Page 10 of malonetravels2 Travel Blog Posts

Africa » Zambia May 13th 2016

Geo: -12.8546, 31.311Decided to do a three mile loop around the camp to get ready for our bike ride with Potifer. Of course we stop and visit with everyone as we walk along which makes the walk even more pleasant.We are having a braii with Jason and Lisa tonight with some of the steaks we got from the South Africans. While we were walking, all of a sudden, two of the hippos that had been facing off with each other all of a sudden started chasing each other in these giant leaps into the water, breach and then dive again. They really looked like whales to us! Watched them for awhile and then the show was over. Worked on travel stories in the afternoon and then one of the workers came to get us because there ... read more
Safari Braai with Jason and Lisa
Safari Braai with Jason and Lisa
Safari Braai with Jason and Lisa

Africa » Zambia May 12th 2016

Geo: -12.8546, 31.311After a nice morning drive, were ready for the evening drive. Saw the national bird of Zambia--the African Fish Eagle. BJ calls it the time keeper because it supposedly calls out on the half hour and hour. The ones we heard were a little off but hey.Saw a juvenile Tawny Eagle. Of course, BJ makes you think about what you are seeing and call out features before he gives you the answer. There were 17 elephants that crossed the road in front of us that was a nice sight to see. This time of year you do not have the great herds that are seen as the area becomes dryer and dryer. Saw Jason and Lisa and they asked BJ if we had seen the mating leopards. Of course were just kidding! Saw an ... read more
AThree Leopard Night !
AThree Leopard Night !
AThree Leopard Night !

Africa » Zambia May 12th 2016

Geo: -12.8546, 31.311Went on another fun filled game drive this time with BJ. Saw four elephants in the GMA(game management area) on the way out. They did not seem to mind us. We also spotted a lizard buzzard before heading into the park.One of the first sights was one of those not so usual sightings, a hammerkop nest with a bee swarm underneath it. BJ said this was extra protection for the hammerkop. Saw a group of waterbuck hiding in the forest.Then we found some lions. At first thought it was a mating pair of lions but then saw it was one male and two female. BJ said they were part of the pride of nine lions but had separated from them for awhile.Told us an interesting story of the female ground hornbill. When it is ... read more
Game drive morning
Morning drive with BJ
Game drive morning

Africa » Zambia May 11th 2016

Geo: -12.8546, 31.311After hearing lion sounds all night long, got up to a male and female lion on the other side of the river. Sat and watched them until they went out of sight. They did appear again in the afternoon, first the female and then the male. Saw some very large crocodiles come ashore on the island and then settle down to enjoy the sun. Watched with some amusement as a hippo came walking up to where there was a crocodile sunning and seemed to communicate to the crocodile that this was where he laid in the water. The crocodile did slide off into the water and the hippo settled into that spot.We signed up for another game drive tomorrow.... read more
Mating pair of lions across river from camp!
Mating pair of lions across river from camp!
Mating pair of lions across river from camp!

Africa » Zambia May 10th 2016

Geo: -12.8546, 31.311The rains came late to the Luangwa Valley this year but the river was flowing nicely when we first arrived. In the time we have been here, we have seen the river receding and so the depth of the river is also changing making the area for the hippos to hang out smaller and smaller.As a result we are seeing more and more bellowing, moving around trying to claim their dominance for a particular area of the river. Watched as a hippo came running down from the park side and race into the water, cross to the island and continue running. Not far behind him was a larger hippo chasing him into the water on our side of the island.Had some real displays and actual mouth open fighting and pushing each other around.Had some ... read more
peaceful scene of impala on the grass below us
park view from our campsite
hippo action

Africa » Zambia May 9th 2016

Geo: -12.8546, 31.311This morning started like all other mornings; coffee on the bluff overlooking the river checking to see what was out there. Then it was time for our walk but before we could go on the walk, Thomas and Zialesi showed up with veggies we had to check out. Got some more supplies from both of them, put it in fridge and headed on our walk.Came back from the walk and went to the kitchen to clean the veggies and make us a brunch. Suddenly, Grevaljo hollers for Robert to come quickly and bring his camera. Out he rushes and then hollers for me to come as well. What in the world are we looking at? It is a zebra floating down the river with several crocodiles attached to it. You look in the river ... read more
Zebra attacked by Crocodiles at Wildlife Camp
Zebra attacked by Crocodiles at Wildlife Camp
Zebra attacked by Crocodiles at Wildlife Camp

Africa » Zambia May 8th 2016

Geo: -12.8546, 31.311Setting off on our second game drive. This time we are with Ryver who was the first guide we met when we still camped at Flatdogs. AM driveAs we left the camp and were driving through the Game Management Area we saw a elephant trying to knock down seed pods from a tree alongside the road. Got to the bridge and there were elephants crossing the river.Saw a mother giraffe with her young baby soon after we got into the park. Drove on further and saw cars stopped and sure enough there was a huge male lion stretched out enjoying the sun. Good guide practice, no more than five cars at one time and if another car comes up, first one leaves. Saw the crowned cranes, tawny eagle, yellow billed kite, and two rollers ... read more
Game Drive Day Safari #2 with Ryver as the Guide
Game Drive Day Safari #2 with Ryver as the Guide
Game Drive Day Safari #2 with River as the Guide

Africa » Zambia May 6th 2016

Geo: -12.8546, 31.311Life is always interesting at Wildlife Camp. Never quite sure what you will find or see. During our morning walk, saw a little hawk right by the restaurant looking for some sort of food. Was very hard to try to get a picture but was a nice sighting.Robert went into the ablution block and hit somethings with his shoe and looked down and it was a very large spider. Turned out to be a baboon spider that does have a painful bite. The South Africans that were camped on the front row told us it was painful or not so.Gavin joined us at our camp and we had a nice visit about his first trip to Zambia and all the stories he had been told while in South Africa about how bad the Zambians ... read more
Baboon Spider in the Bathroom
Baboon Spider in the Bathroom
Baboon Spider in the Bathroom

Africa » Zambia May 4th 2016

Geo: -12.8546, 31.311Are going on our first game drive into the park. We were the only ones on the truck and we had Dingi, the newest guide showing us the park. As we were heading down the road leading out of Wildlife Camp, we saw our first elephant moving through the mopani trees.While checking in at the gate, saw our first palm thrush which is a lovely bird. And of course the baboons were there checking out all the vehicles heading into the park. We had stopped and picked up John who is a training guide and he knew a great deal about birds we found out.Set off into the park and one of the first safari vehicles we saw was Geoffrey from Flatdogs. Exchanged greetings and then he said to us, "you must go and ... read more
Sunrise Game Drive South Luangwa NP
Main Gate  South Luangwa NP
South Luangwa National Park

Africa » Zambia » Northern May 3rd 2016

Geo: -12.895, 31.9228One sad story we quickly discovered this time was the MTN signal is not really working for us at our campsite and even not so well at the overland truck space. As a result, we are far behind in uploading our journal entries and pictures. So will not give a day to day run down of our life here but will hit the highlights of various days and what happened on the various game drives.Life in Camp:We contracted to use the Barefoot kitchen because we have no other place to store our food that the cheecky monkeys and bad boy baboons could not get into to. Fixing our meals takes up a great deal of time but is enjoyable creating our various meals.We are very fortunate to have village farmers come to our campsite ... read more
Sunset over South Luangwa
Sunset over South Luangwa
Sunset over South Luangwa

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