and some seaweed w/sesame seeds, fantastic! In the afternoon we then headed for Chinatown and Dr Sun Yat-Sen's Classical Chinese garden. Early evening spent in Gastown ... read more

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