Page 13 of looking for my zihuatanejo Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands » Paihia November 23rd 2008

Day 147: Sunday 23rd November - Wet Waitangi On arrival back in Auckland at 4.45am I have a surprisingly easy time through immigration this time. No questions, just straight through. Customs want to clean my boots though as I have a few grains of grit stuck in my about being strict. Finally at about 6am I get through another ordeal at Auckland airport, and catch the shuttle bus to the centre of Auckland. I return to the hostel I was in a week ago to drop off my bag and catch up on a few e-mails ahead of my bus north to Paihai at 8.30am. I had hoped I would have an e-mail from Kiwi Experience saying that I could catch their bus back from Paihia (a service I've already paid for) but no such ... read more
5. copy of the Waitangi Treaty, Waitangi
8. Flagstaff marking the location where the treaty was signed in 1840, Waitangi
2. Hobson's beach, Waitangi

Oceania » Cook Islands » Rarotonga November 23rd 2008

An apology before you read this blog entry for those of you back in the UK probably enjoying some fairly miserable late autumn weather. The photos in this blog could make you extremely sick!! Day 139: Saturday 15th November - The longest day I've ever had When I woke up this morning I was in Pakiri Beach, north of Auckland. Having spent the morning getting back to Auckland on the bus, I spend the afternoon catching up on a few things on the internet. In the late afternoon I catch a bus to the airport for my 7.15pm flight to Rarotonga in the Cook Islands. The flight takes 5 hours arriving at ten past midnight on Saturday (ie 19 hours before it set off in Auckland)!! I've crossed the international date line, and instead of being ... read more
4. Muri Lagoon, Rarotonga
5. Muri Lagoon, Rarotonga
6. Muri Lagoon, Rarotonga

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland November 15th 2008

Day 138: Friday 14th November - Riding on Pakiri Beach I'm glad to be heading out of Auckland. I'm probably being unfair on the city but it feels a bit ordinary after South America. I think its the fact that its too alike the UK which has me disappointed. At least travelling around has got about 10 times easier, but perhaps thats the fun with South America?? Today I'm heading an hour north of Auckland to Pakiri beach to do some horse riding. If you travel to New Zealand I think its all about the scenery and not for the cities at all, and this will be the first experience of the beauty of the country and I'm looking forward to it. In fairness to Auckland I could imagine working and living here its just that ... read more
3. Pakiri Beach
2. Pakiri Beach
5. Horseriding on Pakiri Beach

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland » Central November 13th 2008

Day 135: Wednesday 12th November - Meeting an old friend Arrive at Auckland airport at 4.30am. Standing in the queue waiting to go through immigration it hits me that this is the 6th of the 7th continents I have been to....only Antarctica to go! The immigration officer really doesn't want to let me in. First he wants evidence of onward travel, then to know how I bought me Round the World ticket when I present that, then what my credit card limit is, then what countries I visited in South America and what I was up to whilst there, then what my plans are whilst in New Zealand. Finally he decides to let me through, its not even as if I was vague on how much time I was going to be in the country, stating ... read more
3. The Sky Tower, Auckland
7. Auckland Museum
8. Auckland Harbour taken from the Sky Tower

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires November 8th 2008

Day 130: Thursday 6th November - The best atmsphere at a football match I've ever experienced Arrive in sweltering BA at 2pm. After a month in the cold of Patagonia this weather is going to take some getting used to. It must be 30 degrees at least. Get the underground from the bus station to San Telmo, the area of Buenos Aires (BA) I'm staying in. Have a result when I check in to the hostel. They are selling tickets for Boca Juniors (BA's most famous team) against the Brazilian side Internacional in the Copa Liberatadores (the South American equivalent of the Champions League) tonight. I'm well up for this. I had looked into the fixtures when I was in Puerto Madryn yesterday morning for the weekend and they weren't any games which jumped out as ... read more
2. Casa Rosada & the balcony made famous by Evita, Buenos Aires
6. Obelisk, Buenos Aires
7. Avenue 9 Julio, the world's widest street, 21 lanes wide!

