Page 8 of littletinroof Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Yogyakarta April 26th 2016

Seeing an active volcano firsthand has been a boyhood dream of mine, prompted by the world encyclopaedia that Mom and Dad gave me for my 10th Christmas. Tonight I get to climb one! Led by an experienced guide we will walk up Mount Merapi. The climb starts at 1am in the morning, to avoid the worst of the heat, at around 6.000ft and we ascend a further 3,600 ft to reach the summit in time to see the sunrise (and hopefully some volcanic smoke and smells) Gunung Merapi translates to Fire Mountain in Javanese. It is the most active volcano in Indonesia and has erupted regularly since 1548. The last eruption was 10th March 2014 and it's highest point is 9,610 feet. ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Yogyakarta April 25th 2016

After looking into the train and bus options it turned out cheaper to hire a car and driver to take us the 8 hours to Yogyakarta (affectionately known os jogja). Our driver picked us up just before 8.40 and before we left Batu Karas he showed us the bamboo suspension bridge which is option to pedestrians, bikes and motorbikes. We stopped for lunch in a roadside cafe. The kids weren't interested in the noodles and rice we bought them, instead they were occupied by a magician who had a little stall in the corner and also did balloon models. We arrived at Alamanda Villas around 5.00pm which is in the green zone around Jogja. We had our own villa which was a large freestanding room in the middle of paddy fields and was planted with lemon ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Yogyakarta April 25th 2016

The Indonesians are an ingenious people when it comes to the humble motorbike and put it to a wide range of uses. In a country where there is high levels of poverty a car is beyond many, so motorbikes double as cars, vans and pick up trucks. On one bike we've seen, in order of difficulty or pure ridiculousness: - A famiky of four. - Young child asleep on the handlebars. - Lady using her iPads as she sat on the back - Bamboo cage panniers full of chickens. - Three very large sacks of rice. - A supermarket of shelves loaded drinks and sacks. - A table. - Very large quantity of office water cooler bottles, plus a dozen gas bottles. - A complete glass fronted mobile kitchen. - Ten bales of hay. - A ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Pangandaran April 24th 2016

Today was the day for a surf lesson and Ed and Hat were really excited. Our instructors picked us up at 12.00 and starter with some beach practice of the movement to get up onto the board. The waves were excellent, lots of 3 and 4 footers, with the occasional monster 5 footer. Ed and Hat took to it very quickly and were up on there boards and riding waves into shore on there second attempts. The instructors took them to the point break and I hung back about twenty feet to collect them. Often they'd go sailing right past me. There were a few wipe-outs, but they took it in there stride and merrily climbed back on their boards. After the one hour lesson it was time for food and s cool down. We tried ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Pangandaran April 23rd 2016

We arranged through the hotel for a half day of site visiting. Our driver picked us up at 8.30 and we set off for the nearby Green Canyon. It was a popular destination and we waved for about 1/2 hour before our boat number was available. Whilst we waited we had lots of requests to have a photograph taken with us and a cameraman wanted an interview. Once onboard a narrow outrigger, we motored upstream along a very green river which ran through a lush jungle. At points the limestone walls of the river were undercut and narrow and it had real Indiana Jones feel. We finished in a limestone archway which was filled with stalactites. The next visit was a mangrove swamp. A long bamboo woven bridge took us to a small boat and it ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Pangandaran April 22nd 2016

We hired four boogie boards for the day for £2.00 and we hit the waves just after nine. Then again around 11.30 and 3.00. The waves changed significantly with the tides. Ed and Hat were amazing and rode loads all the way to the beach. After the last lot of surfing, the kids made friends with a group of five Australian girls and it was great to see them all playing and learning some new games. The Bayview Seafood restaurant was recommended and it was only ten mins walk down the road. We were the only people there and they cooked the dishes fresh and they were so so delicious. The moon was big and yellow as we walked home in the dark. As it was only 7.00 we went up to the pool and took ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Pangandaran April 21st 2016

Our hotel in Batu Karas is called Java Cove and it is on the beach front and very nicely decked out. The kids larked around in the pool and Cas unpacked. We had lunch in the hotel and Ed and Hat were delighted that they had some western dishes. Once the heat of the sun had reduced, I took the kids boogie boarding. There were lots of people hiring them on the beach and prices were cheap. It was great fun and we all improved a lot during the course of the afternoon. Hat and Ed really got into it and became very good at judging which wave was at the right point to take. Meanwhile, Cas had a massage in the bedroom. We all met up in the tabled area near the bar and Cas ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Pangandaran April 21st 2016

We got to a proper Indonesian breakfast this morning given that the guests are all locals. There were versions of Turkish delight, fried bananas, salted fish dishes, sweet and dry soya dishes and lots of Indonesian veg curries. It was all very tasty. The owner was a very eccentric Indonesian who kept making 'pop' ousts in his throat. He introduced the dishes and was keen for us to try the range and when we left he gave us a bag of plantain chips, bananas and bottles of water. Clearly, he's looking for a good review and more westerners. We booked a car to transfer us to Batu Karas, our home for the next 4 nights and place that has a great reputation for excellent surfing. It was only 20 miles, however the journey took 75 mins ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Pangandaran April 20th 2016

After our meal we stopped at a cash machine which was inside an air conditioned booth. My Revolut card was declined and so Cas used her debit card. Whilst she was in the booth doing the transaction, there was the most unexpected sight. A herd of what looked like wild reindeer came down the middle of the street. Ed, Hat and I were gobsmacked. Rudolf took a sine to a black plastic bag of rubbish and shook it this way and that to try and get inside. Finally he was shooed away by a local shop keeper and the entire herd slipped through a small gap in a brick wall. I tried to take s pic but it was just too dark. It was at this point that Cas reappeared from the ATM booth and we ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Pangandaran April 20th 2016

In both Banjur and Pangadaren we had to use Becaks to get from the train station to the bus station and from the bus station to the hotel. Becaks are peddle powered rickshaws where the driver sits behind. They are well known for driving a hard bargain and we did our best not to be ripped off to a ludicrous level. It was a long day of travelling and we were all relieved to arrive at hotel Nyiur Beach. We are the only westerners here and it's at the cheaper end of accommodation. The room is cold which is lovely. The kids immediately went in the pool and were revived.... read more

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