kangaroojack's Guestbook

21st December 2008

I didn't look so relaxed when the water was gushing out of the tap!! We both feel well, relaxed and enjoying Australia. It is very different and feels weird that it is christmas. The house that we are now staying in has a christmas tree which is nice. Will be around on skype over chistmas. C xx
20th December 2008

Caroline you look beautiful, relaxed and very happy. We can see that Andy too looks relaxed, brown and happy, we won't say beautiful, lol. We have some of the blue flowers in our garden which are called Agapanthus. How lovely to see them growing in the wild. The photos of the animals and birds are great.....keep them coming. Love Mum and Dad x
10th December 2008

We drove in the Sahara Desert in an ordinary car and it was really difficult on the sand - in the end we let a guy who we had picked up as a hitch hiker drive the car as it was safer! We also got stuck in a bad sand storm which was a bit hairy. At least you have got a good vehicle and I guess it is just getting used to it. Lots of fun though. Very pleased to be able to read your blog as it evokes different travel memories of my own - however - stuck at work waiting for Simon as his car got stuck in the garage - some electrical fault and am waiting for him to try and get another car - I can't walk today easily as tripped over this morning and think I may have broken my toe - see not just you Caroline who is accident prone. Take care Love Karenx
3rd December 2008

Car name
Nala the Nissan? xxxxx
3rd December 2008

Lizaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard! haha ha ha can't believe that! Lucky though eh! Corrie - erm check out http://coronationstreetupdates.blogspot.com/ and http://www.corrie.net/updates/updates.html xxxxxxxxxxx
From Blog: Crazy Poms!
3rd December 2008

Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake! Well done Caro for sleeping rough - I'm dead proud of you both! Maybe the pink swag would be better - it would scare the critters off! Shudder shudder shudder! xxxx
3rd December 2008

Read someone elses blog? You must be kidding - a) it wouldn't be interesting as I don't give a wombat what they are up to, and b) when would I have time - your's take up my life!! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love them to bits and the bit about shooing the cockroach made me laugh a great deal, but . . . . . get real - me thinks you've 'ad too much sunshine!xxxxxx Seriously though, fabulous stories guys- keep them up!
3rd December 2008

by the way.........
I went to see Burn AFter Reading last night - I know you said you'd seen it - what an odd but good film. However, my illusions about George Clooney are on the wane - he definitely looked a bit ropey!
3rd December 2008

Skype is fab
Hi both - It was great to talk to you today and I am so impressed because the timer said over 10 minutes and it cost 24p - marvellous. Have been to Asda and forgotton the bloody marmite - AGAIN- will hopefully get to post before Friday as it's the deadline. As I said all is well here and no significant news to report - we are just eagerly awaiting Mary's arrival on the 15th and I for one will not miss that M1/M6/M42 drive - 5 minutes to Hatfield will suit me just fine. Kids keep sending lots of love, they were so impressed with the moon/venus/jupiter that I showed them and even more impressed that you saw it smiling and we saw it frowning - I think that's definitely something to do with our respective weather conditions quite honestly. Be very thankful you're not here cuz it's freezing - however, on an up note that means no smelly rugby kit to wash tonight - hurrah Anyway take care and I will try and skype over the weekend. Big kiss to both of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
30th November 2008

Hello Travellers, Loving the blogs, very funny. Wow Andy i didn't realise you had blonde hair and muscular body and love to surf you kept that quiet? Oops sorry Caroline mean't someone else silly me!! Sounds fantastic out there guy's very jealous, what i would like to see is a picture of Andy surfing or trying to? look forward to the next blog i'm of to bed now lovely 5 o'clock start tomorrow good night or in your case good morning Glyn and the wife x
28th November 2008

I am somewhat envious
Although we have just come back from 3 hectic months in Australia, I am jealous of your forthcoming adventure. We will be following it with a great deal of pleasure. Our blog is at http://www.travelblog.org/Bloggers/ThePass/, in case you might be the slighted interested. We travelled too far, missed to many sites and still saw a whole lot of a vast country. ENJOY
28th November 2008

Hey I think you two should have secured a contract with the BBC for a travel show - it is so interesting reading this every day and also a great record for you to look back on - I forget some of the things I have done on just a 3 week trip! You ought to write something up for the Wanderlust magazine. Andy your mum looks quite well in the photo which must be so reassuring for you and lovely that she can move nearer to her grandchildren. My mum still looks pretty bad and moans non stop no matter what we do to help. The house sitting sounds an excellent idea and gives you a nice base for Xmas. Is that voluntary work at the Zoo? Might drag myself off on a cold wet day to Gunwharf to see the Bond film and a bit of Xmas shopping - maybe find a bar with some live music tonight. Have fun and hope you enjoy the camping - brilliant being nomadic and such an adventure for you both. I remember Chrissie liking Fraser Island. Love Kxx
27th November 2008

News of Corrie
Hiya you two. You will have to come back home if you want news of Corrie.......Tough. Ha Ha. xxxx It has been really good. You seem to be having a wonderful time. Have fun xxxxxxxx
From Blog: Crazy Poms!
26th November 2008

