mahadev's Guestbook

11th April 2011

you're review is rapturous. want to spend a month at Odissi Dance school too.....does that mean you fly through the belching toxic fumes of traffic and rubbish when you have to leave and go outside. seems like a rude contrast between life in dance and life on earth.
5th April 2011

this is very good train. and very informational.i am very interested in this train
2nd April 2011

One of my favourite passtimes too
I have a most live ducks on a bike entry - will email
30th March 2011

orissi dance
Paul, I went to a performance in Delhi when I was on ICO and thoroughly enjoyed it. Sadly haven't managed to repeat the expereince when actually here in Orissa. I love the dance, its style and forms and the sheer athleticism of the dancers is astounding.
30th March 2011

Another outstanding entry, bud! Well done. You capture the art of Odissi dance with great eloquence. Your words are as captivating as the dance! - I thought I was right there with you in the audience (though hungry for a paratha and paneer given the late start :))
29th March 2011

I was 'there' Paul...............................fabulous review and you took my right into the performance - I could hear the anklet bells and see the eye expressions. I want to go to Odissi Dance. Hugs Marguerite
29th March 2011

Odissi dance
Yes. It is a lovely traditional dance form and I am so glad that the Govt. is doing its mite to keep it alive.
20th March 2011

my vote goes to..............
I loved 'most cows in truck'; 'most optomistic'; and 'most babies' categories but then 'where to sit' category and 'I love my job' and 'most colourful' also need votes as do.......... . An inspired salute to the adveture of the local lifestyle in India. catch you, cheers Annette
15th March 2011

Enjoyed your post Paul! Hope all's well. I miss all these crazy road rules.
8th March 2011

Mr. Mahadev strikes again !!! funny and entertaining..wonder i see them everyday but never noticed every overloader like u did. ;) and have u ever come across a truck filled with steel bars hanging out from it.It would be the best contender for Dangerous overhang category !!
7th March 2011

This was enjoyable and having just come back from Bangkok myself where I saw several dodgy overloads, nothing compares with this display! I like the most cooking pots overload followed by the most colourful. Our Ute effort with lone cattle dog tethered seem lame in comparison.
7th March 2011

Oh dude!!! Very good job! You already told me that you had a good idea for this blog! Very funny! It was also funny taking this pictures from the back of Gladys! We can repeat when you want! ;)
7th March 2011

My faves
I think my favourites are best camouflage and best optimist (cracked me up - pardon the pun). And I eagerly await the romance blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs Marguerite
7th March 2011

thank heavens for 'lerve'
gorgeous to read of your exploring lerve and leisurely lust in south India. i do remember Kerala state as lush and abundant when I was there a '000 years ago. I loved the flower garlands and street iddlies and dosa and the waterways. It's great to read about the your opportunities for meeting such a collection of internationals and how your story meanders with them. always promising myself to catch up more regularly sending out good thoughts cheers Annette
2nd March 2011

What a trip!!!
Great travels Paul - thank you for sharing - and while I pick up the 'nuances' I have to say I was wanting more romantic 'stuff' in your story. But then you already know I'm a sucker for cuddles. Hugs
2nd March 2011

Thumbs up
Amazing, buddy! A real pleasure to read: witty, endearing, funny, interesting. Keep it up! May I suggest - in order to make your readers travel even further - that you add a map of India, with the highlighted route of your trip? So many tongue-twister names that I can somewhat approximately place, but would love to place the where and when more precisely..! Catch ya soon on Gmail :)
2nd March 2011

I like this article Travel Guide and Travel Infornmation
I like this article Travel Guide and Travel Infornmation
23rd February 2011

Lovely photographs, would like to see more of course .... Sarita
22nd February 2011

It was an amazing trip dude!!! Wow! Fantastic!! It could be a one week trip but look, we did it pretty well!! Gladys is still in Chennai.... bastards!!!! Enjoy your months in Bhubaneswar (don't get grumpy!) and plan something special for May and June! See you soon (ups....) (maybe in Australia?)
22nd February 2011

Poor Gladys
Look forward to the expanded version and more piccies. Hugs Marguerite
27th January 2011

Hi harry I am on hols in Tamil Nadu right now. The best way to keep in touch with events for lgbt is through the group called SAKHA - the guy who heads it is Subham. Can you email me after Feb 21 and I will give you his email address? Paul
16th January 2011
Transgender pride

dear all its nice to see some good thing is happening in city like bhubaneswar for lgbt community. i would like to be part of it.provide me the events date if possible in future. thanks.
3rd January 2011

Sensible is best
So pleased you had a great time despite the 'challenges' Paul. And Gladys, what a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs
22nd December 2010

There is something about Balinese...
Same experience for me with Balinese people ...'Lovely smiles which seem to be the default mode for them. And a way of relating that immediately makes you feel warm and accepted. And they are very laid back...' My experience of the chaotic traffic in Bali (once attuned by Putu ... our beautiful young Balinese driver ... to the harmony and love that is so much part of the culture )was of sailing along down a river ... ebbs and flows and lots of respect...

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