South America » Argentina » Chubut » Puerto Madryn November 7th 2008

Day 127: Monday 3rd November - Arriving in the Chubut region without a plan I get off the plane bang on time at 5.15pm in Trelew. Immediately, the heat hits me. Although still in Patagonia it is a damn site hotter than it has been the last few weeks. I can't wait to get into the shorts and flip-flops. First I need to work out what I'm going to do or rather where I'm going to stay. I know what I want to do whilst I'm here which is a day tour to Penninsula Valdes to see whales and then a trip to the nearby Welsh colony of Gaiman. Do I stay in Trelew which is nearer to Gaiman or Puerto Madryn which is better for trips to Penninsula Valdes? Can I get everything I want ... read more
5. Whale watching off Penninsuka Valdes - whale jumping out of the water
7. Whale watching off Penninsuka Valdes - Southern right whale 2 metres from the boat
13. Magellanic Penguins in a burrow, Penninsula Valdes

South America » Argentina » Tierra del Fuego » Ushuaia November 2nd 2008

Day 124: Friday 31st October - Arriving at the End of the World Spend the morning waiting around the hostel for my flight to Ushuaia. The boys have decided against going to El Chalten on account of the weather, so everyone is hanging around the hostel. Get a mild shock when I'm told that my transfer has arrived, with me far from ready and sorting a few things out on the internet. False alarm, its for someone else, and I have 45 minutes until my transfer arrives. Say my goodbyes to Luke & Arturo. They've been good craic for the 10 days or so we've travelled together, and its a shame to depart, but Luke will be heading back to BA in 2 days, and I may see Arturo in Ushuaia if he sticks to his ... read more
2. Ushuaia's old prison
3. Tierra Del Fuego National Park
4. Tierra Del Fuego National Park

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate November 2nd 2008

Day 123: Thursday 30th October - Returning to Argentina and The Perito Moreno Glacier Wake up and I'm reunited with the boys who must have returned to the hostel after I'd fallen asleep last night. The three of us catch the bus at 8.30am for the 5 hour journey to El Calafate, to the North East and over the border in Argentina. Immigration on both sides of the border is no problem, but I do notice a sign declaring the Falkland Islands to be Argentinian at the Argentina border. Being in the second most southerly Argentinian region, passions obviously still run high here for the Falkland Islands. When we reach El Calafate we haven't got a hostel so we end up falling for the charms of a cute Argentinian girl at the bus station who is ... read more
3. Perito Moreno Glacier
7. Perito Moreno Glacier
1. Lake Argentino, near El Calafate

South America » Chile » Magallanes » Torres del Paine November 2nd 2008

Day 118: Saturday 25th October - Day 1 of the 'W' (The Torres) Its an early start today to get to Torres Del Paine national park, a two hour bus ride from Puerto Natales. We leave Puerto Natales at 7.30am, arriving at the park at around 10am. On the journey we bump into old friends. First, a few stops after we get on, Oscar gets on. He's left Tasha behind in the hotel and is going to do a day hike to the towers. Then when we stop at a cafe halfway into the journey we meet Marika & France, who are on a day tour of the park. Its like an unplanned reunion of the Navimag posse as the six of us pose for photos together. On the final section of the journey, we are ... read more
1. The Navimag crew reunited on the way to Torres Del Paine
9. The view of the Torres from El Chileno refugio
14. Valley Ascencio, Torres Del Paine NP

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Puerto Montt November 1st 2008

Day 114: Tuesday 21st October - Finally I leave Puerto Montt! When I get up in the morning I find out that there will be no hot water to take a shower until 12.30pm, so go back to bed and read all morning. Reading a book on the impending fall of communism in China, and its an interesting read at least, but can't wait to get out of this city and hostel! After finally taking a shower head along the harbour road to the supermarket to get some snacks, water etc for the boat...just in case the food on board proves to be poor. After getting in the groceries, grab a quick lunch of empanadas (like cornish pasties) and then try to ring home from the internet cafe whilst I've a spare hour....can't get my brother ... read more
1. Boarding the Navimag in Puerto Montt
3. Puerto Montt with Osorno Volcano in the background
5. The bridge on the Navimag ferry

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