Corrie, whats that?
Too busy to watch Corrie, but you'll be pleased to know that MFI and Woolworths have now gone bust.... no really!
From Blog: Crazy Poms!
25th November 2008

Snake looks like a Taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus) not the dodgy kind or a YELLOW-FACED WHIP SNAKE (Demansia psammmophis) not dangerous but may be painful :-(
24th November 2008

Hi Guys - haven't read the blog properly yet as I'm at work - however, I just wanted to let you know that the critter is a snake!!!! hahahahahah
22nd November 2008

Blog or book?
Hey!... you writing a blog or a book? Only last week I heard that blogging is on the wane.. so it must be a book ;-)
21st November 2008

Don't blag a blogger!!!!
The factor 30 couldn't have worked that well!! you must have been suffering from sunstroke. I would like it officially confirmed to all who read your blog ,it wasn't BORIS we held But!!!! THE REAL JAFFA!!! remember that MR T !! Glad to hear that KILLER and his guide are still alive and well, but so so sad that Chiizel is no longer with us he was so amazing. The Koalas are still as cute and cuddly as i remember. Wish we were there to share it all with you again. Luv the barbs and the real JAFFA !! xxx
21st November 2008

Don't turn your back to the water!!!!!
I switched on our computer and clicked on skype. I could not believe that I could see Caroline.....AND SHE WAS MOVING!!! I screamed to Caroline's Dad...I can see Caroline and she is moving. This is the first time for us on skype and it was amazing, just like Caroline and Andy were in our sitting room. We were so excited and had a great chat with them both. They are no longer out of our reach. What a marvellous invention!!
17th November 2008

Yo travellers, Alright for some you have lovely hot weather, down on the beach checking out the talent [Andy?] probably drinking a star bucks just chilling out and we are looking out of the window to rain and wind, with jumpers on trying not to turn the heating on, FANTASTIC. Good news on finding a place to stay, you can always count on the wife finding a place, does it come with any kangaroos? Anyway got to go now some of us have to go to work now[1800hrs] and you are just having your breakfast. from Glyn and Katie One day an english bloke was driving around the backblocks of sidney one day, when he saw a little girl in the paddock next to him. With the little girl was a gigantic bull, that was preparing to gore the little girl. The pom [an englishman] took action. He slammed on the brakes of his car, jumped the barbed wire fence, grabbed the bull by it's horns, flipped it over and broke its back. An aussie reporter saw the whole thing, and after the bull was dead [ not being aware that the guy the guy was english] he rushed over to congratulate him. that was absolutly bloody fantastic mate! it'll make front page news, just give me your details, so the pom gives him his details. A day later he buys the newspaper and looks at the headline. It reads POMMY B*****D KILLS CHILDS PET!.
From Blog: Power Cut
15th November 2008

Hello travellers, love reading the blogs and wondered if you two have shares in star bucks? they won't feel the credit crunch with you two coffee lovers out there. Wow sounds fantastic out there guys very jealous, still me and Katie are just going over to the big house across the road for a massive party, whole street is invited will let you no how its goes!!!. Only joking, well going to bed now nice early start tomorrow 6am [ remember that Andy?] look forward to the next blog from Glyn oh and the wife
13th November 2008

latest updates
Hi you two I loved reading your blog! I have just returned from France with Elvyn where we spent a week with my parents... as you may recall we were travelling the same day 7 Nov but certainly in total different directions of the world! I love my parents to bits but God it is hard to live with them in their house for the whole of that time .... bless them. I was very pleased to come back to my surroundings my husband and my house today! Brett has been lovely and had a cleaner to come and do the housework yesterday so I have not got to worry about it this week which is just as well as I have been unwell since last weekend with a cold and a terrible cough! Dont know where I caught it all from but bloody hell it is not pleasant. Elvyn returns to pre-school tomorrow so I actually have most of the day to myself, bliss... Whilst you are busy sorting out driving licences and mobile phones I am now going to focus on Xmas shopping... what a different outlook hey? Cant wait to read your next update, it is soooooo cool. Caro, next Friday as you may remember it is our girls night at Karens. And as my dear husband has been an angel and has bought me a brand new sparkling laptop with webcam incorporated we can skype!!! Do you think you will be able to connect at some point in our evening? Love to both Babs, Brett and Elvyn xxxx
From Blog: Day 4/5 Brisbane
12th November 2008

Hi both - so nice to talk to you this morning - Skype is fab! Am so pleased you had the Hopi ear candles - it's difficult to explain them to somebody but they really do work - see Auntie Jane knows best! Am missing you both loads JXXXXXX
10th November 2008

Great bloggin just lovin it.. reading whilst standin on London tube platform in the uk rain! x
From Blog: Day 2
8th November 2008

no comments on weather please
i don't want to hear mention of sun, tee shirts, shorts or sea - I can see rain and grey and can only hear rugby on the tv and my children bickering xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From Blog: Day 1

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